Fiscal Cliff non-sense


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Fiscal Cliff?

Don't make me laugh. Compared to what's coming down the road, it's more like stepping off a curb. This butt hurt is simply a ruse by the left to get what they've wanted for decades, more taxes.

The defecit they are talking about doesn't include medicare and medicaid debt that will have to be paid not far down the road, by many estimates to be about 80+ TRILLION DOLLARS! The reason you don't hear about it is that no politician on either side wants to touch it for fear of losing votes.

Tax the rich? Even if we don't count the $80+ trillion, and only look at the $16 trillion, it's spitting in the ocean. And the democrat party has taken entitlements off the table.

Once again you are being duped by obama, the left and the left wing media. Here's a few facts for ya:

1. Increased revenue to the government = increased spending, never paying down debt.
2. If the economy collapses, the rich won't be hurt by it. Only the poor and middle class.
3. Politicians, all of them, are rich. Some are super rich. They aren't going to REALLY increase their own taxes.
4. Those making >$250k and less than multi-millions will suffer, and most of them are the job creators, you know, small businesses.
It will feel so good though. You know, to tax the "rich". Also, we can always work on that fake alien invasion thing to reall get the economy stimulated.
Fiscal Cliff?

Don't make me laugh. Compared to what's coming down the road, it's more like stepping off a curb. This butt hurt is simply a ruse by the left to get what they've wanted for decades, more taxes.

The defecit they are talking about doesn't include medicare and medicaid debt that will have to be paid not far down the road, by many estimates to be about 80+ TRILLION DOLLARS! The reason you don't hear about it is that no politician on either side wants to touch it for fear of losing votes.

Tax the rich? Even if we don't count the $80+ trillion, and only look at the $16 trillion, it's spitting in the ocean. And the democrat party has taken entitlements off the table.

Once again you are being duped by obama, the left and the left wing media. Here's a few facts for ya:

1. Increased revenue to the government = increased spending, never paying down debt.
2. If the economy collapses, the rich won't be hurt by it. Only the poor and middle class.
3. Politicians, all of them, are rich. Some are super rich. They aren't going to REALLY increase their own taxes.
4. Those making >$250k and less than multi-millions will suffer, and most of them are the job creators, you know, small businesses.

Just think, if Obama had not been elected and the republicans not freaked out and precipitated this whole "fiscal cliff" "crisis" then we would not even be talking about the deficit, we would be totally ignoring it as we do when republicans are in the white house.
Just think, if Obama had not been elected and the republicans not freaked out and precipitated this whole "fiscal cliff" "crisis" then we would not even be talking about the deficit, we would be totally ignoring it as we do when republicans are in the white house.
What, in the name of Sam Hill, are you blabbering about now? :lol:

His brain is "occupied", by a squirrel on meth.
Just think, if Obama had not been elected and the republicans not freaked out and precipitated this whole "fiscal cliff" "crisis" then we would not even be talking about the deficit, we would be totally ignoring it as we do when republicans are in the white house.
What, in the name of Sam Hill, are you blabbering about now? :lol:

It's pretty simple, this whole "fiscal cliff crisis" is an entirely unnecessary and manufactured issue because it cannot be demonstrated that any republican ever gave a damn about the deficit when they held the national credit card. You are welcome to try to prove otherwise. It is also doubly hypocritical when they came into the whole debate they started with a handful of sacred cows that were untouchable, triply hypocritical now that their backs are against the wall by their own actions they are blaming the whole mess on Obama.
Fiscal Cliff?

Don't make me laugh. Compared to what's coming down the road, it's more like stepping off a curb. This butt hurt is simply a ruse by the left to get what they've wanted for decades, more taxes.

The defecit they are talking about doesn't include medicare and medicaid debt that will have to be paid not far down the road, by many estimates to be about 80+ TRILLION DOLLARS! The reason you don't hear about it is that no politician on either side wants to touch it for fear of losing votes.

Tax the rich? Even if we don't count the $80+ trillion, and only look at the $16 trillion, it's spitting in the ocean. And the democrat party has taken entitlements off the table.

