Finally! Admitting What They Stand For!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. For the longest time I've said that the majority of reliable Democrat voters are clueless about the party whose lever they pull.

They do so out of habit, out of the need for validation by the mob, or fear of confronting the mob.

But they don't know....and probably don't care to know....what they are actually supporting.

2. Trump has flushed them out....forced the Left to admit what their aims are....and they are:

a. restrictions on free speech and a belief in ‘hate speech’…banning it

b. no borders, no sovereignty, no ICE….no American nation

c. no profits, no capitalism….socialism instead

d. no prisons…..police are racist and shoot black folks as a hobby


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

Now that they can't deny it any's the new fall-back position from the lying low-lives:

"Capitalism isn’t in the Constitution,....."
Time To Admit That 'Liberal'...

"Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

"...calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

Can't wait for them to run on that platform!!!
1. For the longest time I've said that the majority of reliable Democrat voters are clueless about the party whose lever they pull.

They do so out of habit, out of the need for validation by the mob, or fear of confronting the mob.

But they don't know....and probably don't care to know....what they are actually supporting.

2. Trump has flushed them out....forced the Left to admit what their aims are....and they are:

a. restrictions on free speech and a belief in ‘hate speech’…banning it

b. no borders, no sovereignty, no ICE….no American nation

c. no profits, no capitalism….socialism instead

d. no prisons…..police are racist and shoot black folks as a hobby


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

Now that they can't deny it any's the new fall-back position from the lying low-lives:

"Capitalism isn’t in the Constitution,....."
Time To Admit That 'Liberal'...

"Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

"...calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

Can't wait for them to run on that platform!!!

They could get away with it against an Establishment Republican, one that would NEVER call them out or inform what a truly awful and unamerican platform democrats openly embrace.

But against Trump?! Bring it!!
1. For the longest time I've said that the majority of reliable Democrat voters are clueless about the party whose lever they pull.

They do so out of habit, out of the need for validation by the mob, or fear of confronting the mob.

But they don't know....and probably don't care to know....what they are actually supporting.

2. Trump has flushed them out....forced the Left to admit what their aims are....and they are:

a. restrictions on free speech and a belief in ‘hate speech’…banning it

b. no borders, no sovereignty, no ICE….no American nation

c. no profits, no capitalism….socialism instead

d. no prisons…..police are racist and shoot black folks as a hobby


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

Now that they can't deny it any's the new fall-back position from the lying low-lives:

"Capitalism isn’t in the Constitution,....."
Time To Admit That 'Liberal'...

"Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

"...calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

Can't wait for them to run on that platform!!!

Two things leftists are just flat out tired of are limits on government power and having an opposition that is allowed to publicly disagree with them. They've said enough, and they intend to end it
One of the Left leaning balance Dem analysts on Fox News made it quite clear that he was gitty about the China tarriffs which he felt would be hurting the economy in a trade war and hurt Republicans in the midterms. So he's showing for sake of affiliation pride he'd rather see the economy fail and other countries rob us of fair trade, and this is not the only Dem who seemed to have that grin and look in their eyes like they can run on something that finally fails, because Dems would rather see a failed America then an improved one for sake of saying "see they couldn't do anything either".
4.Now the Democrats have admitted that they are actually "The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)."

In the interests of explaining to Democrat voters, who they actually are....

Putting the Cards on the Table

The Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA. remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

a. The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
Congressional Socialists No Longer in the Marxist Closet 1
The Grasp of Socialist International

5. “”The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution. DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at the Cards on the Table

"In the simplest of terms, Socialists at every level of government are calling for the federal government takeover of the management of American business, health care, education and the American family.

They envision much more than mere renewal or reform; they want to create an entirely new society controlled by a massive Socialist government."

6. There's no denying it any longer!
  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

Everyone has known this since they started slowly remaking the party since the death of JFK. They are just more open about it now. They fail to understand that the policies that the young are espousing were taught by college professors that had spend an insular life in academia. The idea of such things as taking profits away from companies means there is no intrests in having companies. No companies means no jobs. They only see the idea of having what they want now. They do not see the reality of what that means.
Everyone has known this since they started slowly remaking the party since the death of JFK. They are just more open about it now. They fail to understand that the policies that the young are espousing were taught by college professors that had spend an insular life in academia. The idea of such things as taking profits away from companies means there is no intrests in having companies. No companies means no jobs. They only see the idea of having what they want now. They do not see the reality of what that means.

"Everyone has known this since they started slowly remaking the party since the death of JFK. They are just more open about it now."

No, most of their drones don't know what they are voting for....hence, this thread, and the dearth of defenses of the Marxists.

But, yes....quite a change since JFK....
Clearly, today's Democrat Party has become a pale version of the Bolsheviks.

What is jaw-droppingly astounding is the answer to this question:

...on the political spectrum, is today’s Democrat Party closer to John F. Kennedy, or Lee Harvey Oswald?
Finally....Democrats admitting what they stand for!!!!!!

7. "As a DSA chapter co-chair I just wanna set the record straight for a minute: communism is good,” Portland DSA co-chair Olivia Katbi Smith wrote on June 30. Other DSA chairs quickly followed her lead.

