Fixing Our Economy by Ron Paul


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
Ron Paul seems to be the ONLY politician that Knows what to do. It's ugly but necessary.

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Unfortuantely "fixing" our economy may destroy us.

What happens if we don't fix it? It will destroy us anyway

yes it is pretty much a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation.

I do not believe there are enough politicians in congress with enough balls to do what needs doing. If they do it will be their last term.

The US population by and large are not too bright.

I lean more towards we are going down.
fixing our economy means seriously rationing of health care for seniors.
maybe a 50% reduction in military spending.
close to that % reduction in welfare, foodstamps, etc.
A reduction in govt employee pensions and benefits.

And that is just cutting spending.
How do we compete with China, India, etc for jobs?
Ron Paul seems to be the ONLY politician that Knows what to do. It's ugly but necessary.

My way is better than rons, because I put government and the ability to fund what you personally chose, in your own hands, and make you responsible for your own actions. Afterall, you are the government, so act like it. Oh yes, I leave Ron in Congress, but he serves as a volunteer, a person who loves his country enough to serve freely.

All Volunteer Government Party (AVGP)
Ron Paul seems to be the ONLY politician that Knows what to do. It's ugly but necessary.

What is that nonsense. He doesn't say what he wants to do. He talks about how bad things are and for some reason, he thinks inflation leads to riots and social unrest

Was that video even from Rand Paul or is it just some wingnut with a videocam?

of course he said what he wanted to do. Did you watch the video? You have to actually press the button to see the vid.
Ron Paul seems to be the ONLY politician that Knows what to do. It's ugly but necessary.

My way is better than rons, because I put government and the ability to fund what you personally chose, in your own hands, and make you responsible for your own actions. Afterall, you are the government, so act like it. Oh yes, I leave Ron in Congress, but he serves as a volunteer, a person who loves his country enough to serve freely.

All Volunteer Government Party (AVGP)

that was cool in it's day but do you really want a government run by folks who will work for free?

Sounds like Jury duty.
Ron Paul seems to be the ONLY politician that Knows what to do. It's ugly but necessary.

What is that nonsense. He doesn't say what he wants to do. He talks about how bad things are and for some reason, he thinks inflation leads to riots and social unrest

Was that video even from Rand Paul or is it just some wingnut with a videocam?

of course he said what he wanted to do. Did you watch the video? You have to actually press the button to see the vid.

I watched the whole. The closest the video comes to providing anything is the typically vague "cut spending" without mentioning any programs to be cut.

And I'll ask again - Who made this video? Is that something Rand Paul or his campaign put out, or is this just some guy with a webcam?
that was cool in it's day but do you really want a government run by folks who will work for free?

Sounds like Jury duty.

Do you really think that folks that spend millions apon millions to get elected to a job that pays only 6 figures are doing it for....the "salary"??? :cuckoo:
that was cool in it's day but do you really want a government run by folks who will work for free?

Sounds like Jury duty.

Do you really think that folks that spend millions apon millions to get elected to a job that pays only 6 figures are doing it for....the "salary"??? :cuckoo:

The powah! They do it for the Powah! Then they get to help distribute $4 trillion of US dollars every year. That's powah!

That Powah is worth far more than the salary.

But would you really want those positions filled by folks who did it for free? Folks who just didn't need an income? Or couldn't find work anywhere?
Personally i think Alan Greenspan,Ben Bernanke,and Barney Frank should be wearing orange jumpsuits for what they have done to our country. The Fed simply has too much power. Ben Bernanke is probably more powerful than our President is. Him and his buddy Greenspan have micromanaged us into Hell. No one has been punished and nothing has changed. So we are doomed for sure. The good Doctor understands this. May God help us.
that was cool in it's day but do you really want a government run by folks who will work for free?

Sounds like Jury duty.

Do you really think that folks that spend millions apon millions to get elected to a job that pays only 6 figures are doing it for....the "salary"??? :cuckoo:

But would you really want those positions filled by folks who did it for free? Folks who just didn't need an income? Or couldn't find work anywhere?

What "I" would want is folks that need the salary to raise their families. Having a millionaire in there collecting the salary.....that doesn't need it IS someone doing it for a manner of speaking.
fixing our economy means seriously rationing of health care for seniors.
maybe a 50% reduction in military spending.
close to that % reduction in welfare, foodstamps, etc.
A reduction in govt employee pensions and benefits.

And that is just cutting spending.
How do we compete with China, India, etc for jobs?

That is the essential question. No jobs, no recovery.
The congressional elitists in both parties are sadly out of touch with the realities faced my most of the American people.

what to do about it? One of the items on the origional contract with America. Make all laws that apply to the public also apply to government officials.

Also make them adjust their staffing and budget to the shifts in the economy.
10% unemployment then they lay off 10% of their staff.
The congressional elitists in both parties are sadly out of touch with the realities faced my most of the American people.

what to do about it? One of the items on the origional contract with America. Make all laws that apply to the public also apply to government officials.

Also make them adjust their staffing and budget to the shifts in the economy.
10% unemployment then they lay off 10% of their staff.

So true about being out of touch. Before they figure out what to do about the economy, they need to pause and seriously consider and reach some consensus on what factors got us into this economic pickle. The following article sheds some light on this:

The Seduction of America -- Seeking Alpha

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