Finding the REAL fact behind any story or event.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
You can findout who is behind any event or story in the New today. Follow the money and who it comes from. You can look at Black Lives matter. This loose knit org, is funded by Move on Foundation George Soros and others. The Calif campus speech riots were disrupted by ANTIF and radicals funded by the Leftwing orgs. The Assualt on the Boarder was also funded by org, Open Boarders, and Freedom Org, and others. Each one was and is for disruption of the legal system. Looking at the News and Local news from "Hot" area of this Nation it seems that the USA is under attack and we had better start stopping it by whatever means it take.
You can findout who is behind any event or story in the New today. Follow the money and who it comes from. You can look at Black Lives matter. This loose knit org, is funded by Move on Foundation George Soros and others. The Calif campus speech riots were disrupted by ANTIF and radicals funded by the Leftwing orgs. The Assualt on the Boarder was also funded by org, Open Boarders, and Freedom Org, and others. Each one was and is for disruption of the legal system. Looking at the News and Local news from "Hot" area of this Nation it seems that the USA is under attack and we had better start stopping it by whatever means it take.

In other words Dan, any and all Leftist movements against the GOP and generally in support of the DNC are invariably backed by subversive, anti-American groups. Put another way, you have the GOP generally backed by and supporting the rich here in the USA and then you have DNC generally backed by and supporting the rich everywhere else, and either of them only help the poor and less fortunate here as far as it keeps them in power.
Facts exist simply as facts – no qualifications.

And the right’s ridiculous lies and attempts to vilify Soros and BLM, among others, is as far from fact and the truth as one can get.

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