Once again you are being duped by obama, the left and the left wing media. Here's a few facts for ya:

1. Increased revenue to the government = increased spending, never paying down debt.
2. If the economy collapses, the rich won't be hurt by it. Only the poor and middle class.
3. Politicians, all of them, are rich. Some are super rich. They aren't going to REALLY increase their own taxes.
4. Those making >$250k and less than multi-millions will suffer, and most of them are the job creators, you know, small businesses.

The Democratic Party has taken entitlements off the table.

The Republican Party has taken Defense off the table.

Raise the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare to 70. That is a huge spending cut.

The war in Iraq is done, the war in Afghanistan is winding down. There is no excuse for not returning Defense spending to pre-war levels. The emergency is passed, no more emergency spending is necessary. There is nothing more totalitarian than the idea we need to make an emergency measure permanent.

Just think, if Obama had not been elected and the republicans not freaked out and precipitated this whole "fiscal cliff" "crisis" then we would not even be talking about the deficit, we would be totally ignoring it as we do when republicans are in the white house.
What, in the name of Sam Hill, are you blabbering about now? :lol:

It's pretty simple, this whole "fiscal cliff crisis" is an entirely unnecessary and manufactured issue because it cannot be demonstrated that any republican ever gave a damn about the deficit when they held the national credit card. You are welcome to try to prove otherwise. It is also doubly hypocritical when they came into the whole debate they started with a handful of sacred cows that were untouchable, triply hypocritical now that their backs are against the wall by their own actions they are blaming the whole mess on Obama.
The whole thing was a product of that holy "compromise" thingy, that brain dead hand-wringing little putzes like you are always mewling about.

Now you wormy little fuckchops want to turn around and blame it all on republicans?

Fiscal Cliff?

Don't make me laugh. Compared to what's coming down the road, it's more like stepping off a curb. This butt hurt is simply a ruse by the left to get what they've wanted for decades, more taxes.

The defecit they are talking about doesn't include medicare and medicaid debt that will have to be paid not far down the road, by many estimates to be about 80+ TRILLION DOLLARS! The reason you don't hear about it is that no politician on either side wants to touch it for fear of losing votes.

Tax the rich? Even if we don't count the $80+ trillion, and only look at the $16 trillion, it's spitting in the ocean. And the democrat party has taken entitlements off the table.

Once again you are being duped by obama, the left and the left wing media. Here's a few facts for ya:

1. Increased revenue to the government = increased spending, never paying down debt.
2. If the economy collapses, the rich won't be hurt by it. Only the poor and middle class.
3. Politicians, all of them, are rich. Some are super rich. They aren't going to REALLY increase their own taxes.
4. Those making >$250k and less than multi-millions will suffer, and most of them are the job creators, you know, small businesses.

The Democratic Party has taken entitlements off the table.

The Republican Party has taken Defense off the table.

Raise the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare to 70. That is a huge spending cut.

The war in Iraq is done, the war in Afghanistan is winding down. There is no excuse for not returning Defense spending to pre-war levels. The emergency is passed, no more emergency spending is necessary. There is nothing more totalitarian than the idea we need to make an emergency measure permanent.


I don't have a problem at all with decreasing defense spending, but it's spitting in the ocean compared to entitlements.
Just think, if Obama had not been elected and the republicans not freaked out and precipitated this whole "fiscal cliff" "crisis" then we would not even be talking about the deficit, we would be totally ignoring it as we do when republicans are in the white house.
What, in the name of Sam Hill, are you blabbering about now? :lol:

More blaming republicans for democratic failure.
Fiscal Cliff?

Don't make me laugh. Compared to what's coming down the road, it's more like stepping off a curb. This butt hurt is simply a ruse by the left to get what they've wanted for decades, more taxes.

The defecit they are talking about doesn't include medicare and medicaid debt that will have to be paid not far down the road, by many estimates to be about 80+ TRILLION DOLLARS! The reason you don't hear about it is that no politician on either side wants to touch it for fear of losing votes.

Tax the rich? Even if we don't count the $80+ trillion, and only look at the $16 trillion, it's spitting in the ocean. And the democrat party has taken entitlements off the table.

