Flash of Insight Moment about Mitt Romney's Debate Performance in 1st Debate


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
This one requires a visual and audio assist. Let's go to the videotape.

Smirk - YouTube

(I am basically reiterating an observation I made just a short couple of moments ago in a different thread here).

Go to the 1:00 mark. It's a decent starting point.

Play it through maybe 1:14 or so.

Focus not just on WHAT Mitt is saying, but HOW he delivers that part of his commentary.

Doesn't he SOUND an awful lot like RONALD REAGAN there?

Whoever persuaded Mitt to go all RONNIE on us, give that guy a raise.
Wow, Romney went from being your last choice for the nomination to being like Reagan in a couple months? When did GOP voters lose all sense of shame?
Wow, Romney went from being your last choice for the nomination to being like Reagan in a couple months? When did GOP voters lose all sense of shame?

Romney wasn't my last choice ever. He was not my first choice, either.

So the balance of your post is rubbish. I would favor almost ANY GOP nominee over the imbecile currently infesting the Oval Orifice.

As to the claim I made about Mitt sounding like Reagan, you need to tighten your bolts, kid.

I said that in that SNIPPET of YouTube, Mitt SOUNDED like Reagan.

I stand by that.

I liked it.
Mitt having "Ronald Regan Hair" just isn't enough to get my vote.

Are you REALLY that easy?
This one requires a visual and audio assist. Let's go to the videotape.

Smirk - YouTube

(I am basically reiterating an observation I made just a short couple of moments ago in a different thread here).

Go to the 1:00 mark. It's a decent starting point.

Play it through maybe 1:14 or so.

Focus not just on WHAT Mitt is saying, but HOW he delivers that part of his commentary.

Doesn't he SOUND an awful lot like RONALD REAGAN there?

Whoever persuaded Mitt to go all RONNIE on us, give that guy a raise.

Nancy Reagan just threw up.

And everyone who worked closely with RR is embarrassed for your ignorance.
Yeah. Alzheimer's sufferers sound similar. It is why Romney forgets his $5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and wants to whack Big Bird.

Regards from Rosie
This one requires a visual and audio assist. Let's go to the videotape.

Smirk - YouTube

(I am basically reiterating an observation I made just a short couple of moments ago in a different thread here).

Go to the 1:00 mark. It's a decent starting point.

Play it through maybe 1:14 or so.

Focus not just on WHAT Mitt is saying, but HOW he delivers that part of his commentary.

Doesn't he SOUND an awful lot like RONALD REAGAN there?

Whoever persuaded Mitt to go all RONNIE on us, give that guy a raise.

Nancy Reagan just threw up.

And everyone who worked closely with RR is embarrassed for your ignorance.

You are just a mindless lib drone hack; so your valueless views are tolerated only so that you can get mocked some more.

The good news is that you can't speak for Nancy or for anybody who worked with Pres. Reagan.

The bad news is, you are as dopey as the dip shit incumbent who just verbally diddled himself last night instead of debating like an adult. And you are EVERY bit as persuasive.

Yeah. Alzheimer's sufferers sound similar. It is why Romney forgets his $5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and wants to whack Big Bird.

Regards from Rosie

Leave it to a dopey lib piece of crap like Rosy Red Palm to make fun of the disease that struck down the former President.

You never had any class or intelligence or ability to persuade, but you have managed to almost come abreast of TderpM in the standings for dopiest lib member of this Board.
This one requires a visual and audio assist. Let's go to the videotape.

Smirk - YouTube

(I am basically reiterating an observation I made just a short couple of moments ago in a different thread here).

Go to the 1:00 mark. It's a decent starting point.

Play it through maybe 1:14 or so.

Focus not just on WHAT Mitt is saying, but HOW he delivers that part of his commentary.

Doesn't he SOUND an awful lot like RONALD REAGAN there?

Whoever persuaded Mitt to go all RONNIE on us, give that guy a raise.
Already said that in another thread. So....it wasn't just me noticing it.
Yeah. Alzheimer's sufferers sound similar. It is why Romney forgets his $5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and wants to whack Big Bird.

