Finland´s Greens want nuclear power to be eco-labeled by the EU. Finland saved the Liberal Order once (in 30-40s from Moscow Despotism&Marxism), and

Will the nuclear power be labeled as environmentally friendly, by the EU?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Finland saved the Liberal Order once (in 30-40s from Moscow Oriental Despotism& World Marxism), and It ´ll do it again: Finalnd´s Greens want nuclear power to be eco-labeled by the EU​

we do not have time to wait for 20 years. We must use fast, sustainable solutions if there are those made possible by technology.

Ohisalo emphasized the importance of investing in sustainable development.

- Investing in green technology and industry should be seen as an investment that gives us more growth, sustainable ones, and that creates work.

Will the nuclear power be labeled as environmentally friendly, by the EU?


terrible news for Putin´s gang and his empire ....
Nuclear power is the only source of 100% reliable emission free electricity that we have.

Rational people know that nuclear power is going to have to be included in any plan to cease the use of fossil fuels.

Small, modular molten salt reactors can be installed at current coal and NG power plants and in more remote areas providing redundancy and security.

These reactors can use much of the nuclear waste from obsolete light water reactors that we have sitting around already and will only have to be refueled every 20 years or so.

They are small enough to manufacture in factories, require no huge steel and concrete containment structures and are self limiting so that they can never melt down.
Electric powered vehicles and Nuclear power.


Once again..this climate change LIE is nothing but a ploy from the left for money, power and control.

I care about pollution, so lets MANDATE nothing but electric vehicles and nuclear power.

You lefties fucking love MANDATES.

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