Once again you are being duped by obama, the left and the left wing media. Here's a few facts for ya:

1. Increased revenue to the government = increased spending, never paying down debt.
2. If the economy collapses, the rich won't be hurt by it. Only the poor and middle class.
3. Politicians, all of them, are rich. Some are super rich. They aren't going to REALLY increase their own taxes.
4. Those making >$250k and less than multi-millions will suffer, and most of them are the job creators, you know, small businesses.

The Democratic Party has taken entitlements off the table.

The Republican Party has taken Defense off the table.

Raise the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare to 70. That is a huge spending cut.

The war in Iraq is done, the war in Afghanistan is winding down. There is no excuse for not returning Defense spending to pre-war levels. The emergency is passed, no more emergency spending is necessary. There is nothing more totalitarian than the idea we need to make an emergency measure permanent.


I don't have a problem at all with decreasing defense spending, but it's spitting in the ocean compared to entitlements.

SS and Medicare are the 2 biggest entitlements
Fiscal Cliff?

Don't make me laugh. Compared to what's coming down the road, it's more like stepping off a curb. This butt hurt is simply a ruse by the left to get what they've wanted for decades, more taxes.

The defecit they are talking about doesn't include medicare and medicaid debt that will have to be paid not far down the road, by many estimates to be about 80+ TRILLION DOLLARS! The reason you don't hear about it is that no politician on either side wants to touch it for fear of losing votes.

Tax the rich? Even if we don't count the $80+ trillion, and only look at the $16 trillion, it's spitting in the ocean. And the democrat party has taken entitlements off the table.

Once again you are being duped by obama, the left and the left wing media. Here's a few facts for ya:

1. Increased revenue to the government = increased spending, never paying down debt.
2. If the economy collapses, the rich won't be hurt by it. Only the poor and middle class.
3. Politicians, all of them, are rich. Some are super rich. They aren't going to REALLY increase their own taxes.
4. Those making >$250k and less than multi-millions will suffer, and most of them are the job creators, you know, small businesses.

The Democratic Party has taken entitlements off the table.

The Republican Party has taken Defense off the table.

Raise the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare to 70. That is a huge spending cut.

The war in Iraq is done, the war in Afghanistan is winding down. There is no excuse for not returning Defense spending to pre-war levels. The emergency is passed, no more emergency spending is necessary. There is nothing more totalitarian than the idea we need to make an emergency measure permanent.


I don't have a problem at all with decreasing defense spending, but it's spitting in the ocean compared to entitlements.

That's sort of true, but only if one looks at Department of Defense. A common misconception of military spending is that it is reflected by the roughly 20% of national spending by DoD. But only about half of defense spending actually gets counted under DoD. This does not include expenses like NASA satellites, International Affairs, defense-related DoE expenses, Veteran's Affairs, Homeland Security, veteran's pensions (I've never understood why that doesn't get counted under DoD), and interest on debt incurred on past wars. This brings the total to a range closer to 40% or so. 40% of national spending is no spit in the ocean. The rest of national spending is mostly what Dems don't want to touch.

The problem will be, just as it is with entitlements, what parts do we cut? g5000 made the most succinct point thus far. Dems don't want to budge on entitlements and Reps don't want to budge on defense. Both items are enormous drains on the taxpayer. That is the biggest problem with gridlock. Each issue represents a massive power base for one party or the other. Dems don't want to lose the votes of their constituents, many of whose hands are out for their entitlements, and Reps don't want to lose their power base, the rather large population of military veterans that 10 years of war has created, which is a significant part of their voter base.

Sensible cuts in what both parties won't budge on are what is called for. I often get heat for being a more moderate Republican than what many of my fellow Reps would like me to be, but reaching across the aisle is what is needed. I would rather it be spearheaded by the GOP, but ultimately I don't care who does it.
What, in the name of Sam Hill, are you blabbering about now? :lol:

It's pretty simple, this whole "fiscal cliff crisis" is an entirely unnecessary and manufactured issue because it cannot be demonstrated that any republican ever gave a damn about the deficit when they held the national credit card. You are welcome to try to prove otherwise. It is also doubly hypocritical when they came into the whole debate they started with a handful of sacred cows that were untouchable, triply hypocritical now that their backs are against the wall by their own actions they are blaming the whole mess on Obama.
The whole thing was a product of that holy "compromise" thingy, that brain dead hand-wringing little putzes like you are always mewling about.

