Finland To Join N.A.T.O. On Tuesday.

That's always your sides excuse. "YeW MuSt Be RuSsIaN"

No I've been paying attention. You obviously haven't. And I served this country honorable so watch your mouth about calling me a traitor, bitch
And I'm on nobody's side but my own. Go ahead be a pawn in someone else's game. Losers do that.
And I'm on nobody's side but my own. Go ahead be a pawn in someone else's game. Losers do that.
You can just edit a comment instead of replying twice to one dipshit

LOL nah losers like you go along with the "current thing" instead of thinking for themselves. Shows you have no balls

So you're the name you call other people right? Guess that makes you the traitor
You can just edit a comment instead of replying twice to one dipshit

LOL nah losers like you go along with the "current thing" instead of thinking for themselves. Shows you have no balls

So you're the name you call other people right? Guess that makes you the traitor
Your rhetoric is getting more and more juvenile and irresponsible. I'm calling it a night, hope you have as much sense. This is going nowhere good.
Your rhetoric is getting more and more juvenile and irresponsible. I'm calling it a night, hope you have as much sense. This is going nowhere good.
LOL self awareness much? Think you can call someone a Russian or a traitor and a loser and you're not being juvenile?

You get what you give in this world. You come at me with bs i'll give as good as I get
You can just edit a comment instead of replying twice to one dipshit

LOL nah losers like you go along with the "current thing" instead of thinking for themselves. Shows you have no balls

So you're the name you call other people right? Guess that makes you the traitor
When did I call you a traitor. Which post ?
Thought you were leaving yet here's 2 more replies to 1 comment. Go back and read your comments
I don't need to.I never called you a traitor. That's your imagination working overtime again. Do you have post traumatic disorder or are you simply a kid pretending to be an inmature and troubled adult ?
I don't need to.I never called you a traitor. That's your imagination working overtime again. Do you have post traumatic disorder or are you simply a kid pretending to be an image and troubled adult ?
Now you're gonna question my mental status LOL

Since you're not leaving and instead wanna be juvenile. Maybe you're just a faggot an annoying faggot

Go back and read where you kept calling me a Russian. Thereby insinuating im a traitor.

I think you've got mental issues since you can't remember your own post

Bottom Line you don't know shit about history and I doubt you ever were a pilot. I think you're another Stolen Valor like McFib
The coup was illegal but we did it anyway then Biden withheld money because his son was being investigated. How convenient
Gotcha, so just being a Russian makes one a traitor in this country. That's your take on Russians, not mine. Wait a second, I never said I was a pilot. There you go again, quite the imagination you have there. Goodnight. You have the most twisted thinking of anyone I've met on here.
Last edited:
Gotcha, so just being a Russian makes one a traitor in this country. That's your take on Russians, not mine. Wait a second, I never said I was a pilot. There you go again, quite the imagination you have there. Goodnight. You have the most twisted thinking of anyone I've met on here.
Considering what's happening right now yeah. To put it another way what do you think of Edward Snowden this should test what you know

Are you really leaving this time?

(X) Doubt

You'll be back
Anyone notice under Trump, He made NATO ante up for their terribly lax payments while letting the US foot their bill for their defense?

Suddenly, this has returned under Biden.
Considering what's happening right now yeah. To put it another way what do you think of Edward Snowden this should test what you know

Are you really leaving this time?

(X) Doubt

You'll be back
I'm not into conspiracy theories, it's sadly obvious you are hopelessly into them. Try to have a good night, I plan on it.
There was no trouble in the Donbass region until the pro-russian government was voted out of the Ukraine.
"Voted out"...

Lies, that's all the scum and russophobes have at their disposal.

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