First a Commy and now a Nazi.

the mere election of the brown man with the funny name in 2008, sent these confederate nazi nutjobs into psychotic frenzy for the past 8 years
The election of this white man has sent the socialists nutjobs into a psychotic frenzy for the next 16 years.
"you will not replace us" "jews will not replace us" :cuckoo:

those who wished to have the confederate monuments removed from public places petitioned their government for a redress of grievances and the city council voted in favor of removing the statue.

WHY do these angry violent neo nazi confederates hate FREE SPEACH???
"you will not replace us" "jews will not replace us" :cuckoo:

those who wished to have the confederate monuments removed from public places petitioned their government for a redress of grievances and the city council voted in favor of removing the statue.

WHY do these angry violent neo nazi confederates hate FREE SPEACH???
You mean like in Durham?
Before we all go running to archival footage of the epic silent film, The Birth of a Nation, we need to settle down and explore some of the complex issues surrounding the recent violent events in Charlottesville.

The tragedy that occurred there has a lot less to do with racism than with paid professional agitators sent there to gin up violence by taunting the opposition. It’s unfortunate that a death occurred but unfortunately everyone could not move fast enough to get out of the way of the baited bloodshed.

We also need to understand the political establishment’s frustration and consternation at the election of a man that was not supposed to win the presidency has driven it to a nearly psychotic level of self-preservation. First they smeared the president with accusations of Russian collusion and now they predictably tar him with the label of racist for daring to condemn both sides-first a communist and now a fascist.

The political establishment in this country has been selling out the American people for decades and the people reacted by electing an outsider because the embedded, deep-state aristocracy is so corrupted it can’t be trusted.

Over the years they’ve taken away your pensions, stagnated your wages, destroyed your healthcare, turned your cities into cesspools, addicted your children to opioids, relocated many of the best paying jobs overseas and presided over the influx of cheap labor from third world countries much of it in violation of our immigration laws.

With a track record like that it’s little wonder that the establishment will go to any lengths to remove a president who is exposing it up to and including fomenting a new race war. All the leaks and political backstabbing have failed to take him down because he was duly elected by the collective wisdom of the people who see all of this for what it is.

It’s tragic that someone died in Charlottesville and extreme organizations like the KKK have no place in our democracy. But neither should we tolerate mercenary hooligans who climb historical structures with ropes to tear them down like religious zealots blotting out history in a holy war. The Charlottesville counter-protest was a staged event to create mayhem and a sick militant came out of the crowd and obliged. It was a calculated risk and someone paid for that risk.

Parsing words and blaming the president is foolish.

Spot on OP. The problem is is that blaming the president and screaming he's a racist is an effective tactic, and it's riled up a segment of the population.
These Republicans are denouncing Trump by name - CNNPolitics

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a strong critic of Trump, took a hard stance on Wednesday against Trump's remarks at the news conference.

"Through his statements yesterday, President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer. I, along with many others, do not endorse this moral equivalency," Graham said in a statement.

He continued: "Many Republicans do not agree with and will fight back against the idea that the Party of Lincoln has a welcome mat out for the David Dukes of the world."

Sen. John McCain, whom Trump called out at the news conference for not voting for the GOP health care bill, tweeted, "There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so"

There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so

— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) August 16, 2017
the mere election of the brown man with the funny name in 2008, sent these confederate nazi nutjobs into psychotic frenzy for the past 8 years

true story

"We also need to understand the political establishment’s frustration and consternation at the election of a man that was not supposed to win the presidency has driven it to a nearly psychotic level of self-preservation"

You say " how about those white supremacist domestic terrorists??" Those guys had a permit, remember? It takes two to tango and your bunch showed up to tango and were too cheap to even get a permit.
You said the election of the brown man sent the confederates into a psychotic frenzy for the past 8 years? When were the right supremists raising hell during obama's term? It was usually the BLM getting the headlines for getting into frenzies.
These Republicans are denouncing Trump by name - CNNPolitics

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a strong critic of Trump, took a hard stance on Wednesday against Trump's remarks at the news conference.

