Florida Concealed Carry permits handed out at 20,000 a month…and gun crime is going down, not up...

Your saying so does not make it so…..Lott is the preeminent researcher into gun self defense issues which is why you guys need to take him out…when you aren't lying about him you lie about Dr. Gary Kleck…..both of whom were anti gun, Lott was more neutral but anti gun leaning, and Dr. Kleck, an honest to goodness ACLU liberal, was anti gun……and then they actually did research on the topic….and found out how often and how effective guns are at keeping normal, peace loving people safe from violent criminal attack.

Yes I'm sure lott was real liberal when he was making up gun surveys to try and prove more guns equals less crime.

Sorry…..you need to actually research the topic….I was around here when Lott released his first research into guns. He was an actual professor of economics at the University of Chicago….he noticed that each side in the gun debate cherry picked different locations to push their points on gun control. So, as someone who was neutral but believed gun control would be a good idea, he decided to actually do research that wasn't biased.

How did he do that….he took crime data from every county in the United States and followed the implementation of concealed carry laws…..and that is when he discovered that they lowered the crime rate…..and damaged his career by publishing the research.

Yep, the Chi Boys are KNOWN to be neutral in the economics department *shaking head*

Lott was formerly employed at various academic institutions including the University of Chicago, Yale University, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Maryland, College Park, and at the American Enterprise Institute conservative think tank.

Milton Friedman said that "John Lott has few equals as a perceptive analyst of controversial public policy issues."

Newsweek referred to Lott as "The Gun Crowd's Guru."

Charges that gun makers or the NRA have paid for Lott's research
In 1996 when Lott's research first received media attention,.. "The Associated Press reports that Prof. Lott's fellowship at the University of Chicago is funded by the Olin Foundation, which is 'associated with the Olin Corporation,' one of the nation's largest gun manufacturers. Maybe that's a coincidence, too. But it's also a fact.

Disputed survey

Lott claimed to have undertaken a national survey of 2,424 respondents in 1997, the results of which were the source for claims he had made beginning in 1997.However, in 2000 Lott was unable to produce the data, or any records showing that the survey had been undertaken. He said the 1997 hard drive crash that had affected several projects with co-authors had destroyed his survey data set,the original tally sheets had been abandoned with other personal property in his move from Chicago to Yale, and he could not recall the names of any of the students who he said had worked on it. Critics alleged that the survey had never taken place, but Lott defends the survey's existence and accuracy, quoting on his website colleagues who lost data in the hard drive crash

Mary Rosh persona

In response to the dispute surrounding the missing survey, Lott created and used "Mary Rosh" as a sock puppet to defend his own works on Usenet and elsewhere. After investigative work by blogger Julian Sanchez, Lott admitted to use of the Mary Rosh persona. Sanchez also pointed out that Lott, posing as Rosh, not only praised his own academic writing, but also called himself "the best professor I ever had".


John Lott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah…..we have been through these attacks before, you are not the first anti gun extremist to try to smear Lott and you won't be the last….

Response to Malkin's Op-ed

people who say he gave them his info. easily

John Lott's website

David Friedman defends lott against various critics...


zhou, donahue used the wrong numbers when they attempted to criticize lott...and then refused to admit their error....

Did John Lott Provide Bad Data to the NRC? A Note on Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang · Econ Journal Watch : Guns, crime, shall-issue, right-to-carry, NRC

Mother jones attack against Lottt…

John Lott's Website: Mother Jones joins the list of left wingers trying to discredit me and the Crime Prevention Research Center

So NO, you you don't refute Lott was paid by the gun makers, he couldn't back up his "study", he couldn't name a SINGLE student involved in the study OR that he falsely set up a sock puppet account to cheer-lead for himself

Thanks anyways Bubs

Okay...I emailed Dr. Lott through his Crime Prevention Research Center and he kindly emailed me back....here is what he sent......

None of my research has ever been funded by the NRA or any other gun group. I have never asked them for money. Ask them for evidence.

