First report: Terror attack against Jewish civilians near Itamar


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Minutes ago: Palestinians attacked Israeli civilians near Itamar. Family was driving down the road connecting Itamar and Beit Foric, when Palestinians from passing car started shooting at them. Father and mother were both killed, children miraculously survived.

More details soon.
Minutes ago: Palestinians attacked Israeli civilians near Itamar. Family was driving down the road connecting Itamar and Beit Foric, when Palestinians from passing car started shooting at them. Father and mother were both killed, children miraculously survived.

More details soon.

Seems that the Palestinians want another try at Israel, they must have received some of those Russian rockets from Syria
As is to be expected:

IDF rings Palestinian villages in search of terrorists who killed Israeli couple

"On Thursday, Hamas praised the “heroic terror attack” and called for more “quality attacks.”

The culture of hate that spawns Pal/Arab/Islamic terrorists is exampled by the internecine slug-fest that pits the competing islamic terrorist encampments against each other in what some laughably call “Palestinian society”.

The worlds largest welfare state is a snake pit of hate, killing and self-destruction.

There's no "cycle of violence," as much as Arab/Islamic terror enablers would like us to think there is. Whether one vigorously defends oneself against the violent spread of Islamic terrorism or rewards it with concessions and unearned dividends, the result is always the same from these barbarians: more terror.
As is to be expected:

IDF rings Palestinian villages in search of terrorists who killed Israeli couple

"On Thursday, Hamas praised the “heroic terror attack” and called for more “quality attacks.”

The culture of hate that spawns Pal/Arab/Islamic terrorists is exampled by the internecine slug-fest that pits the competing islamic terrorist encampments against each other in what some laughably call “Palestinian society”.

The worlds largest welfare state is a snake pit of hate, killing and self-destruction.

There's no "cycle of violence," as much as Arab/Islamic terror enablers would like us to think there is. Whether one vigorously defends oneself against the violent spread of Islamic terrorism or rewards it with concessions and unearned dividends, the result is always the same from these barbarians: more terror.

No more pussy footing around, just go in and round up every male over the age of 14 and put them in a prison camp until the culprits come forward. Then see what happens the next time they decide to murder people, that should cause a few headaches for the Palestinians that cant be easily sorted and it is not against any International laws.
As is to be expected:

IDF rings Palestinian villages in search of terrorists who killed Israeli couple

"On Thursday, Hamas praised the “heroic terror attack” and called for more “quality attacks.”

The culture of hate that spawns Pal/Arab/Islamic terrorists is exampled by the internecine slug-fest that pits the competing islamic terrorist encampments against each other in what some laughably call “Palestinian society”.

The worlds largest welfare state is a snake pit of hate, killing and self-destruction.

There's no "cycle of violence," as much as Arab/Islamic terror enablers would like us to think there is. Whether one vigorously defends oneself against the violent spread of Islamic terrorism or rewards it with concessions and unearned dividends, the result is always the same from these barbarians: more terror.

No more pussy footing around, just go in and round up every male over the age of 14 and put them in a prison camp until the culprits come forward. Then see what happens the next time they decide to murder people, that should cause a few headaches for the Palestinians that cant be easily sorted and it is not against any International laws.
Since when did Is Not Real give a damn about international law ? Or it's sugar daddy, the US of mud people, either for that matter.
As is to be expected:

IDF rings Palestinian villages in search of terrorists who killed Israeli couple

"On Thursday, Hamas praised the “heroic terror attack” and called for more “quality attacks.”

The culture of hate that spawns Pal/Arab/Islamic terrorists is exampled by the internecine slug-fest that pits the competing islamic terrorist encampments against each other in what some laughably call “Palestinian society”.

The worlds largest welfare state is a snake pit of hate, killing and self-destruction.

There's no "cycle of violence," as much as Arab/Islamic terror enablers would like us to think there is. Whether one vigorously defends oneself against the violent spread of Islamic terrorism or rewards it with concessions and unearned dividends, the result is always the same from these barbarians: more terror.

No more pussy footing around, just go in and round up every male over the age of 14 and put them in a prison camp until the culprits come forward. Then see what happens the next time they decide to murder people, that should cause a few headaches for the Palestinians that cant be easily sorted and it is not against any International laws.
Since when did Is Not Real give a damn about international law ? Or it's sugar daddy, the US of mud people, either for that matter.

Another Jew hating Nazi that makes racist claims that have not once been proven. Do try and show Israel having breached any international laws by showing the links from an unbiased non partisan source. A good one would be the trials of Israeli's in the ICJ/ICC for these alleged breaches, a pity that the ICJ/ICC have already stated that they are not in a position to try Israel isn't it.
The site of Thursday’s shooting was near the Palestinian village Beit Furik, where a Palestinian had died several days after being shot by Israeli forces during clashes last month.

Were the settlers Armed with knives?
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The site of Thursday’s shooting was near the Palestinian village Beit Furik, where a Palestinian had died several days after being shot by Israeli forces during clashes last month.

Were the settlers Armed with knives?

Not to anyones knowledge, but even if they were they were in a car with their children and so have made it policy to see children as targets. Shot yourself in the foot again
If it was policy to target children, the four children wouldn't have come out unscathed, as they did

I would hardly call serious injuries as unscathed, but then to a Palestinian terrorist a near death incident is coming out unscathed
Eitam and Naama Henkin, both in their 30s, were gunned down while driving Thursday night between the settlements of Itamar and Elon More, in the north of the Palestinian territory.

Their four children, aged between four months and nine years, were found unharmed in the back of the car.
Israeli army launches manhunt after couple killed

Their four children, aged between four months and nine years, were found unharmed in the back of the car. The attack took place shortly before 9pm.
Israel deploys hundreds of troops in search for West Bank killers
Minutes ago: Palestinians attacked Israeli civilians near Itamar. Family was driving down the road connecting Itamar and Beit Foric, when Palestinians from passing car started shooting at them. Father and mother were both killed, children miraculously survived.

More details soon.

Devil's Advocate but isn't every Israeli future military, current military, ex-military, or current reserves? Israeli 'civilian' is something of a misnomer.
- Two dead parents from Neria. Their 4 children slightly injured- 4 months old baby, 4 and 5 year old boys, the oldest is 9 years old.

- PA refuses to condemn the attack. Hamas in Gaza celebrates the murder.

What else is new? We all know Palestinians will be Palestinians.
Eitam and Naama Henkin, both in their 30s, were gunned down while driving Thursday night between the settlements of Itamar and Elon More, in the north of the Palestinian territory.

Their four children, aged between four months and nine years, were found unharmed in the back of the car.
Israeli army launches manhunt after couple killed

Their four children, aged between four months and nine years, were found unharmed in the back of the car. The attack took place shortly before 9pm.
Israel deploys hundreds of troops in search for West Bank killers

Cold blooded murder that should see the culprits hunted down and given summary islamonazi justice.

I guess you meant, Coyote, the reaction in which Palestinian glorify and praise this murder compared to when Jews condemned the other....?

No. Just tired of the way stuff gets commented on. I deleted my comment because it doesn't add anything beneficial to the conversation. When something horrible happens to a Palestinian there seems little sympathy, as is portrayed in this thread. I could just be my perspective which is rather jaded. I don't think any of it should be glorified, there is no glory in killing civilians and children. There is no compassion in blaming the victims who had nothing to do with what happened, like the horrible arson that claimed 3 innocent people and there are still no arrests. I am sure this case will be cleaned up much faster and likewise, we will now see more Palestinians shot for throwing stones but not Jews even though they both hurt and injure innocent people. That is what I'm guessing.

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