Now you wormy little fuckchops want to turn around and blame it all on republicans?


You are the one who needs additional maturity, the tea party freshmen came in with an ax to grind and a name to make for themselves, thinking they had a license to destroy entitlements it's what they set out to do under the guise of deficit reduction. So once again I make the charge that this is an artificial issue entirely the product of the 2011 flip of the house to republicans who felt they needed to do everything NOW under the pressure of a crisis they made and are all too willing to make again.
It's pretty simple, this whole "fiscal cliff crisis" is an entirely unnecessary and manufactured issue because it cannot be demonstrated that any republican ever gave a damn about the deficit when they held the national credit card. You are welcome to try to prove otherwise. It is also doubly hypocritical when they came into the whole debate they started with a handful of sacred cows that were untouchable, triply hypocritical now that their backs are against the wall by their own actions they are blaming the whole mess on Obama.
The whole thing was a product of that holy "compromise" thingy, that brain dead hand-wringing little putzes like you are always mewling about.

Now you wormy little fuckchops want to turn around and blame it all on republicans?


You are the one who needs additional maturity, the tea party freshmen came in with an ax to grind and a name to make for themselves, thinking they had a license to destroy entitlements it's what they set out to do under the guise of deficit reduction. So once again I make the charge that this is an artificial issue entirely the product of the 2011 flip of the house to republicans who felt they needed to do everything NOW under the pressure of a crisis they made and are all too willing to make again.
The pull the same nonsense they did..we can look forward to 2012 being a fully Democratic Congress.

The Democratic Party has taken entitlements off the table.

The Republican Party has taken Defense off the table.

Raise the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare to 70. That is a huge spending cut.

The war in Iraq is done, the war in Afghanistan is winding down. There is no excuse for not returning Defense spending to pre-war levels. The emergency is passed, no more emergency spending is necessary. There is nothing more totalitarian than the idea we need to make an emergency measure permanent.


I don't have a problem at all with decreasing defense spending, but it's spitting in the ocean compared to entitlements.

SS and Medicare are the 2 biggest entitlements

You are correct. I mentioned them in my OP.
The Democratic Party has taken entitlements off the table.

The Republican Party has taken Defense off the table.

Raise the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare to 70. That is a huge spending cut.

The war in Iraq is done, the war in Afghanistan is winding down. There is no excuse for not returning Defense spending to pre-war levels. The emergency is passed, no more emergency spending is necessary. There is nothing more totalitarian than the idea we need to make an emergency measure permanent.


I don't have a problem at all with decreasing defense spending, but it's spitting in the ocean compared to entitlements.

That's sort of true, but only if one looks at Department of Defense. A common misconception of military spending is that it is reflected by the roughly 20% of national spending by DoD. But only about half of defense spending actually gets counted under DoD. This does not include expenses like NASA satellites, International Affairs, defense-related DoE expenses, Veteran's Affairs, Homeland Security, veteran's pensions (I've never understood why that doesn't get counted under DoD), and interest on debt incurred on past wars. This brings the total to a range closer to 40% or so. 40% of national spending is no spit in the ocean. The rest of national spending is mostly what Dems don't want to touch.

The problem will be, just as it is with entitlements, what parts do we cut? g5000 made the most succinct point thus far. Dems don't want to budge on entitlements and Reps don't want to budge on defense. Both items are enormous drains on the taxpayer. That is the biggest problem with gridlock. Each issue represents a massive power base for one party or the other. Dems don't want to lose the votes of their constituents, many of whose hands are out for their entitlements, and Reps don't want to lose their power base, the rather large population of military veterans that 10 years of war has created, which is a significant part of their voter base.

Sensible cuts in what both parties won't budge on are what is called for. I often get heat for being a more moderate Republican than what many of my fellow Reps would like me to be, but reaching across the aisle is what is needed. I would rather it be spearheaded by the GOP, but ultimately I don't care who does it.

You are correct if you look at the current numbers, but with SS and medicare/medicaid, they will be growing exponentially while the military will not. My OP is about the future debt and money owed in the near future. 80+ Trillion is way more than the defence spending.

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