First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

It has everything to do with shutting down corporate welfare.

Taking less money that somebody made is not welfare. Welfare is when you give something to somebody they never had.

There is no different rate for different capital gains. Capital gains is capital gains whether you make a million dollars on a stock or you profit 50K from the sale of your home.
You're gonna have to copy and paste.

The children are considered unaccompanied minors. Under U.S. law, they cannot be deported right away. They are placed with sponsors, who are typically close relatives such as parents, siblings or aunts and uncles that live in the USA. About 10% of the time, the minors are placed with people who aren't related to them.

Placing these children with sponsors is a policy that dates back to the Obama administration.

The government doesn't know where some of these children are?​

That is correct, but Steven Wagner, acting assistant secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services, said these children are not "lost."

After a child is placed with a sponsor, Wagner said that child is no longer in HHS custody and the department is no longer "legally responsible."

"Out of an abundance of caution," he said, the agency tried to check in on thousands of children by calling their sponsors. In 1,475 cases, nobody picked up the phone.

He said many sponsors did not answer the phone because they were undocumented immigrants themselves and did not want to talk with federal agents. Wagner said that does not mean the children are missing or in danger.
That is why Biden rushed to get things done in his first term

He will now concentrate on foreign policy and the courts
This won't be the first time Biden pulled a fast one if he succeeds.

As for the Government owning the people, and the people owning nothing, you have a Communist Country. Oh where oh where is the AntiCommunist Law of 1954? :eek:
The Biden/Pelosi Demmies wantsa you money!!!! Notice how they own 200 billion here and a trillion there... and suddenly every American--man, woman, and child--has to come up with $94,500 each to pay off the national debt.

THIS is why global elites & the WEF want you to OWN NOTHING​

Glenn Beck

Come and get yer cricket flour!

This Is How the Fed Will Seize Your Money in 2023: Gerald Celente​

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This won't be the first time Biden pulled a fast one if he succeeds.

As for the Government owning the people, and the people owning nothing, you have a Communist Country. Oh where oh where is the AntiCommunist Law of 1954? :eek:
The Biden/Pelosi Demmies wantsa you money!!!! Notice how they own 200 billion here and a trillion there... and suddenly every American--man, woman, and child--has to come up with $94,500 each to pay off the national debt.

THIS is why global elites & the WEF want you to OWN NOTHING​

Glenn Beck

Come and get yer cricket flour!

This Is How the Fed Will Seize Your Money in 2023: Gerald Celente​

Who ever said the government owns the people?
It is We the People who establish government
We came awfully close to losing that in Jan6 and every day since.
We have a House speaker who is fighting back his predecessors assaults on the Constitution of the United States of America. I was pleased to see he sacked the Chines spy beau, the vile antisemite, and one other power abuser and got them off the committees they should never have been on in the first place due to their alliances with nations other than the USA. I'd like to see reprimands for current congresspersons who participated in the January 6 backstab of United States sitting President. They violated the separation of powers also, when they tried to lie by omission of the President's actual words about the conser protest which were "peacefully and patriotically," and not the sick lying accusation that he tried to force them to tear up the House and hurt Congresspersons. The crime of the day was the murder of Ashli Babbitt, who was not armed and was trying to convince the protesters to turn back because she had military service experience that told her the whole January 6 thing was a set up to lure Republicans into getting put in jail. She was unarmed as most of the peaceful and patriotic protesters brought no armaments into the Capitol. The protesters were not rioters, and they harmed no one. Pelosi lied her ass off trying to convince America they were out to riot, hurt people, and rip off Democrat offices. She deserves to be tried and convicted for obstruction of the First Amendment by pissing all over their stated human rights with lies and false witness. She decided to linger in Congress for one more year, in which she I am certain continues to exercise her backstabbing ways for one more year and obstruct Congress as part of the Clinton/alinsky stab at destroying the Constitution out of existence. I view her as a stinking enemy of the Constitution, as she was her entire term as overlording the Congress like Crazy German Prince Ludwig who overtaxed the people to build the fabulous Newschwanstein Castle in the German Alps which emptied the royal treasury according to history of the Reich that followed when the German people lost faith in the Monarch system of governance..
We have a House speaker who is fighting back his predecessors assaults on the Constitution of the United States of America. I was pleased to see he sacked the Chines spy beau, the vile antisemite, and one other power abuser and got them off the committees they should never have been on in the first place due to their alliances with nations other than the USA. I'd like to see reprimands for current congresspersons who participated in the January 6 backstab of United States sitting President. They violated the separation of powers also, when they tried to lie by omission of the President's actual words about the conser protest which were "peacefully and patriotically," and not the sick lying accusation that he tried to force them to tear up the House and hurt Congresspersons. The crime of the day was the murder of Ashli Babbitt, who was not armed and was trying to convince the protesters to turn back because she had military service experience that told her the whole January 6 thing was a set up to lure Republicans into getting put in jail. She was unarmed as most of the peaceful and patriotic protesters brought no armaments into the Capitol. The protesters were not rioters, and they harmed no one. Pelosi lied her ass off trying to convince America they were out to riot, hurt people, and rip off Democrat offices. She deserves to be tried and convicted for obstruction of the First Amendment by pissing all over their stated human rights with lies and false witness. She decided to linger in Congress for one more year, in which she I am certain continues to exercise her backstabbing ways for one more year and obstruct Congress as part of the Clinton/alinsky stab at destroying the Constitution out of existence. I view her as a stinking enemy of the Constitution, as she was her entire term as overlording the Congress like Crazy German Prince Ludwig who overtaxed the people to build the fabulous Newschwanstein Castle in the German Alps which emptied the royal treasury according to history of the Reich that followed when the German people lost faith in the Monarch system of governance..

Geez, even the orange orangatan wouldn't buy all that.
The crime of the day was the murder of Ashli Babbitt, who was not armed and was trying to convince the protesters to turn back because she had military service experience that told her the whole January 6 thing was a set up to lure Republicans into getting put in jail. She was unarmed as most of the peaceful and patriotic protesters brought no armaments into the Capitol.

Is that why she was leading the entry to the window where she was shot?

The protesters were not rioters, and they harmed no one.

Over 100 injured (not counting the insurrectionists) with 4 dead on the police side with one dead on the insurrectionist side.

Pelosi lied her ass off trying to convince America they were out to riot, hurt people, and rip off Democrat offices. She deserves to be tried and convicted for obstruction of the First Amendment by pissing all over their stated human rights with lies and false witness. She decided to linger in Congress for one more year, in which she I am certain continues to exercise her backstabbing ways for one more year and obstruct Congress as part of the Clinton/alinsky stab at destroying the Constitution out of existence.

I give you what you wrote. I don't agree with all of it but I reserve your right to speak it.

I view her as a stinking enemy of the Constitution, as she was her entire term as overlording the Congress like Crazy German Prince Ludwig who overtaxed the people to build the fabulous Newschwanstein Castle in the German Alps which emptied the royal treasury according to history of the Reich that followed when the German people lost faith in the Monarch system of governance..

Are you talking about Prince Ludwig or King Ludwig. Two seperate people. One was a King of Bavaria in the middle 1800s and the other was a prince in Germany who died in 2008 at the age of 91 and had a very dull life in comparison to King Ludwig.

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