Five Game-Changing Question on ObamaCare


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
IF you're gonna have obongocare lets have it for EVERYBODY no waivers, no exemptions and no subsidies...

Five Game-Changing Question on ObamaCare

October 2, 2013 By Tom Thurlow



Well-thought out questions about ObamaCare directed at President Obama would not result in the same fate, but politically-speaking, they could be just as much of a game-changer. Maybe this is why President Obama has allowed so few questions following his recent statements concerning ObamaCare. This is an unpopular law that is being promoted with empty slogans and outright lies.

But tough questions must be asked. Here are five of my suggestions:

Question 1: “Why do you refer to ObamaCare as a law that is already in place when your administration has been treating it as a malleable bill for three years?” There are many examples of administrative actions taken that contradict the wording of the Affordable Care Act, but here are a few: over 1200 ObamaCare waivers have been granted since the law’s passage, primarily to labor unions. The administration has also abandoned the CLASS Act part of ObamaCare, and the administration has recently announced a delay of two years for the employer mandate. None of these actions have any basis in the wording of the law as passed by Congress.


Question 2: “Why is it so wrong to bargain with congressional Republicans on a continuing resolution that changes some or all of ObamaCare when you have essentially been bargaining with your supporters on ObamaCare since it passed three years ago?” This is the problem with granting waivers and exemptions from the law that is binding on the general public. Apparently it is fine to bargain with supporters of the administration – and that is what it is, an implicit bargain for continued political support — but not OK to bargain with Republicans.


Question 3: “When you were a senator in 2006 and a Republican president requested that Congress raise the debt ceiling, you spoke on the Senate floor that such a request showed a ‘lack of leadership’ and you voted against the increase. Now your aide compared congressional Republicans who oppose raising the debt limit to terrorists and arsonists. Do you stand by that characterization?”


Question 4: “Why not equalize the applicability of ObamaCare to everyone, including yourself, the entire executive branch, Congress, their staffs and families?” This different treatment may be the most annoying part of ObamaCare.


Question 5: “How could you have been so wrong in promising a $2,500 annual drop in healthcare premiums for a typical family of four under ObamaCare?” President Obama mentioned this figure many times throughout his 2008 campaign, and in the months preceding the passage of the law. President Obama may claim that he was making a good faith projection, but the reality is that when he repeatedly made this promise he was way off. Instead of going down, most family’s healthcare costs are going up. Way up. Healthcare premiums may well replace the mortgage, food and car payments as a typical American family’s top monthly expense.


Maybe NBC News can persuade me that the letter I received last week telling me of a 71% premium increase, for a worse health insurance policy, was not in fact true. Or maybe NBC News can tell thousands of employees whose hours were dropped to part-time because of ObamaCare, that their demotions were for the best. ObamaCare is a disaster and anyone trying to sugarcoat it or even explain it has a tough road to hoe.

Reality is difficult to hide.

Five Game-Changing Question on ObamaCare | FrontPage Magazine

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