Dr. Lott is a very approachable person, so any more questions about his research and reputation should be sent to him through his site. As I said, he actually responded to my question. It was a cool thing for him to do......
Yes…..as the gun murder rate in the country goes down, Florida is issuing more concealed carry permits….

Florida Concealed Carry Permits Reach 1.5 Million, Adding 20,000 Each Month | Concealed Nation
" Seven of the 10 states with the most firearm deaths in 2013 have enacted stand your ground laws. In keeping with a state's culture, Roman explained, many states with these laws likely also have laws that make it easier to possess firearms and buy ammunition.

In fact, none of the states with the most gun violence require permits to purchase rifles, shotguns, or handguns. Gun owners are also not required to register their weapons in any of these states. Meanwhile, many of the states with the least gun violence require a permit or other form of identification to buy a gun."

More guns = more crime.

And 24 of the 25 most violent cities in the U.S. have been run by democrats for decades….like Chicago…where they have strict gun control laws compared to the rest of the state…and they drive up Illinois gun murder rate…

So please…link to the study….
More guns, more crime: New research debunks a central thesis of the gun rights movement

The States With The Most Gun Laws See The Fewest Gun-Related Deaths


Your first link is to a study by donahue....here is why you can't trust his research....

Did John Lott Provide Bad Data to the NRC? A Note on Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang · Econ Journal Watch : Guns, crime, shall-issue, right-to-carry, NRC

In an article titled “The Impact of Right-to-Carry Laws and the NRC Report: Lessons for the Empirical Evaluation of Law and Policy” published in the American Law and Economics Review in 2011, Abhay Aneja, John Donohue III, and Alexandria Zhang report on their inability to replicate regression estimates appearing in the 2005 National Research Council (NRC) report Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review. They suggest that there are flaws in the data that John Lott had supplied to the NRC. This suggestion could sow seeds of doubt with respect to the many studies that have used that data.

The source of the replication problem, however, was that Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang did not estimate the correct model specification—a problem that they have acknowledged in subsequent communications.

However, in these later communications they do not make clear that the basis for their doubts about the Lott-originated data has disappeared.

Carlisle E. Moody is Professor of Economics at the College of William and Mary where he teaches mathematical economics, econometrics, and ti…

Yes…..as the gun murder rate in the country goes down, Florida is issuing more concealed carry permits….

Florida Concealed Carry Permits Reach 1.5 Million, Adding 20,000 Each Month | Concealed Nation
" Seven of the 10 states with the most firearm deaths in 2013 have enacted stand your ground laws. In keeping with a state's culture, Roman explained, many states with these laws likely also have laws that make it easier to possess firearms and buy ammunition.

In fact, none of the states with the most gun violence require permits to purchase rifles, shotguns, or handguns. Gun owners are also not required to register their weapons in any of these states. Meanwhile, many of the states with the least gun violence require a permit or other form of identification to buy a gun."

More guns = more crime.

And Chicago, Baltimore, L.A. Oakland, D.C. all have the strictest gun control in the country….and the highest gun murder rates for cities….blue cities in red states where they don't take crime seriously raise the gun murder rate…so again..your link….because one of the studies included suicides in the total……which doesn't count…so you can see why your link is important…..right?
Frankly, any attempt to link crime and murder rates with gun ownership or permits issued is moronic either way. There is no direct correlation. Too many other factors affect the crime rate.

Police do the most to lower the crime rate…..but if 5% or more of a population have concealed carry permits it lowers the crime rate…Florida and Minnesota have just been in the news about their low crime rate and they have reached that threshold…now I have to go...
Yes…..as the gun murder rate in the country goes down, Florida is issuing more concealed carry permits….

Florida Concealed Carry Permits Reach 1.5 Million, Adding 20,000 Each Month | Concealed Nation
" Seven of the 10 states with the most firearm deaths in 2013 have enacted stand your ground laws. In keeping with a state's culture, Roman explained, many states with these laws likely also have laws that make it easier to possess firearms and buy ammunition.

