Florida Defies Federal Warning: Voter Purge Will Continue

The major difference is that my links from Think Progress, Huffington Post, Media Matters, Mother Jones, The Daily Beast, Alternet and others usually provide supporting source links and videos if available. In other words, they don't just make shit up and pass it off as news.

The major difference is that my links from Think Progress, Huffington Post, Media Matters, Mother Jones, The Daily Beast, Alternet and others usually provide supporting source links and videos if available. In other words, they don't just make shit up and pass it off as news.

Think progress is a nonpartisan "news" source.:lol:
How about a link to a REAL News source, such as you demanded of me? Let's be FAIR.:lol::lol::lol:

The major difference is that my links from Think Progress, Huffington Post, Media Matters, Mother Jones, The Daily Beast, Alternet and others usually provide supporting source links and videos if available. In other words, they don't just make shit up and pass it off as news.

Think progress is a nonpartisan "news" source.:lol:

That is irrelevant if they aren't lying and also provide credible source links to back up their articles. I never use links that knowingly lie, nor would I knowingly use such links.
By Janell Ross

Florida will defy a federal warning to stop purging people the state suspects aren't U.S. citizens from voter registration rolls.

Despite a Justice Department letter, objections from county elections officials and evidence that a disproportionate number are voters of color, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner's office planned to continue scrubbing the election rolls, a spokesman said Friday. Gov. Rick Scott (R) ordered the search for potentially ineligible voters.

Justice Department officials declined to comment on Florida’s plans.

More: Florida Voter Purge Will Continue, Defying Federal Warning

I know you think States are suppose to be the Blindly Loyal Subjects of the Federal Government, However that is not at all how our Founders intended it.

Not even saying I agree with Florida on the issue itself, But I fully support their Right to tell the Over bearing, Know it all, Federal Government to go fuck it's self.

If the Fed wants to do something about it let them do it in Court, States should not have to Cower because of Federal "Warnings"

This Current Admin Is going after more than a couple states already in Court, it is likely to lose those Cases, Why should this be any different.
Who's complaining? It is not about Dems, and Reps... It's about removing fraud from the equation. If you disagree with what they are doing, then it seems you favor election fraud.

Is that a trick question, because the answer would seem to be the obvious. You know what, if they both agree it is fucked up then we should toss out all of their votes and go on. Fix it the right way or don't get counted. Fixing it does not mean committing fraud on the other side. Figure out who the wrong names are on the ballots but don't toss out the good ones. get with the fucking program or don't get a say.

How is fraud being committed by "the other side" (your words)? Please elaborate.

On one side you are fraudulently claiming that people are voters when they are not, and on the other you are fraudulently claiming they are not voters when they are. I figured that to be pretty simple. Can I explain other simple things to you, or are you good on going back to elementary school?
There are such things as Federal Election Laws. There are also such things as the 15th, 19th and 24th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
Is that a trick question, because the answer would seem to be the obvious. You know what, if they both agree it is fucked up then we should toss out all of their votes and go on. Fix it the right way or don't get counted. Fixing it does not mean committing fraud on the other side. Figure out who the wrong names are on the ballots but don't toss out the good ones. get with the fucking program or don't get a say.

How is fraud being committed by "the other side" (your words)? Please elaborate.

On one side you are fraudulently claiming that people are voters when they are not, and on the other you are fraudulently claiming they are not voters when they are. I figured that to be pretty simple. Can I explain other simple things to you, or are you good on going back to elementary school?

You are the one who "chose" sides in this discussion, you've made it clear that you are against Florida purging their voting roles of ineligible voters... Meaning dead people, etc. You generalize that "the other side" is committing fraud, but you disingenuously fail to elaborate why, other than to suggest they are claiming people are not eligible when they are. That you say "I" am fraudulently claiming anything BUT my support for eliminating election fraud is totally inconceivable, and makes me suspect you are the simpleton, who has YET to complete the very Elementary school you suggest I "return" to.
I doubt anyone objects to purging ILLEGAL and dead voters from the rosters. The problem is with purging LEGAL voters.
How is fraud being committed by "the other side" (your words)? Please elaborate.

