Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Most homeowners including this one have insurance that would be happy to pay that $15,000 vs paying off the entire home & contents. If they don't pay, put a lean on the property.

As far as $15k not being enough per fire on 1 in 200 homes. It is more than they are collecting if they all pay $75. The town will make far more with that $15k surcharge than they will watching houses burn & losing residents. It is a simple business decision that they screwed up.

Towns assess values to homes and charge taxes accordingly to pay for services like fire protection. And towns have no qualms whatsoever confiscating the house if the homeowner doesn't pony up those taxes. So the homeowner will be without a home just the same.

But in this case we don't have a town. We have a large unincorporated area in which the homeowners apparently chose not to organize a rural fire department but did form a contractual agreement with the city for fire protection in return for fees paid by the homeowners. It is all well and good to say that the homeowner should agree to pay the $15k when his house catches on fire, but in fact there is absolutely no means the city will have to collect it once the fire is out. They will have no legal claim on the property, no means of assessing taxes, no legal way to collect on a bill for services sent if the homeowner then admits he doesn't have $15k and no means to borrow it. And if the homeowner skips out on agreed payments, then that is that.

Again it works like any other insurance. And no insurance company will stay in business for long if it accepts payment for policies after the loss has been incurred or the claim filed.

We all are bleeding hearts with sympathy for that errant homeowner and contempt for a fire department that didn't put out the fire. But the brutal truth is that they were promoting the general welfare and ensuring that other homeowners would continue to have fire protection by not doing so.

I see your point & I also made it on one of these threads. The fire department should carry some quick claim deeds or lean agreements or accept cash, gold or phoned in & approved credit card payment up front. "Pay Before We Spray"


If they did that, what would be the incentive for property owners to pay up front? How would the VFD have funds to maintain and fuel their trucks?

Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have methods of collecting during the fire, if they can't get their apparatus TO the fire.
Towns assess values to homes and charge taxes accordingly to pay for services like fire protection. And towns have no qualms whatsoever confiscating the house if the homeowner doesn't pony up those taxes. So the homeowner will be without a home just the same.

But in this case we don't have a town. We have a large unincorporated area in which the homeowners apparently chose not to organize a rural fire department but did form a contractual agreement with the city for fire protection in return for fees paid by the homeowners. It is all well and good to say that the homeowner should agree to pay the $15k when his house catches on fire, but in fact there is absolutely no means the city will have to collect it once the fire is out. They will have no legal claim on the property, no means of assessing taxes, no legal way to collect on a bill for services sent if the homeowner then admits he doesn't have $15k and no means to borrow it. And if the homeowner skips out on agreed payments, then that is that.

Again it works like any other insurance. And no insurance company will stay in business for long if it accepts payment for policies after the loss has been incurred or the claim filed.

We all are bleeding hearts with sympathy for that errant homeowner and contempt for a fire department that didn't put out the fire. But the brutal truth is that they were promoting the general welfare and ensuring that other homeowners would continue to have fire protection by not doing so.

I see your point & I also made it on one of these threads. The fire department should carry some quick claim deeds or lean agreements or accept cash, gold or phoned in & approved credit card payment up front. "Pay Before We Spray"


If they did that, what would be the incentive for property owners to pay up front? How would the VFD have funds to maintain and fuel their trucks?

Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have methods of collecting during the fire, if they can't get their apparatus TO the fire.

The fire department would have to sell bonds to fund their operations until they hit the jackpot $15,000 fire that someone forgot to pay their fee on. This money would pay back those bonds + interest because a large percent are still paying their fees.
I see your point & I also made it on one of these threads. The fire department should carry some quick claim deeds or lean agreements or accept cash, gold or phoned in & approved credit card payment up front. "Pay Before We Spray"


If they did that, what would be the incentive for property owners to pay up front? How would the VFD have funds to maintain and fuel their trucks?

Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have methods of collecting during the fire, if they can't get their apparatus TO the fire.

The fire department would have to sell bonds to fund their operations until they hit the jackpot $15,000 fire that someone forgot to pay their fee on. This money would pay back those bonds + interest because a large percent are still paying their fees.

Again, Why?

This was not a fire department set up by the county. It was set up by the city of Olbion, paid for through the taxes levied on city residents. They offered fire protection for the rural residents who were willing to pay an annual fee for their services.