"Through his statements yesterday, President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer. I, along with many others, do not endorse this moral equivalency," Graham said in a statement.

He continued: "Many Republicans do not agree with and will fight back against the idea that the Party of Lincoln has a welcome mat out for the David Dukes of the world."

Sen. John McCain, whom Trump called out at the news conference for not voting for the GOP health care bill, tweeted, "There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so"

There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so

— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) August 16, 2017
It's a lie. He was making no moral equivalency. He said as much. This is just the political establishment throwing Trump under the bus.
Sen. Jeff Flake, a strong critic of Trump, tweeted, "We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period."

We can't accept excuses for white supremacy & acts of domestic terrorism. We must condemn. Period.

— Jeff Flake (@JeffFlake) August 15, 2017

Sen. Cory Gardner also used Trump's name to say he was wrong at a town hall in Colorado.

"The President was wrong," Gardner said when asked about Trump's comments blaming the left, according to Fox31 Denver, a CNN affiliate.

Sen. Jerry Moran also called out Trump by name, writing in a tweet: "White supremacy, bigotry & racism have absolutely no place in our society & no one - especially POTUS - should ever tolerate it"

White supremacy, bigotry & racism have absolutely no place in our society & no one - especially POTUS - should ever tolerate it. Full STMT:

— Jerry Moran (@JerryMoran) August 15, 2017

Ohio Gov. John Kasich didn't tweet but instead told NBC's "Today Show" on Wednesday that Trump's remarks were "pathetic."

"This is terrible. The President of the United States needs to condemn these kinds of hate groups," said Kasich, who ran against Trump in the Republican presidential primary. "The President has to totally condemn this. It's not about winning an argument."

These Republicans are denouncing Trump by name - CNNPolitics
"Parsing words and blaming the president is foolish."

no, leadership matters...
If I had a son he'd look like...
The cops acted stupidly...
Let's trade 4 terrorist for a traitor...
You can keep your insurance...
It's not a tax...
I think Iran deserves plane loads of cash...
Speaking of cash, here Solyndra!
57 states agree with me...
You didn't build that...
It takes a village to raise a hoodlum...
I'll have them nigg3rs voting Democrat for the next hundred years...
I did not have sex with that woman...
They want to put you back in chains...
You have to pass the bill to see what's in it...
Guam is gonna tip over!
Will we see the flag the men planted on mars...
I keep my cash in a freezer, fuck the banks!
Did I kill that woman? My bad, now reelect me...
All the polar ice will be gone in 10 years...

You were saying?
Rep. Ed Royce tweeted, "The President needs to clearly and categorically reject white supremacists. No excuses. No ambiguity."

The President needs to clearly and categorically reject white supremacists. No excuses. No ambiguity.

— Ed Royce (@RepEdRoyce) August 16, 2017

And Rep. Leonard Lance tweeted, "Mr. President, there is only one side: AGAINST white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites & the KKK. They have no place in America or GOP."

Mr. President, there is only one side: AGAINST white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites & the KKK. They have no place in America or GOP.

— Rep. Leonard Lance (@RepLanceNJ7) August 16, 2017

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who also ran against Trump in the GOP primary, tweeted in a thread denouncing racism: "I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville."

I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville. 2/3

— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) August 16, 2017

Both presidents Bush released a joint statement on the last weekend's violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Wednesday, the same day of a memorial service held in honor of a young woman who was killed protesting the white supremacists who'd traveled there to rally.

"America must always reject racial bigotry, anti-Semitism, and hatred in all forms," the statement from presidents George H. W. and George W. Bush reads. "As we pray for Charlottesville, we are all reminded of the fundamental truths recorded by that city's most prominent citizen in the Declaration of Independence: we are all created equal and endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights."