On one side you are fraudulently claiming that people are voters when they are not, and on the other you are fraudulently claiming they are not voters when they are. I figured that to be pretty simple. Can I explain other simple things to you, or are you good on going back to elementary school?

You are the one who "chose" sides in this discussion, you've made it clear that you are against Florida purging their voting roles of ineligible voters... Meaning dead people, etc. You generalize that "the other side" is committing fraud, but you disingenuously fail to elaborate why, other than to suggest they are claiming people are not eligible when they are. That you say "I" am fraudulently claiming anything BUT my support for eliminating election fraud is totally inconceivable, and makes me suspect you are the simpleton, who has YET to complete the very Elementary school you suggest I "return" to.

No, you put my on a side because you would rather argue against what you wanted me to say rather than what I am saying. I am saying if the shit is broke then we can't use it go fox your shit to florida. This is why you are having trouble, I am not going to argue for your straw man, I can make my own points and you are just going to have to argue against them or go play with yourself in the corner.
I doubt anyone objects to purging ILLEGAL and dead voters from the rosters. The problem is with purging LEGAL voters.

Each who were given the opportunity to provide proof of eligibility.

Another OP fail. :eusa_shifty:
Florida has a history of disenfranchising legal citizens. Even in the 2000 election it is estimated that up 7000 legal voters were purged before that election and we know what happened then. It appears that this is happening again.

The proper way to do this is to do it annually and with sufficient time to resolve any disputes that arise.

The question is do we take the risk of disenfranchising legal citizens to get rid of some suspected illegal voters or voters who have moved, since every illegal vote effectively disfranchises a voter.
Scott must get off on seeing his name on lawsuits.

"The Florida Secretary of State is being recalcitrant," said Judith Browne Dianis, co-director of The Advancement Project., a Washington-based voting rights advocacy group that last month asked the Justice Department to investigate. "He wants to move forward despite federal notice of illegality and supervisors of elections' refusal to purge voters. He should just quit it."

That pretty much sums it up: yet another example of conservatives’ contempt for the rule of law.

Florida failed to get clearance for its purge or its methods to identify the people the state suspects are non-citizens.

The irony of this is approval would likely be granted with little effort.

This is about Florida republican officials defying Federal law for some perceived political gain.

Voting rights advocates have also pointed out the state motor vehicles database is an unreliable way to determine the citizenship of voters, because many people become citizens between license renewals.

And an example of conservatives’ contempt for the facts.

Scott is arrogant, none too honest, and nasty TO the people of Florida. He makes Jeb! look good by comparison.
By Janell Ross

Florida will defy a federal warning to stop purging people the state suspects aren't U.S. citizens from voter registration rolls.

Despite a Justice Department letter, objections from county elections officials and evidence that a disproportionate number are voters of color, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner's office planned to continue scrubbing the election rolls, a spokesman said Friday. Gov. Rick Scott (R) ordered the search for potentially ineligible voters.

Justice Department officials declined to comment on Florida’s plans.

More: Florida Voter Purge Will Continue, Defying Federal Warning

Seems to me that removing people from the electoral rolls who are on those rolls illegally is exactly what a state should do. If the Obama Administration has a problem with that they can take it up with the courts.
By Janell Ross

Florida will defy a federal warning to stop purging people the state suspects aren't U.S. citizens from voter registration rolls.

Despite a Justice Department letter, objections from county elections officials and evidence that a disproportionate number are voters of color, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner's office planned to continue scrubbing the election rolls, a spokesman said Friday. Gov. Rick Scott (R) ordered the search for potentially ineligible voters.

Justice Department officials declined to comment on Florida’s plans.

More: Florida Voter Purge Will Continue, Defying Federal Warning

Three cheers for Florida. It's about time the states started telling that thug Holder where to get off. Let's see him enforce his insolent and illegal demands.

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