Why should the city jump through the hoops of getting state or federal governmental approval for the issue and sale of municipal bonds for fire protection of property owners who are not paying taxes to the city? It would be far easier for them to tell the county commissioners to set up their own volunteer fire district, and fund it by any method they see fit.

Why should the city and it's officials take the bond risk, for absolutely no gain. They don't, and never will, collect any of the county taxes.
fire department should carry some quick claim deeds or lean agreements or accept cash, gold or phoned in & approved credit card payment up front. "Pay Before We Spray"

Are you saying that Jack Sprat gets his fire extinguished, but his wife doesn't?
Most homeowners including this one have insurance that would be happy to pay that $15,000 vs paying off the entire home & contents. If they don't pay, put a lean on the property.

As far as $15k not being enough per fire on 1 in 200 homes. It is more than they are collecting if they all pay $75. The town will make far more with that $15k surcharge than they will watching houses burn & losing residents. It is a simple business decision that they screwed up.

Towns assess values to homes and charge taxes accordingly to pay for services like fire protection. And towns have no qualms whatsoever confiscating the house if the homeowner doesn't pony up those taxes. So the homeowner will be without a home just the same.

But in this case we don't have a town. We have a large unincorporated area in which the homeowners apparently chose not to organize a rural fire department but did form a contractual agreement with the city for fire protection in return for fees paid by the homeowners. It is all well and good to say that the homeowner should agree to pay the $15k when his house catches on fire, but in fact there is absolutely no means the city will have to collect it once the fire is out. They will have no legal claim on the property, no means of assessing taxes, no legal way to collect on a bill for services sent if the homeowner then admits he doesn't have $15k and no means to borrow it. And if the homeowner skips out on agreed payments, then that is that.

Again it works like any other insurance. And no insurance company will stay in business for long if it accepts payment for policies after the loss has been incurred or the claim filed.

We all are bleeding hearts with sympathy for that errant homeowner and contempt for a fire department that didn't put out the fire. But the brutal truth is that they were promoting the general welfare and ensuring that other homeowners would continue to have fire protection by not doing so.

I see your point & I also made it on one of these threads. The fire department should carry some quick claim deeds or lien agreements or accept cash, gold or phoned in & approved credit card payment up front. "Pay Before We Spray"

That's the ObamaCare solution - and is doomed to failure unless the last minute payments are so enormous that nobody will want to risk that liability.
Towns assess values to homes and charge taxes accordingly to pay for services like fire protection. And towns have no qualms whatsoever confiscating the house if the homeowner doesn't pony up those taxes. So the homeowner will be without a home just the same.

But in this case we don't have a town. We have a large unincorporated area in which the homeowners apparently chose not to organize a rural fire department but did form a contractual agreement with the city for fire protection in return for fees paid by the homeowners. It is all well and good to say that the homeowner should agree to pay the $15k when his house catches on fire, but in fact there is absolutely no means the city will have to collect it once the fire is out. They will have no legal claim on the property, no means of assessing taxes, no legal way to collect on a bill for services sent if the homeowner then admits he doesn't have $15k and no means to borrow it. And if the homeowner skips out on agreed payments, then that is that.

Again it works like any other insurance. And no insurance company will stay in business for long if it accepts payment for policies after the loss has been incurred or the claim filed.

We all are bleeding hearts with sympathy for that errant homeowner and contempt for a fire department that didn't put out the fire. But the brutal truth is that they were promoting the general welfare and ensuring that other homeowners would continue to have fire protection by not doing so.

I see your point & I also made it on one of these threads. The fire department should carry some quick claim deeds or lien agreements or accept cash, gold or phoned in & approved credit card payment up front. "Pay Before We Spray"

That's the ObamaCare solution - and is doomed to failure unless the last minute payments are so enormous that nobody will want to risk that liability.

You're a walking bumper sticker for cluelessness. - Press Release Distribution - PR Agency
The Humane Society of the United States is issuing the following statement in response to the heartbreaking news that four animals died in an Obion County, Tenn., fire because the homeowner didn’t pay a service fee, and firefighters were told they could not extinguish the blaze:

“It is inexcusable that three dogs and a cat would have to die in such a horrible way, with firefighters ordered to not intervene, because of an unpaid $75 service fee. Putting out fires is a matter of life and death for people and animals, and South Fulton city officials should quickly reconsider their emergency response policies before others are put at risk,” said Leighann McCollum, Tennessee state director for The HSUS.
This thread is well on its way to competing with The List in replies, in just a fraction of the views.

