FLIP-FLOP Trump changes his mind in light of GOP turning against him

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The Russian government didn't meddle. Various business interests did. That's not a flip flop. I'm sure they thought with a Clinton in office they could get more uranium no?

You left wing whackos are out of your fucki ng minds to expect Trump to bitch slap Putin at a press conference. You truly are insane.
Wow......how much was your soul to buy.....a flip flop is not a flip flop...and the sky isn't blue if trump tells you it isn't and water isn't wet if trump tells you it isn't.
LMAO! He's a rudderless boat. An empty shell.
He says whatever sounds good at the time.
Putin handed him his ass.

Suddenly this asshole gets proof of Russian meddling....when? On AF1 last night? What a fucking phony!
Oh, no, he didn't get "proof" last night. He didn't confront Putin for the same reason he fired Comey and others the way he did. He's a coward. Trump made it clear in his presser yesterday that Putin had voiced his objections very strongly to the allegations that Russia meddled. Trump mentioned more than once how strongly Putin felt about the issue and that they talked about it a very long time. This to me means Putin went forceful on Trump and cowed him. Trump went all ingratiating in order to pull off this summit as a photo op for how well he gets along with difficult people.

When Trump got home, he had a come-to-Jesus talking to by whatever he's got left of a cabinet, and they scared him enough to act like a reasonable human. How quickly will his supporters here be able to veer around and start towing the new line?
Our President has no convictions

He bends to whoever happens to be giving him the most grief and then reverses himself as soon as he is gone and getting grief from the other side

A coward
LMAO! He's a rudderless boat. An empty shell.
He says whatever sounds good at the time.
Putin handed him his ass.

Suddenly this asshole gets proof of Russian meddling....when? On AF1 last night? What a fucking phony!
Oh, no, he didn't get "proof" last night. He didn't confront Putin for the same reason he fired Comey and others the way he did. He's a coward. Trump made it clear in his presser yesterday that Putin had voiced his objections very strongly to the allegations that Russia meddled. Trump mentioned more than once how strongly Putin felt about the issue and that they talked about it a very long time. This to me means Putin went forceful on Trump and cowed him. Trump went all ingratiating in order to pull off this summit as a photo op for how well he gets along with difficult people.

When Trump got home, he had a come-to-Jesus talking to by whatever he's got left of a cabinet, and they scared him enough to act like a reasonable human. How quickly will his supporters here be able to veer around and start towing the new line?

You've gone off the deep end too. WTF? Trump is supposed to confront Putin at a press conference? Did you want him to embarass him on the world stage? THAT'S your idea of fucking diplomacy?

Holy toledo! Ask your therapist to up the voltage at your next session. You've gone over the edge.
“He denies it. So the idea that somehow public shaming is gonna be effective, I think doesn’t read the thought process in Russia very well.”

That wasn’t Trump’s statement. It was Barack Obama’s, made on December 16, 2016.

What was Trump supposed to do, call Putin a liar? Obama didn't say anything, didn't do anything either, so where's the outrage about that? You Lefties are so pathetic and hypocritical.
No amount of damage control can change what the entire world saw and heard in Helsinki. Just imagine what went on behind closed doors. What do you think?

Trump Tries To Clean Up After Disastrous Putin Summit

Yes... you are exactly right....please inform President hilary about this............

When this outrage boomerangs on you morons it will be incredibly funny....but please... keep over playing your hand......
The usual outrage when Trump does... anything.

The butthurt this week is masterful. Love it!
XXV or impeachment or resignation?

The Orange Loser is on the run now.
The Russian government didn't meddle. Various business interests did. That's not a flip flop. I'm sure they thought with a Clinton in office they could get more uranium no?

You left wing whackos are out of your fucki ng minds to expect Trump to bitch slap Putin at a press conference. You truly are insane.
Wow......how much was your soul to buy.....a flip flop is not a flip flop...and the sky isn't blue if trump tells you it isn't and water isn't wet if trump tells you it isn't.

Get real. Russians interfered. No links to government interference though. Well maybe the Russian state bank that hired the Podesta Group to remove sanctions. The Ukraine government interfered directly. I'm certain other countries did as well.

And for as many who wanted Trump to win, there is no doubt that many didn't want Clinton to win.
task0778 can lie about Obama all he wants but this is what happened yesterday

LMAO! He's a rudderless boat. An empty shell.
He says whatever sounds good at the time.
Putin handed him his ass.

Suddenly this asshole gets proof of Russian meddling....when? On AF1 last night? What a fucking phony!
Oh, no, he didn't get "proof" last night. He didn't confront Putin for the same reason he fired Comey and others the way he did. He's a coward. Trump made it clear in his presser yesterday that Putin had voiced his objections very strongly to the allegations that Russia meddled. Trump mentioned more than once how strongly Putin felt about the issue and that they talked about it a very long time. This to me means Putin went forceful on Trump and cowed him. Trump went all ingratiating in order to pull off this summit as a photo op for how well he gets along with difficult people.

When Trump got home, he had a come-to-Jesus talking to by whatever he's got left of a cabinet, and they scared him enough to act like a reasonable human. How quickly will his supporters here be able to veer around and start towing the new line?

You've gone off the deep end too. WTF? Trump is supposed to confront Putin at a press conference? Did you want him to embarass him on the world stage? THAT'S your idea of fucking diplomacy?

Holy toledo! Ask your therapist to up the voltage at your next session. You've gone over the edge.

They're tone deaf and blind. You're expecting way too much.
Putin went forceful on Trump yesterday and cowed him.

Then Generals Kelly and Mattis told Trump last night to fess up, or they would dump via XXV.

The Senate intel cmt, the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, other intel agencies, and now Trump all say Russia meddled in the election.

LBT and others are cowed too and can't admit the truth. They are afraid of their Russian masters.
We in the west just overthrow governments. Get leaders killed. Watching everyone get their knickers in a twist because other countries and industries in particular try to get "their guy" into 1600 should not come as a surprise.

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