In fact, none of the states with the most gun violence require permits to purchase rifles, shotguns, or handguns. Gun owners are also not required to register their weapons in any of these states. Meanwhile, many of the states with the least gun violence require a permit or other form of identification to buy a gun."

More guns = more crime.

Sorry….you have to link to something like that…which anti gun extremist site gave you that data? We have shown them to be wrong so is this a new one or one we have already proven to be biased and shoddy?
Study Shows ‘More Guns, More Crime’: States With Lax Gun Laws Have More Gun Violence

Yeah….I thought so…never, ever trust the Violence Policy Center…they lie……I have to go, but you can find their shoddy work revealed in other threads…..I'll try to respond later….
Don't bother. I know that any source that does not agree with you is bad.

Your studies....the ones you link to....you realize that as 12.8 million Americans now carry guns for self defense and all 50 states have enacted concealed carry laws...the gun murder rate, the crime rate and the accidental gun death rate....have gone down. According to both the CDC and the FBI.....and there are 30 studies on the effect of concealed carry on crime...19 say that they reduced the crime rate....10 said they have no effect...and one said it increased crime.....

of course, you would have to explain why allowing law abiding citizens to carry guns increases the crime rate.....
" Seven of the 10 states with the most firearm deaths in 2013 have enacted stand your ground laws. In keeping with a state's culture, Roman explained, many states with these laws likely also have laws that make it easier to possess firearms and buy ammunition.

In fact, none of the states with the most gun violence require permits to purchase rifles, shotguns, or handguns. Gun owners are also not required to register their weapons in any of these states. Meanwhile, many of the states with the least gun violence require a permit or other form of identification to buy a gun."

More guns = more crime.

And Chicago, Baltimore, L.A. Oakland, D.C. all have the strictest gun control in the country….and the highest gun murder rates for cities….blue cities in red states where they don't take crime seriously raise the gun murder rate…so again..your link….because one of the studies included suicides in the total……which doesn't count…so you can see why your link is important…..right?
Frankly, any attempt to link crime and murder rates with gun ownership or permits issued is moronic either way. There is no direct correlation. Too many other factors affect the crime rate.

Police do the most to lower the crime rate…..but if 5% or more of a population have concealed carry permits it lowers the crime rate…Florida and Minnesota have just been in the news about their low crime rate and they have reached that threshold…now I have to go...
" Seven of the 10 states with the most firearm deaths in 2013 have enacted stand your ground laws. In keeping with a state's culture, Roman explained, many states with these laws likely also have laws that make it easier to possess firearms and buy ammunition.

In fact, none of the states with the most gun violence require permits to purchase rifles, shotguns, or handguns. Gun owners are also not required to register their weapons in any of these states. Meanwhile, many of the states with the least gun violence require a permit or other form of identification to buy a gun."

More guns = more crime.

Sorry….you have to link to something like that…which anti gun extremist site gave you that data? We have shown them to be wrong so is this a new one or one we have already proven to be biased and shoddy?
Study Shows ‘More Guns, More Crime’: States With Lax Gun Laws Have More Gun Violence

Yeah….I thought so…never, ever trust the Violence Policy Center…they lie……I have to go, but you can find their shoddy work revealed in other threads…..I'll try to respond later….
Don't bother. I know that any source that does not agree with you is bad.

Your studies....the ones you link to....you realize that as 12.8 million Americans now carry guns for self defense and all 50 states have enacted concealed carry laws...the gun murder rate, the crime rate and the accidental gun death rate....have gone down. According to both the CDC and the FBI.....and there are 30 studies on the effect of concealed carry on crime...19 say that they reduced the crime rate....10 said they have no effect...and one said it increased crime.....

of course, you would have to explain why allowing law abiding citizens to carry guns increases the crime rate.....
That is the point. The data do NOT show that crime is increasing at the same time there are increased numbers of permits. That alone destroys one of the major (and oft repeated) complaints of the anti-gun crowd, namely that there will be more shootouts in the streets if more people are carrying weapons.

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