Finally Mark Levin!

All that stuff is supposed to fight government corruption? Nothing for the too-cozy relationship between the big money and government? Nothing to address election spending? Nothing to address lobbying? Seems you care more for how the government spends than how it gets in bed with big business and sides with them against the American people.

You're speaking of Crony-Capitalism, which is what is otherwise known as Progressivism (fascism).

And the only way to fight that intrinsic corruption is to disqualify those who are known to be adherents of such from participation.

You can't solve a problem which is comprised entirely of Left-think, through the application of left-think.
Are you drinking already?

He's dead on, every time you hear capitalism you go to crony capitalism which is actually a form of socialism. It's central planning and has nothing to do with capitalism. It has the word "capitalism" in it so you don't grasp it
I grasp that it is the way our government is run and conservatives wouldn't change it for the world, it would not be "business friendly".

Again you show in spades that you don't know what capitalism is. Capitalism is not business friendly, it is neutral. Consumers, suppliers, employers, employees, investors, businesses, everyone makes their own best deal. Government is just a referee, it's not a kindergarten teacher like liberals want.

You again are talking about crony capitalism, which is a form of socialism. Government picking winners is central planning (socialism), not distributed decision making (capitalism)
I know what capitalists do, they do not engage in philosophical discussions on capitalism, they go after profit no matter what it takes even if it means buying influence and getting compliant politicians elected. This practice is openly defended by both parties but republicans make it a requirement to hold office in their party.
Do you dummies actually think you could hold such a convention and leave the liberals outside and deny them a say in the matter? Not on your fucking lives you fucking fascists.

You mad bro? Feel free to flee to some communist country and live out your dream.
I hear Russia is sufficiently anti-liberal enough to satisfy even the most stanch conservative authoritarian and you guys really like Putin. You are the one that ought to move away if you want to change the constitution to be more like Russia's single party state where liberal agitators are jailed.
Another BRILLIANT demonstration of why people seeking resolution to a problem created by left-think... can never HOPE to find such, through any process which includes adherents of Left-think.
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I know what capitalists do, they do not engage in philosophical discussions on capitalism, they go after profit no matter what it takes even if it means buying influence and getting compliant politicians elected. This practice is openly defended by both parties but republicans make it a requirement to hold office in their party.


The consistency is AMAZING!

I just adore natural principle. Adherence to such, when along side those who reject it, makes it APPEAR that I am a frickin' GENIUS!

When in truth, I'm just a guy reading the directions, standing nex to a guy demanding that all the parts just need to be glued together...

Do you dummies actually think you could hold such a convention and leave the liberals outside and deny them a say in the matter? Not on your fucking lives you fucking fascists.

You mad bro? Feel free to flee to some communist country and live out your dream.
I hear Russia is sufficiently anti-liberal enough to satisfy even the most stanch conservative authoritarian and you guys really like Putin. You are the one that ought to move away if you want to change the constitution to be more like Russia's single party state where liberal agitators are jailed.

lmao its you people who are passing laws to punish us if we attempt to leave and take our wealth with us. We don't need you but apparently you need us or rather our wealth.
I hope this can happen. If not the only other option is another civil war.
A civil war is exactly what would happen if the states used such a solemn occasion simply to attack liberal concerns and causes and give a permanent advantage to republicans.

I didn't read that into the OP, are you reading into the OP? Do you like the current direction of Washington, if so please give me your reasons.
I do not like the current direction in Washington but I am not foolish enough to think amending the constitution to put liberalism at a permanent disadvantage or having a (LOL) civil war is the answer for anything. We have the means at hand to change direction without all that hyperbolic shit. We just have to get the big money special interests off our backs and out of our government and accept that we have allowed ourselves to become a plutocracy and do what it takes to slam that door.
I hope this can happen. If not the only other option is another civil war.
A civil war is exactly what would happen if the states used such a solemn occasion simply to attack liberal concerns and causes and give a permanent advantage to republicans.

I didn't read that into the OP, are you reading into the OP? Do you like the current direction of Washington, if so please give me your reasons.
I do not like the current direction in Washington but I am not foolish enough to think amending the constitution to put liberalism at a permanent disadvantage or having a (LOL) civil war is the answer for anything. We have the means at hand to change direction without all that hyperbolic shit. We just have to get the big money special interests off our backs and out of our government and accept that we have allowed ourselves to become a plutocracy and do what it takes to slam that door.

OK, special interests and corporations buy Washington, so the story goes. If true then how in the hell do you expect to turn that around? There is no way with the people being bought are the same ones who need to change the system. So have a Convention of the States and the states take care of the situation. Why you are so fearful of using a convention just against liberals is anyone's guess.
Do you dummies actually think you could hold such a convention and leave the liberals outside and deny them a say in the matter? Not on your fucking lives you fucking fascists.

You mad bro? Feel free to flee to some communist country and live out your dream.
I hear Russia is sufficiently anti-liberal enough to satisfy even the most stanch conservative authoritarian and you guys really like Putin. You are the one that ought to move away if you want to change the constitution to be more like Russia's single party state where liberal agitators are jailed.

lmao its you people who are passing laws to punish us if we attempt to leave and take our wealth with us. We don't need you but apparently you need us or rather our wealth.
I don't give a fuck, It is a fact of life that there is a social and economic cost to live anywhere, pick one that is more acceptable to you and go there if you hate it here so much.
I hope this can happen. If not the only other option is another civil war.
A civil war is exactly what would happen if the states used such a solemn occasion simply to attack liberal concerns and causes and give a permanent advantage to republicans.