The statement continues, "We know these truths to be everlasting because we have seen the decency and greatness of our country."

The Bushes' joint statement comes amid backlash from remarks President Trump delivered on the weekend protests on Tuesday.

Both Presidents Bush Condemn Hatred a Day After Trump's Press Conference
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have spoken out against Trump's comments, and many are saying he failed a major test of leadership by not unequivocally denouncing Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. A former political opponent if Trump's, and the son of Bush 41, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush criticized President Trump in a series of tweets on Tuesday.

This is a time for moral clarity, not ambivalence. 1/3

- Jeb Bush (@JebBush) August 16, 2017
I urge @POTUS to unite the country, not parse the assignment of blame for the events in Charlottesville. 2/3

- Jeb Bush (@JebBush) August 16, 2017
For the sake of our country, he must leave no room for doubt that racism and hatred will not be tolerated or ignored by his White House 3/3

- Jeb Bush (@JebBush) August 16, 2017
nazi and confederate militias

Both ignorant, their numbers are few but you loons are putting anyone and everyone with them.

Please. We all know that if it was some crazed left loon instead of a RWNJ that drove into a crowd killing and injuring protesters, the right would have his face plastered everywhere as the face of the entire left. If someone on the left does anything, the right goes on as if everyone on the left agrees and supports it. They are quicker than the Flash at assigning blame. But if someone on the right does anything, then suddenly it's "the numbers are few", "many sides are guilty", or "they were asking for it."
Before we all go running to archival footage of the epic silent film, The Birth of a Nation, we need to settle down and explore some of the complex issues surrounding the recent violent events in Charlottesville.

The tragedy that occurred there has a lot less to do with racism than with paid professional agitators sent there to gin up violence by taunting the opposition. It’s unfortunate that a death occurred but unfortunately everyone could not move fast enough to get out of the way of the baited bloodshed.

We also need to understand the political establishment’s frustration and consternation at the election of a man that was not supposed to win the presidency has driven it to a nearly psychotic level of self-preservation. First they smeared the president with accusations of Russian collusion and now they predictably tar him with the label of racist for daring to condemn both sides-first a communist and now a fascist.

The political establishment in this country has been selling out the American people for decades and the people reacted by electing an outsider because the embedded, deep-state aristocracy is so corrupted it can’t be trusted.

Over the years they’ve taken away your pensions, stagnated your wages, destroyed your healthcare, turned your cities into cesspools, addicted your children to opioids, relocated many of the best paying jobs overseas and presided over the influx of cheap labor from third world countries much of it in violation of our immigration laws.

With a track record like that it’s little wonder that the establishment will go to any lengths to remove a president who is exposing it up to and including fomenting a new race war. All the leaks and political backstabbing have failed to take him down because he was duly elected by the collective wisdom of the people who see all of this for what it is.

It’s tragic that someone died in Charlottesville and extreme organizations like the KKK have no place in our democracy. But neither should we tolerate mercenary hooligans who climb historical structures with ropes to tear them down like religious zealots blotting out history in a holy war. The Charlottesville counter-protest was a staged event to create mayhem and a sick militant came out of the crowd and obliged. It was a calculated risk and someone paid for that risk.

Parsing words and blaming the president is foolish.
It is Trumps fault, he riled these white mf's up during his campaign and gave them the courage to come locked and loaded and when given the opportunity to say something decent, he along with the white congress decided to do nothing, because they're all afraid of the monsters they created, ie angry white bastards!! Especially Mitch, who comes from a state of hate, ie Ky....where that murderer lived!!
Valerie is proving the OP's point - the establishment is rattled

was that the op's point? i thought the point was to scoff at the importance of it all.

i guess your ilk just scoffs at the importance of everything and everybody in history.

your favored politicians would be so much more noble in power than those other politicians...


belieeeeve me! :laugh:
we've never had a president who coddled them so...........


'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN

Trump even before he was elected: "David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."

Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics

But he needs those votes, right?

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