Florida GOP To Fire Professors, “Recruit” Students, Fine Bloggers, In Compliance With New Big Government


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
We will be shutting down low-performing, ideologically-captured academic departments and hiring new faculty,” Rufo tweeted. “The student body will be recomposed over time: some current students will self-select out, others will graduate; we'll recruit new students who are mission-aligned.”

For “low-performing, ideologically-captured academic departments,” read “departments with professors whose politics we don’t like.” The new faculty hired will be guaranteed to be partisan Republicans—DeSantis’ new higher education bill provides for boards of trustees appointed by the governor to make all hiring decisions. And the current students who will “self-select out” will be the LGBTQ ones, the students of color, anyone who is not fully on board with the DeSantis-Rufo program.

That’s higher education. Then there’s this:

State Sen. Jason Brodeur is proposing a bill calling for bloggers, defined as “any person as defined in s. 1.01(3) that submits a blog post to a blog which is subsequently published,” who are compensated to write on blogs, defined as “a website or webpage that hosts any blogger and is frequently updated with opinion, commentary, or business content,” to register with the state “within 5 days after the first post by the blogger which mentions an elected state officer.” After that, these bloggers have to file monthly reports for any month in which they write anything about any elected state officer, and will be fined up to $2,500 if they fail to report. But one blogger could rack up multiple failures to report multiple pieces.
This is an attempt to control citizen media just as DeSantis’ goons are gearing up to control public higher education. In both cases, it’s about concentrating the control of the Republicans who dominate the state government and about limiting places where people—be it professors, students, or bloggers—can disagree with and criticize those Republicans. They’re literally trying to ban dissent, one form at a time.

“Recruit students”?

“Register bloggers with the state”?

Are the big government fascists in charge or what?
Anywhere that the gop controls seems to be heading that way. I can't believe anyone that believes in limited government or personal freedom could ever vote for something so fucked up and controlling as todays GOP.
but muh gas stove! :abgg2q.jpg:
Trump aligned (as is Desantis) RWers seem to be science challenged. So they probably should not select college professors. Just sayin...
Trump aligned (as is Desantis) RWers seem to be science challenged. So they probably should not select college professors. Just sayin...

I'll put my Masters in ChemE against whatever basketweaving studies degree you may have any day of the week.

Also, accusations of science challenged from a side that thinks women can have penises is comical.
I'll put my Masters in ChemE against whatever basketweaving studies degree you may have any day of the week.

Also, accusations of science challenged from a side that thinks women can have penises is comical.
You wasted all that money getting an education and this is the best response you can come up with. And my Masters university is about to win the big 10, bet yours ain't.
Are the big government fascists in charge or what?
I agree that forcing bloggers to register is over the top stupid but I don't recall hearing Dems complaining when these schools pushed THEIR ideologies. I also cannot understand why parents would spend huge sums to get their child ready for employment but not demand the technical skills that requires. Indoctrination should have no role but since it DOES, whoever wins the state elections can choose how the universities go about it.
I agree that forcing bloggers to register is over the top stupid but I don't recall hearing Dems complaining when these schools pushed THEIR ideologies. I also cannot understand why parents would spend huge sums to get their child ready for employment but not demand the technical skills that requires. Indoctrination should have no role but since it DOES, whoever wins the state elections can choose how the universities go about it.

The left's shocked face when their opponents go just as radical as they have been going for the past decade.

Think of the left as Cartman

You wasted all that money getting an education and this is the best response you can come up with. And my Masters university is about to win the big 10, bet yours ain't.
How's the football team looking?
Lol, I am sure plenty people from outside of Florida will be more than willing to blog about Florida government to take up the mantle. Out side of DeShites. Control.

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