Financially I'm among the 99%; But they dont speak on my behalf.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
My income puts me in the 99% who are not among the 1% richest. However, these OWS morons claiming they are the 99% do NOT represent me. Those spoiled college brats should be shipped to Mexico or North Korea or Africa so they can see how good they have it. I wonder how many job interviews have gone on during the OWS movement that any one of those morons could've applied for?

I just saw a bit on the news about the founder of Wendy's restaurants. Told his story, of how he was a cook in the Army, a high school dropout. Then he took an ENTRY LEVEL job at Kentucky Fried Chicken, worked hard, then opened up his own business "Wendy's". Now hes rich as shit.

Same for the owner/founder of the NFL's Carolina Panthers and Hardees/Carl Jrs chain Jerry Richardson. He graduated from tiny Wofford College and didn't have much of anything. He founded a tiny business called "Hardees" in Spartanburg, SC. Now, he's rich as shit.

Facebook founder. Microsoft founder. Nike founder. WalMart founder. Founder of the UFC (a martial arts competition sport worth billions now), who was a dirt poor Brazillian until he founded this.

I could go on and on and on and on about rich people who were once poor or middle class, took an entry level job OR founded their own small biz, and worked their way up.

Hey, OWS morons, you dont speak for me. Taking chances and working hard is what gets you a good life in America. Get the hell out of your shitty ass tents and do something for your self already.
Politicians have been talking about Wall Street and Main street for years. and I do not live on either of those streets.
Politicians have been talking about Wall Street and Main street for years. and I do not live on either of those streets.

Aside from outright tyranny or anarchy, what politicians do or dont do will not truly affect the quality of life of most people in America. Our society is brilliantly designed in a way that if you work hard and act responsibly, you'll probably end up fine.
Politicians have been talking about Wall Street and Main street for years. and I do not live on either of those streets.

Aside from outright tyranny or anarchy, what politicians do or dont do will not truly affect the quality of life of most people in America. Our society is brilliantly designed in a way that if you work hard and act responsibly, you'll probably end up fine.

the definition of "fine" is however on the decline.
Most of us must learn to live with less.
Politicians have been talking about Wall Street and Main street for years. and I do not live on either of those streets.

Aside from outright tyranny or anarchy, what politicians do or dont do will not truly affect the quality of life of most people in America. Our society is brilliantly designed in a way that if you work hard and act responsibly, you'll probably end up fine.

Your a fool.
My income puts me in the 99% who are not among the 1% richest. However, these OWS morons claiming they are the 99% do NOT represent me. Those spoiled college brats should be shipped to Mexico or North Korea or Africa so they can see how good they have it. I wonder how many job interviews have gone on during the OWS movement that any one of those morons could've applied for?

I just saw a bit on the news about the founder of Wendy's restaurants. Told his story, of how he was a cook in the Army, a high school dropout. Then he took an ENTRY LEVEL job at Kentucky Fried Chicken, worked hard, then opened up his own business "Wendy's". Now hes rich as shit.

Same for the owner/founder of the NFL's Carolina Panthers and Hardees/Carl Jrs chain Jerry Richardson. He graduated from tiny Wofford College and didn't have much of anything. He founded a tiny business called "Hardees" in Spartanburg, SC. Now, he's rich as shit.

Facebook founder. Microsoft founder. Nike founder. WalMart founder. Founder of the UFC (a martial arts competition sport worth billions now), who was a dirt poor Brazillian until he founded this.

I could go on and on and on and on about rich people who were once poor or middle class, took an entry level job OR founded their own small biz, and worked their way up.

Hey, OWS morons, you dont speak for me. Taking chances and working hard is what gets you a good life in America. Get the hell out of your shitty ass tents and do something for your self already.

I agree with you on everything you wrote except Dave that owns Wendys is dead. His family is rich now but he is sadly not among one of them now.
Yes I agree, let's ship all the educated people out of this country!


they may have book smarts but they sure the hell dont have any common sense. I would rather have more common sense then book smarts any day. You can always learn a trade without going to college and make a living . But with no common sense. I think that you cant learn that from any book:doubt:
Yes I agree, let's ship all the educated people out of this country!


Sleeping in a tent in the middle of a park, holding cardboard signs, fighting police, shitting on cop cars, not showering or shaving, dancing to drums and chanting in unison with masses of like a sign of EDUCATION????

Meanwhile, most of the country goes on about their daily jobs. Companies and local governments are hiring. OWS morons are sleeping in parks. And you call them educated? They could instead be out sending resumes and applications out in mass. Taking ANY entry level job with any company, anything to avoid sleeping in a tent in a damn park with a bunch of morons.

If I had a job applicant with "OWS participant" on his resume/application, then he would have 0% chance of being hired.
Evan Palin was working class until she got into politics.

So she quit and lost and became a multi millionaire.
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Yes I agree, let's ship all the educated people out of this country!


He never suggested that.

Unless you actually think standing around in the cold wet weather, raping, assaulting, rioting, getting high, vandalism, public urination and defication, and all the other disturbing behaviors of OWS are signs of educated and intelligent people.
Yes I agree, let's ship all the educated people out of this country!


they may have book smarts but they sure the hell dont have any common sense. I would rather have more common sense then book smarts any day. You can always learn a trade without going to college and make a living . But with no common sense. I think that you cant learn that from any book:doubt:

Education vs Wisdom. All those college educated morons at OWS may have a piece of paper that proves they have an "education". But wisdom? They are vastly short on that.

They are mistaken of what a "college degree" means. They believe it means a guaranteed job. Nope. It means NOTHING except to say this person went through 4 years, did the mandatory requirments, and got through. Did he learn enough to warrant being hired anywhere above entry level? No.

The sheer shock that liberal college grads are facing is the key issue. They are shocked that their degrees, in other words, their willingness to be brainwashed in the fields of diversity and multiculturalism, somehow guaranteed them a job. Their self-image of what they are worth to society is badly out of whack. They feel they are crucially valuable to society because of their degree and their liberal values. The shock of reality is hurting them.
QED- you don't know what the OWS message is, dittohead. Upward social mobility has never been worse- know why?. Read my signature. TYVM

Because people think they should be able to protest and have it given to them by the government instead of working their butt off like everyone else who has ever lived?
Please. having a piece of paper doesn't prove you have an education. Any idiot can pay money to a school and get a diploma. You prove your intelligence by what you do in life.
QED- you don't know what the OWS message is, dittohead. Upward social mobility has never been worse- know why?. Read my signature. TYVM

Easy answer.


There you go. The morals and work ethic of the entry level worker has dwindled, as that worker has become more entitled and whiny. But those who have the proper work ethic, humble mind and desire still move upwards.

But take a look at OWS. You see many of those morons working their way up in a company? Shit no.
The more we keep telling the pool of entry level applicants that they cant do it on their own, the more of them that wont do it on their own.

OWS are brainwashed useful idiots for the extreme left wing. It's true, there isn't any upward mobility........FOR THEM.

But for regular, humble, hard working folks, there will be plenty. Society has changed. Globalism has changed us. But success is still there for the humble and hard working. Sadly, or thankfully, OWS isn't part of that. They have a very bleak future ahead of them. Thank God for the police to keep those morons in line and away from the rest of us.
Financially I'm among the 99%; But they dont speak on my behalf.

I wouldn't brag about that if I were you...

About what? NOT being in the richest 1%? Or not being aligned with the fucking morons claiming they represent MY viewpoint just because they, like me, aren't rich?

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