I didn't read that into the OP, are you reading into the OP? Do you like the current direction of Washington, if so please give me your reasons.
I do not like the current direction in Washington but I am not foolish enough to think amending the constitution to put liberalism at a permanent disadvantage or having a (LOL) civil war is the answer for anything. We have the means at hand to change direction without all that hyperbolic shit. We just have to get the big money special interests off our backs and out of our government and accept that we have allowed ourselves to become a plutocracy and do what it takes to slam that door.

Look this is what leftists wanted. For decades they have made it clear they hate the right and the right is their enemy well fine, its on get some!
I hope this can happen. If not the only other option is another civil war.
A civil war is exactly what would happen if the states used such a solemn occasion simply to attack liberal concerns and causes and give a permanent advantage to republicans.

What? Using the Constitutionally enumerated method of curtailing federal power would start a civil war? When you ban ammunition and take over the internet (the modern press), you threaten civil war if we use whatever is left of the Constitution to stop the Progressive ruination of the Constitution?

You're a Domestic Enemy of the Constitution of the United States.

Molon Labe.
I hope this can happen. If not the only other option is another civil war.
A civil war is exactly what would happen if the states used such a solemn occasion simply to attack liberal concerns and causes and give a permanent advantage to republicans.

I didn't read that into the OP, are you reading into the OP? Do you like the current direction of Washington, if so please give me your reasons.
I do not like the current direction in Washington but I am not foolish enough to think amending the constitution to put liberalism at a permanent disadvantage or having a (LOL) civil war is the answer for anything. We have the means at hand to change direction without all that hyperbolic shit. We just have to get the big money special interests off our backs and out of our government and accept that we have allowed ourselves to become a plutocracy and do what it takes to slam that door.

OK, special interests and corporations buy Washington, so the story goes. If true then how in the hell do you expect to turn that around? There is no way with the people being bought are the same ones who need to change the system. So have a Convention of the States and the states take care of the situation. Why you are so fearful of using a convention just against liberals is anyone's guess.
No one who wants to change the constitution as badly as these people do could be trusted to do it without making things far worse.
Do you dummies actually think you could hold such a convention and leave the liberals outside and deny them a say in the matter? Not on your fucking lives you fucking fascists.

You mad bro? Feel free to flee to some communist country and live out your dream.
I hear Russia is sufficiently anti-liberal enough to satisfy even the most stanch conservative authoritarian and you guys really like Putin. You are the one that ought to move away if you want to change the constitution to be more like Russia's single party state where liberal agitators are jailed.

lmao its you people who are passing laws to punish us if we attempt to leave and take our wealth with us. We don't need you but apparently you need us or rather our wealth.
I don't give a fuck, It is a fact of life that there is a social and economic cost to live anywhere, pick one that is more acceptable to you and go there if you hate it here so much.

Alternatively we can destroy the left and save the Republic.
Do you dummies actually think you could hold such a convention and leave the liberals outside and deny them a say in the matter? Not on your fucking lives you fucking fascists.

I dont think it was a call to 'Conservatives', it was a call to the states to convene. Liberals are part of each state as well and would have a say, So i cant even see a problem.
Goddamn the hyperbole is getting deep in here, myself included, think I'll go get on my boat instead, going to be a beautiful day. You people need to get out too instead of this useless shit, later.
I hope this can happen. If not the only other option is another civil war.
A civil war is exactly what would happen if the states used such a solemn occasion simply to attack liberal concerns and causes and give a permanent advantage to republicans.

The people who work in State Government are just as valid as the people who work in Federal government. If balance of power needs to be addressed from time to time, I would say its a good thing. I think your over reacting to the thought of a convention to PROPOSE amendments, just a little bit. I have no idea who would fight this civil war of yours,
Some of the most courageous acts in American history came when unarmed citizens faced up to armed tyranny such as the momentous events 50 years ago in Selma Alabama. True courage does not come from the barrel of a gun but from a heart that knows it is righteous.

Please ignore the Deacons for Defense and Justice, armed black men who marched alongside the MLK marches with shotguns to defend the sidearm equipped Republican MLK from Demoncrat KKK armed assaults.
I know what capitalists do

Do you? Let's see:

they do not engage in philosophical discussions on capitalism, they go after profit no matter what it takes even if it means buying influence and getting compliant politicians elected.


Nope, you don't. That is crony capitalism, which is socialism. I don't know what to tell you, Skippy. Central planning is socialism, capitalism is distributed planning. You don't understand what you are saying, you just see the word capitalism in crony capitalism and don't grasp the concept.

This practice is openly defended by both parties but republicans make it a requirement to hold office in their party.

Again back to your partisan hack idiocy. Note my proposals were not by party, I want to reduce the influence of government on the economy and I want to do it by limiting the power of government. You're back to arguing with Republicans. Well Republicans... Gotcha, you're an idiot. I'm a libertarian, moron. Not a Republican and nothing I'm arguing is pro-Republican. Try to pay attention.

And what's truly delusional is your view that Democrats aren't bought like Republicans. Wow, open your eyes and take off the rose colored glasses. Both parties suck, both are bought, you aren't fixing that by making rules to fix it, just like your gun laws don't work and all you can think of is to pass more laws. Money will seek power. You realize that, yet you don't process your own words

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