Regards from Rosie

Leave it to a dopey lib piece of crap like Rosy Red Palm to make fun of the disease that struck down the former President.

You never had any class or intelligence or ability to persuade, but you have managed to almost come abreast of TderpM in the standings for dopiest lib member of this Board.

I should give a crap for your opinion why? It's a rhetorical ? idiot.

Regards from Rosie
Did Romney threaten to fire Jim Lehrer and Big Bird last night?

Nope, not at all. He just said he'd yank taxpayer support of PBS. In the broad scheme of things it doesn't amount to all that much money, but no reason for taxpayers to foot any of their bills as they're capable of making tons on their own via merchandising the bird and other characters. It's the principle of the matter and lots of us agree with Mitt about it.
This one requires a visual and audio assist. Let's go to the videotape.

Smirk - YouTube

(I am basically reiterating an observation I made just a short couple of moments ago in a different thread here).

Go to the 1:00 mark. It's a decent starting point.

Play it through maybe 1:14 or so.

Focus not just on WHAT Mitt is saying, but HOW he delivers that part of his commentary.

Doesn't he SOUND an awful lot like RONALD REAGAN there?

Whoever persuaded Mitt to go all RONNIE on us, give that guy a raise.

Romney doesn't have any hostages to use as political pawns.
Wow, Romney went from being your last choice for the nomination to being like Reagan in a couple months? When did GOP voters lose all sense of shame?

Romney wasn't my last choice ever. He was not my first choice, either.

So the balance of your post is rubbish. I would favor almost ANY GOP nominee over the imbecile currently infesting the Oval Orifice.

As to the claim I made about Mitt sounding like Reagan, you need to tighten your bolts, kid.

I said that in that SNIPPET of YouTube, Mitt SOUNDED like Reagan.

I stand by that.

I liked it.

I liked what I heard too, Liability. And in style I would call him Reaganisque. I think just as Reagan was a president for the times, Romney will be the president for our times as well. His command of business and economics are what we need. He made Obama appear to be what he is... a community organizer out of his league. He debated facts and policies around Obama's head and Obama just could not keep up. His take on China was what we needed to hear.

The next debate should be interesting. Obama's foreign policies have been a dismal failure and I want to hear how Mitt will make a distinction between Obama and his ideas. We do not have the staunch allies we once had and our neutrals are now our enemies.

He watched our embassies in the Middle East being attacked and the administration has not spoken to the people nor got their stories straight let alone investigated in a timely matter. Congress is stepping in with hearings to find out just what went wrong that cost the lives of our ambassador and his men.

How would Romney approach our foreign policy to make this world safer and garner respect around the world again? Does he have a bold premise in this area? We need a change!
This one requires a visual and audio assist. Let's go to the videotape.

Smirk - YouTube

(I am basically reiterating an observation I made just a short couple of moments ago in a different thread here).

Go to the 1:00 mark. It's a decent starting point.

Play it through maybe 1:14 or so.

Focus not just on WHAT Mitt is saying, but HOW he delivers that part of his commentary.

Doesn't he SOUND an awful lot like RONALD REAGAN there?

Whoever persuaded Mitt to go all RONNIE on us, give that guy a raise.
Already said that in another thread. So....it wasn't just me noticing it.

I did not see you say it. But I'm gratified that I'm not the only one who made that observation.
Yeah. Alzheimer's sufferers sound similar. It is why Romney forgets his $5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy and wants to whack Big Bird.

Regards from Rosie

Leave it to a dopey lib piece of crap like Rosy Red Palm to make fun of the disease that struck down the former President.

You never had any class or intelligence or ability to persuade, but you have managed to almost come abreast of TderpM in the standings for dopiest lib member of this Board.

I should give a crap for your opinion why? It's a rhetorical ? idiot.

Regards from Rosie

Why did you sign your name twice, you idiot?

Listen up Red Palm. You clearly DO give a crap about my opinion, or you would not be developing such a rash on your pussy at this point.

In any event, you remain almost as useless a clot as TderpM.

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