Flashback: John Kerry Predicts The Arctic Will Be "Ice Free" By 2014 (This Is From June 25, 2009)

😆 🤣 😂 😆 🤣 😂

Remember Ole FrankenKerry?

I think he's bought 6 more ocean front beach houses since this with all the money he laundered from Ukraine.

Have the left ever been right about anything? What?

Why do you misrepresent what he said?

Kerry said “Ice Free Arctic Summer” not “ Ice Free Arctic”
Most of those communist fucks make me retch but Lurch is particularly loathsome. He's convinced himself that he deserves millions and climate hysteria is his path to riches.

I wonder if he still lives in the mother-in-law house behind Terry's mansion... that was so he didn't have to traipse through the main house with his ladyboys and whores. Her boys probably didn't want to see that shit....

Excellent book about a coward:

All it means is that over the summer, temperatures were above freezing.

Why did you lie about what Kerry said?
Do you belong to The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg? Can I share with you The Gospel of Saving The Planet from Awful Human Beings?
Do you know My Al Gore as your personal savior?

Where did Kerry ever say to ban private jets?
What he has advocated was a reduction in our Carbon Footprint
There is no such thing as a carbon footprint. We are carbon based life forms living on a carbon based planet inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide which is a key component of the Carbon Cycle. Carbon is good for the planet, good for plants and good for human beings. But if you believe in that Cult Nonsense, help save The Planet and just quit breathing for us. Also quit posting on here. That leaves a big carbon footprint almost as large as you passing gas every day.

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