Fix healthcare and deficit


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

by putting the unemployed back to work, creating more taxes to be used to pay down the deficit and pay for healthcare and other government run programs. We do not have to raise taxes, just put people back to work and bring jobs back from foreign countries and stop given money to foreign countries.


Doctors must be salaried and doctors will not push number of patients but concentrate on patient care. Cleveland Clinic have doctors on a salary and it works and is cost effective.

There need to be a national data base with patient medical records that doctors can see immediately. Cut down patient seeing numerous doctors, getting duplicate and unnecessary tests and medications. Every medical provider gets the same patient information.

Hospital staff doctors will have patient information and not have to depend on patients personal physician. Which cannot be contacted.

by putting the unemployed back to work, creating more taxes to be used to pay down the deficit and pay for healthcare and other government run programs. We do not have to raise taxes, just put people back to work and bring jobs back from foreign countries and stop given money to foreign countries.

We don't have to raise taxes.....just create more taxes.....?


From where do you copy this crap.....from ACORN propaganda literature? :eusa_shhh:
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Lil Ol' Lady better be careful.

she might be deemed less worthy to get medical treatment by Dr Emanuel.
The number ONE way to fix health care is tort reform. Why isn't it on the table?

Tort reform is only part of the problem. Too many of you believe that it is the single answer and it is not. And BTW, by how much do you think we should limit liability? And should there be alternative consequences to malpractice? Should a physician lose his/her license if found negligent, and if so, for how long?
The number ONE way to fix health care is tort reform. Why isn't it on the table?
Opponents of Healthcare reform love to talk about tort reform. Lawsuits amount to less than 2% of medical costs in the US.

2% of what amount is how much.......what would you rather spend that on.....

how about we cut all froeign aid and close all foreign military bases or charge the countries to have them there.....

take all that money and invest it in americans..........

no more american tax dollars spent on anyone other than americans on american soil.....
The number ONE way to fix health care is tort reform. Why isn't it on the table?
Opponents of Healthcare reform love to talk about tort reform. Lawsuits amount to less than 2% of medical costs in the US.
I suppose you have some statistics?

Lawsuits drive up malpractice insurance, cause defensive medicine -- the "unnecessary tests" Obama prattles on about. Both of which in turn drive up costs. It's actually one of the only things the Dems and Pugs in Congress agree on.

And there are NO "opponents of healthcare reform." None, anywhere. That's a strawman, a fictional entity invented so idiots such as yourself could have a boogieman. Something for your cult leaders to demonize. Every religion has to have a devil.

There ARE however, opponents of THIS Marxist, counter-productive plan which is alot more about gaining power over people than it is about helping them. Those are people who are FOR actual healthcare reform, which by all accounts so far, this is anything but.

But.... Let's take your 2%. Do you realize that represents BILLIONS of dollars? If this is supposed to be budget neutral, gonna pay for itself, don't you think 2% is a significant number? It actually represents twice as much, percentage wise, than the proposed cuts in medicare! But THAT sure as hell isn't coming off the table!

You're not thinking, you are merely regurgitating the spoon fed talking points.
The number ONE way to fix health care is tort reform. Why isn't it on the table?
Opponents of Healthcare reform love to talk about tort reform. Lawsuits amount to less than 2% of medical costs in the US.

2% of what amount is how much.......what would you rather spend that on.....

how about we cut all froeign aid and close all foreign military bases or charge the countries to have them there.....

take all that money and invest it in americans..........

no more american tax dollars spent on anyone other than americans on american soil.....

The time has come for us to stop being the world police. Most countries where we have military bases want us there, so they should foot the bill, or at least a substantial portion of that bill.
The money wasted in Iraq alone would pay for healthcare.

actually it wouldn' would just make the debt we borrowed it to spend it.....and we are still spending money in afganistan....we need to stop being the un's and worlds "police force"....
The number ONE way to fix health care is tort reform. Why isn't it on the table?

Tort reform is only part of the problem. Too many of you believe that it is the single answer and it is not. And BTW, by how much do you think we should limit liability? And should there be alternative consequences to malpractice? Should a physician lose his/her license if found negligent, and if so, for how long?
I know no one who thinks it's the "single way." But it IS the #1 way.

As to the rest, since it's off the table due to special interests who weren't going to have any influence in this administration, it doesn't get debated.

Nice huh?
Who gets US Foreign Aid |

what would you spend this on.....america?..........americans?......

how about the us goverment just cuts every american a check .... do the math figure out how much you would get.....hell it is your tax dollars they are giving away to others and not spending on you.........

1. Israel $2.4 billion Virtually all of this money is used to buy weapons (up to 75% made in the U.S.). Beginning in 2009, the U.S. plans to give $30 billion over 10 years.
2. Egypt $1.7 billion $1.3 billion to buy weapons; $103 million for education; $74 million for health care; $45 million to promote civic participation and human rights.
3. Pakistan $798 million $330 million for security efforts, including military-equipment upgrades and border security; $20 million for infrastructure.
4. Jordan $688 million $326 million to fight terrorism and promote regional stability through equipment upgrades and training; $163 million cash payment to the Jordanian government.
5. Kenya $586 million $501 million to fight HIV/AIDS through drug treatment and abstinence education and to combat malaria; $15 million for agricultural development; $5.4 million for programs that promote government accountability.
6. South Africa $574 million $557 million to fight TB and HIV/AIDS; $3 million for education.
7. Mexico $551 million Click here for details.

8. Colombia $541 million Click here for details.
9. Nigeria $491 million Click here for details.
10. Sudan $479 million Click here for details.
Who gets US Foreign Aid |

what would you spend this on.....america?..........americans?......

how about the us goverment just cuts every american a check .... do the math figure out how much you would get.....hell it is your tax dollars they are giving away to others and not spending on you.........

1. Israel $2.4 billion Virtually all of this money is used to buy weapons (up to 75% made in the U.S.). Beginning in 2009, the U.S. plans to give $30 billion over 10 years.
2. Egypt $1.7 billion $1.3 billion to buy weapons; $103 million for education; $74 million for health care; $45 million to promote civic participation and human rights.
3. Pakistan $798 million $330 million for security efforts, including military-equipment upgrades and border security; $20 million for infrastructure.
4. Jordan $688 million $326 million to fight terrorism and promote regional stability through equipment upgrades and training; $163 million cash payment to the Jordanian government.
5. Kenya $586 million $501 million to fight HIV/AIDS through drug treatment and abstinence education and to combat malaria; $15 million for agricultural development; $5.4 million for programs that promote government accountability.
6. South Africa $574 million $557 million to fight TB and HIV/AIDS; $3 million for education.
7. Mexico $551 million Click here for details.

8. Colombia $541 million Click here for details.
9. Nigeria $491 million Click here for details.
10. Sudan $479 million Click here for details.
That works out to about 40 billion or about $135 per American.

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