Firearm shots bodies on the ground...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Since the only way sure way to categorize gun deaths is to count bodies on the ground, the anti-gunner crowd often times uses that to attack the 2nd amendment and supporters of gun is a case that will not be counted in most statistics because even though this is one of 250-350,000 defensive gun uses that stops a crime and saves a shots were fired, and no bodies were left on the ground...a good thing...but it will go unnoticed in the larger fight for the 2nd amendment...

Armed storeowner couple fend off clueless would-be robber VIDEO

The couple assumed he was after money, though he never got the chance to ask for any. They also believed the suspect spotted Kim and not Jim, who sprang into action immediately, grabbing his .380 and training it on the suspect’s forehead. At that point, the suspect switched his gun back and forth from Kim to Jim before leaving the store empty handed.

This guy needs to give up the life of crime before he hurts someone...the guy isn't very observant...

It was about 9:15 when the suspect, whose face was covered with a bandanna, walked into Rob’s Quick Stop Grocery, apparently not noticing the stickers posted outside supporting the local police department and the National Rifle Association. He made his way towards the counter where Jim’s wife, Kim, was standing.

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