***Fire Mueller***


'It's Over, You Fucker,' Nixon Tells Trump from Hell — Borowitz
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller over played his hand.
2. He deserves firing, wait and see dumb ass.


For what?

The President on Airforce One basically threw Cohen under the bus... There was a crime by Cohen if Trump is to be believed... It is a federal crime, feds investigate that crime. There was just coordination so one set of feds don't impede on another set... But Cohen could be asked to testify against Trump if wants a deal...

Sorry but this is all serious crimes... There has already been guilty pleas..

At the very least there is plenty of proof that the Russians broke the law to get help Trump get elected and then had people in his administration to try and influance Trump after the election, in the con game Trump is the patsy... And that is the minimum...
View attachment 187153

'It's Over, You Fucker,' Nixon Tells Trump from Hell — Borowitz
No one is falling for ridiculus Snowflake attempts to equate Trump with Nixon.

Plenty of people who lived during it, have studied it, or took part in the prosecution thereof are well aware of the similarities. Firing Mueller would be the equivalent of the Saturday Night Massacre.

Look it up.
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller over played his hand.
2. He deserves firing, wait and see dumb ass.


For what?

The President on Airforce One basically threw Cohen under the bus... There was a crime by Cohen if Trump is to be believed... It is a federal crime, feds investigate that crime. There was just coordination so one set of feds don't impede on another set... But Cohen could be asked to testify against Trump if wants a deal...

Sorry but this is all serious crimes... There has already been guilty pleas..

At the very least there is plenty of proof that the Russians broke the law to get help Trump get elected and then had people in his administration to try and influance Trump after the election, in the con game Trump is the patsy... And that is the minimum...
So what law was broken, shit stick?
View attachment 187153

'It's Over, You Fucker,' Nixon Tells Trump from Hell — Borowitz
No one is falling for ridiculus Snowflake attempts to equate Trump with Nixon.

Plenty of people who lived during it, have studied it, or took part in the prosecution thereof are well aware of the similarities. Firing Mueller would be the equivalent of the Saturday Night Massacre.

Look it up.
You mean a bunch of deranged mentally retarded snowflakes want to believe it, so they believe it.

Equating Trump with Nixon is a tactic, not a reality.
It’s not a tactic, it is the truth, and the failure on your part to recognize it is not my problem.
It’s not a tactic, it is the truth, and the failure on your part to recognize it is not my problem.
Nothing that spews from your keyboard is truth. I've never seen such concentrated idiocy in my life. I'm told you're a sock for BDBoop. That explains the stupidity.
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller over played his hand.
2. He deserves firing, wait and see dumb ass.


For what?

The President on Airforce One basically threw Cohen under the bus... There was a crime by Cohen if Trump is to be believed... It is a federal crime, feds investigate that crime. There was just coordination so one set of feds don't impede on another set... But Cohen could be asked to testify against Trump if wants a deal...

Sorry but this is all serious crimes... There has already been guilty pleas..

At the very least there is plenty of proof that the Russians broke the law to get help Trump get elected and then had people in his administration to try and influance Trump after the election, in the con game Trump is the patsy... And that is the minimum...
So what law was broken, shit stick?

Bank Fraud
Wire Fraud
Campaign Finance Violation

By Cohen asking and paying for an NDA with Stormy Daniels for Trump he is acting for Trump without Tumps consent.. Trump said so on Airforce One. That means he was defrauding both Trump and Daniels.. Wire for the fraud, Bank Fraud for the money transfer and Campaign Finance because it was days away from the election and this could be easily interpreted to help Trump the candidate.
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller over played his hand.
2. He deserves firing, wait and see dumb ass.


For what?

The President on Airforce One basically threw Cohen under the bus... There was a crime by Cohen if Trump is to be believed... It is a federal crime, feds investigate that crime. There was just coordination so one set of feds don't impede on another set... But Cohen could be asked to testify against Trump if wants a deal...

Sorry but this is all serious crimes... There has already been guilty pleas..

At the very least there is plenty of proof that the Russians broke the law to get help Trump get elected and then had people in his administration to try and influance Trump after the election, in the con game Trump is the patsy... And that is the minimum...
So what law was broken, shit stick?

Bank Fraud
Wire Fraud
Campaign Finance Violation

Where's the evidence, turd? Oh, I know . . . . . wait until Mewler issues his report.

By Cohen asking and paying for an NDA with Stormy Daniels for Trump he is acting for Trump without Tumps consent.. Trump said so on Airforce One. That means he was defrauding both Trump and Daniels.. Wire for the fraud, Bank Fraud for the money transfer and Campaign Finance because it was days away from the election and this could be easily interpreted to help Trump the candidate.

Wire fraud and bank fraud are charges the feds always throw in when they have no real crimes to indict someone with. How could Trump have defrauded anyone when the only person who lost any money in the deal was Cohen who says he did it of his own volition?