Keep up the good work guys! :thup:
Emulating my good friendo Samson:

Dick Tuck said:
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You don't get what you don't pay for.

The essence of American Capitalism is getting subsidies, bail outs, and legislative favors from government.

The wealthy, though direct and indirect ownership of corporations, live off free stuff.

Study lobbying. The point is to get set-up beneath the tax payer's teat.

Better yet: study the 80's consumer electronics boom that culminated in cellular technology, computers, and the internet, fueling one of America's greatest economic booms. All this technology came out of the Cold War Pentagon. It was developed and funded by the PUBLIC. Then it was handed over to the private sector for free, so profits could be narrowly channeled.

The point of American Capitalism is for corporations to get free stuff from the government, while preaching market discipline for the poor. The Pentagon is an oil protectorate paid for by the taxpayer.

Starting with Reagan, welfare in America has gone to the wealthy. Consequently, the middle class no longer has the jobs or wages to consume. [In fact, the Reagan Revolution had to create the credit industrial complex in order to sustain middle class consumption. When all the money became concentrated on top and failed to trickle down into solid jobs, the middle class was kept alive with Master Cards and Alt A's. Morning in American was an attempt to cover up the death of the middle class with fancy debt instruments. It was a hoax. The country was looted. The money is gone.

Bail out Wall Street and watch the houses of the middle class burn.

Welcome to the future.
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You don't get what you don't pay for.

The essence of American Capitalism is getting subsidies, bail outs, and legislative favors from government.

The wealthy, though direct and indirect ownership of corporations, live off free stuff.

Study lobbying. The point is to get set-up beneath the tax payer's teat.

Better yet: study the 80's consumer electronics boom that culminated in cellular technology, computers, and the internet, fueling one of America's greatest economic booms. All this technology came out of the Cold War Pentagon. It was developed and funded by the PUBLIC. Then it was handed over to the private sector for free, so profits could be narrowly channeled.

The point of American Capitalism is for corporations to get free stuff from the government, while preaching market discipline for the poor. The Pentagon is an oil protectorate paid for by the taxpayer.

Starting with Reagan, welfare in America has gone to the wealthy. Consequently, the middle class no longer has the jobs or wages to consume. [In fact, the Reagan Revolution had to create the credit industrial complex in order to sustain middle class consumption. When all the money became concentrated on top and failed to trickle down into solid jobs, the middle class was kept alive with Master Cards and Alt A's. Morning in American was an attempt to cover up the death of the middle class with fancy debt instruments. It was a hoax. The country was looted. The money is gone.

Bail out Wall Street and watch the houses of the middle class burn.

Welcome to the future.

Wow! You really said a lot, and it pretty much sums it up...

Perhaps most Americans don't even know we have been duped though? There in, lies the problem.

You don't get what you don't pay for.

The essence of American Capitalism is getting subsidies, bail outs, and legislative favors from government.

The wealthy, though direct and indirect ownership of corporations, live off free stuff.

Study lobbying. The point is to get set-up beneath the tax payer's teat.

Better yet: study the 80's consumer electronics boom that culminated in cellular technology, computers, and the internet, fueling one of America's greatest economic booms. All this technology came out of the Cold War Pentagon. It was developed and funded by the PUBLIC. Then it was handed over to the private sector for free, so profits could be narrowly channeled.

The point of American Capitalism is for corporations to get free stuff from the government, while preaching market discipline for the poor. The Pentagon is an oil protectorate paid for by the taxpayer.

Starting with Reagan, welfare in America has gone to the wealthy. Consequently, the middle class no longer has the jobs or wages to consume. [In fact, the Reagan Revolution had to create the credit industrial complex in order to sustain middle class consumption. When all the money became concentrated on top and failed to trickle down into solid jobs, the middle class was kept alive with Master Cards and Alt A's. Morning in American was an attempt to cover up the death of the middle class with fancy debt instruments. It was a hoax. The country was looted. The money is gone.

Bail out Wall Street and watch the houses of the middle class burn.

Welcome to the future.

Wow! You really said a lot, and it pretty much sums it up...

Perhaps most Americans don't even know we have been duped though? There in, lies the problem.


It's not the essence of American Capitalism,but the essence of the perversion of it, which incorporates Government collusion. Government is a part of the corruption. I'll choose trading in coin over bullets every time.Totalitarianism is no solution. Government is not the fix all,it is a co conspirator.

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