The DSA’s Charlottesville chair quoted Smith’s tweet and wrote, “as a DSA chapter co-chair, I would like to cosign this pro-communist statement.” DSA chairs in Seattle and Hudson County, New Jersey added their support as well.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to the DSA for a statement on the chairs’ endorsement of communism, as well as for clarification of the DSA’s position on communism, but a DSA spokesperson declined the request.

A deeper look into the beliefs of the DSA’s members reveals that a communist faction isn’t an outlier in the group.

Members of the DSA espouse a kind of radicalism that has not been represented in mainstream American politics for generations."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

Have you notice the silence from the usual Democrat supporters on the board????

Here's why:

"Writing in the radical (and Democratic Socialists of America connected) Chicago magazine In These Times, in March 2008, Joel Bleifuss asserted;
In particular, Obama can be linked to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the Democratic Party-oriented organization that is a member of the Socialist International"

Exactly what the Right was saying since 2008.

Soooo.....still votin' Democrat, comrade?????

Everyone has known this since they started slowly remaking the party since the death of JFK. They are just more open about it now. They fail to understand that the policies that the young are espousing were taught by college professors that had spend an insular life in academia. The idea of such things as taking profits away from companies means there is no intrests in having companies. No companies means no jobs. They only see the idea of having what they want now. They do not see the reality of what that means.
Since the presidency of FDR, or maybe even Woodrow Wilson.

Yes, since then.
One of the Left leaning balance Dem analysts on Fox News made it quite clear that he was gitty about the China tarriffs which he felt would be hurting the economy in a trade war and hurt Republicans in the midterms. So he's showing for sake of affiliation pride he'd rather see the economy fail and other countries rob us of fair trade, and this is not the only Dem who seemed to have that grin and look in their eyes like they can run on something that finally fails, because Dems would rather see a failed America then an improved one for sake of saying "see they couldn't do anything either".
Nah the left is all for the cause (socialism) and they are fanatical about it. It's why all their interest groups are exactly the same on every issue (NOW, NAACP, ACT UP, QUEER NATION, ELF, NAMBLA, SIERRA CLUB, NARAL, ect)
Everyone has known this since they started slowly remaking the party since the death of JFK. They are just more open about it now. They fail to understand that the policies that the young are espousing were taught by college professors that had spend an insular life in academia. The idea of such things as taking profits away from companies means there is no intrests in having companies. No companies means no jobs. They only see the idea of having what they want now. They do not see the reality of what that means.
Since the presidency of FDR, or maybe even Woodrow Wilson.

Yes, since then.

Really glad you brought up Democrat/Progressive/Racist Woodrow Wilson.

He fought for the administrative state, one run by unelected experts, bureaucrats, technocrats....

In effect, he was a continuation of the architect of the French Revolution....
Rousseau…..experts will run the country, as representatives of 'the general will'.

And any who do not obey the government, the general will, must be put to death.
'In ‘The Social Contract’ Rousseau advocated death for anyone who did not uphold the common values of the community: the totalitarian view of reshaping of humanity, echoed in communism, Nazism, progressivism. Robespierre: “the necessity of bringing about a complete regeneration and, if I may express myself so, of creating a new people.”
Himmefarb, , “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68.

BTW.....Hillary Clinton wrote something very similar to that in her college thesis.

So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil" and should be dealt with as a wild beast.
Everyone has known this since they started slowly remaking the party since the death of JFK. They are just more open about it now. They fail to understand that the policies that the young are espousing were taught by college professors that had spend an insular life in academia. The idea of such things as taking profits away from companies means there is no intrests in having companies. No companies means no jobs. They only see the idea of having what they want now. They do not see the reality of what that means.

agree, the party of Truman and Kennedy is dead. Those two would be republicans if they were alive today.
They don't like America. Period.

In fact, only1 in 4 of them are extremely proud to be American.

Whether or not they knew it they were able to deny it before even if the denials made them look ridiculous. Deniability was all that mattered. But TDS has flushed them out into the open. Easy peasy now with the communist flags waving and mobs rioting and democrats shutting government down on the orders of foreign citizens and socialists being elected in their primaries.

I think the Democrats will shrink even more. Right now they are a bicoastal party with pockets of strength in the slums and billionaires mansions. And Hollywood. I am thinking the Trump led Republicans and never Trumpers may split and become the new two party system leaving the Democrats as the has-been party of the media elites, academia and foreign interests.
We're gonna find out if the Democrat voters can sing!

8.” "The Internationale" (French: L'Internationale) is a left-wing anthem. It has been a standard of the socialist movement since the late nineteenth century, when the Second International adopted it as its official anthem. The title arises from the "First International", an alliance of workers which held a congress in 1864. The author of the anthem's lyrics, anarchist Eugène Pottier, attended this congress.

The original French refrain of the song is C'est la lutte finale / Groupons-nous et demain / L'Internationale / Sera le genre humain. (English: "This is the final struggle / Let us group together and tomorrow / The Internationale / Will be the human race."). "The Internationale" has been translated into many languages.

The Internationale has been celebrated by communists, socialists, anarchists, democratic socialists, and social democrats.” The Internationale - Wikipedia

9. Vote Democrat?

Better learn to sing the Internationale….as the DSA is doing here:

In a nutshell, they're self-hating Americans who want to punish fellow Americans and put their needs last. While putting American-hating, ingrate 3rd worlder whims first in all matters.

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