This is a big nothing burger, once again. Obergruppenfuher Mewler is desperate for something to make himself relevant and to divert attention from his corruption.
Sorry bout that,

1. But the time is past due, "You're Fired!"\
2. Should be jailed too.
3. Any questions?
4. He's going hard after Trump over some tramp he banged years ago....big deal.....
5. Is Trump the Pope?

I hope Trump does fire him. It will mark the beginning of the end of his reign... and those aren’t my words, they’re the words of Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham.
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller over played his hand.
2. He deserves firing, wait and see dumb ass.


For what?

The President on Airforce One basically threw Cohen under the bus... There was a crime by Cohen if Trump is to be believed... It is a federal crime, feds investigate that crime. There was just coordination so one set of feds don't impede on another set... But Cohen could be asked to testify against Trump if wants a deal...

Sorry but this is all serious crimes... There has already been guilty pleas..

At the very least there is plenty of proof that the Russians broke the law to get help Trump get elected and then had people in his administration to try and influance Trump after the election, in the con game Trump is the patsy... And that is the minimum...
So what law was broken, shit stick?

Bank Fraud
Wire Fraud
Campaign Finance Violation

Where's the evidence, turd? Oh, I know . . . . . wait until Mewler issues his report.

By Cohen asking and paying for an NDA with Stormy Daniels for Trump he is acting for Trump without Tumps consent.. Trump said so on Airforce One. That means he was defrauding both Trump and Daniels.. Wire for the fraud, Bank Fraud for the money transfer and Campaign Finance because it was days away from the election and this could be easily interpreted to help Trump the candidate.

Wire fraud and bank fraud are charges the feds always throw in when they have no real crimes to indict someone with. How could Trump have defrauded anyone when the only person who lost any money in the deal was Cohen who says he did it of his own volition?

This is a big nothing burger, once again. Obergruppenfuher Mewler is desperate for something to make himself relevant and to divert attention from his corruption.
Who said Trump is the target of this investigation? This is a separate investigation into Cohen.
Yes, an unconstitutional raid of a cooperating lawyer is really good and will really improve the justice system! Crazy ass anti-Donald dumbasses hate the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments. :p

Sad really, for the rest of us. At some point, if justice does not prevail, White folks will stop paying any federal and state income taxes and local real estate taxes.

...the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan had an extremely good reason to search Cohen’s workplace.

"Extremely good?" Let me guess the author of that is a transgender who is extremely butthurt The Donald is President. :p
Oh? What’s unconstitutional about it? Federal income investigators legally and lawfully obtained a search warrant in accordance with our Constitution. It’s certainly not unconstitutional merely because you don’t like it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller over played his hand.
2. He deserves firing, wait and see dumb ass.


For what?

The President on Airforce One basically threw Cohen under the bus... There was a crime by Cohen if Trump is to be believed... It is a federal crime, feds investigate that crime. There was just coordination so one set of feds don't impede on another set... But Cohen could be asked to testify against Trump if wants a deal...

Sorry but this is all serious crimes... There has already been guilty pleas..

At the very least there is plenty of proof that the Russians broke the law to get help Trump get elected and then had people in his administration to try and influance Trump after the election, in the con game Trump is the patsy... And that is the minimum...
So what law was broken, shit stick?

Bank Fraud
Wire Fraud
Campaign Finance Violation

Where's the evidence, turd? Oh, I know . . . . . wait until Mewler issues his report.

By Cohen asking and paying for an NDA with Stormy Daniels for Trump he is acting for Trump without Tumps consent.. Trump said so on Airforce One. That means he was defrauding both Trump and Daniels.. Wire for the fraud, Bank Fraud for the money transfer and Campaign Finance because it was days away from the election and this could be easily interpreted to help Trump the candidate.

Wire fraud and bank fraud are charges the feds always throw in when they have no real crimes to indict someone with. How could Trump have defrauded anyone when the only person who lost any money in the deal was Cohen who says he did it of his own volition?

This is a big nothing burger, once again. Obergruppenfuher Mewler is desperate for something to make himself relevant and to divert attention from his corruption.

The document shows that he was saying he was representing Trump when Trump said he wasn't... That is called fraud....

Lawyers can't instruct themselves to represent someone with out their consent... That is the law...

Daniels lost as well, she was supposed to have a mutual NDA... That meant Trump wasn't allowed to talk either, but he didn't sign and claimed to know nothing about it... That is fraud...

The laugh is Trump threw Cohen under the bus... All he had to do is say nothing, but he couldn't resist...

If he does this to a long time associate, who wants to really be his lawyer?

Nobody said this is about Trump... Actually Trump is in the clear to the point, if any legal authority believes Cohen paid for this out his own pocket...

I think we will see 2 hours of depositions for Cohen and Trump...

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