Fight racism

someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

That's a Klan rally in Chicago on August 16, 1921. And if you're interested in this sort of trivia, the Mayor of Chicago at the time was Big Bill Thompson, a best buddy of Al Capone, and a Republican. Oh and a bigot too.
I know who Big Bill was the last republican [sic] mayor of chicago [sic] and so it was a Democrat rally

Ummmm nnnnnno. It was a Klan rally. About the same time the Klan was working to oust the Democratic governor of Oklahoma for trying to drive them out after Tulsa. Three years before they endorsed Calvin Coolidge because he was the only major POTUS candidate who refused to denounce them. Three years before they got Republicans elected all over the country from literally Maine to California. Seven years before they ran a national smear campaign against Al Smith in the next POTUS election because he was Catholic.

You are correct that Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago. He lost that position to Anton Czernak after running his own ethnic slur campaign. That, and his cozying up to Capone, left him a loser.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson! Calvin Coolidge was NEVER endorsed by the KKK. And, the KKK dominated the 1924 DEMOCRAT national convention, even staging a march in full Klan regalia in support of Democrats. Democrats FORMED the KKK and POPULATED it throughout its history.
" Liberal Versus Conservative Paradigm Is Intellectual Buffoonery "

* Complexion Innuendo With Authoritarian Dictates Demanding Sack Whitey *

someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue..
they're not alone.
The definition of racism must include violence based upon race .

The left wants everyone to believe that because people are concerned with their own and not concerned with others , that such indifference or disdain , though legitimate aggression and not violence , is racist , which it is not .
The left wants everyone to believe that because people are concerned with their own and not concerned with others , that such indifference or disdain , though legitimate aggression and not violence , is racist , which it is not .
The definition of racism must include violence based upon race .
yes, it is - your mindset counts no less than the perpetrators.

another off the deep edge, into the abyss ...

brown vs board of education without violance for you was a horrible injustice - do you pray to jesus for its repeal.

The dashcam video captured a horrific scene: a Kansas sheriff's deputy in a patrol truck mowing down a Black man who was running, shirtless, across a field in the summer darkness ...
made monkeye's day for justice rendered. oh, just because there was violance does not mean they were a racist ... and on and on they go ...
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

That's a Klan rally in Chicago on August 16, 1921. And if you're interested in this sort of trivia, the Mayor of Chicago at the time was Big Bill Thompson, a best buddy of Al Capone, and a Republican. Oh and a bigot too.
I know who Big Bill was the last republican [sic] mayor of chicago [sic] and so it was a Democrat rally

Ummmm nnnnnno. It was a Klan rally. About the same time the Klan was working to oust the Democratic governor of Oklahoma for trying to drive them out after Tulsa. Three years before they endorsed Calvin Coolidge because he was the only major POTUS candidate who refused to denounce them. Three years before they got Republicans elected all over the country from literally Maine to California. Seven years before they ran a national smear campaign against Al Smith in the next POTUS election because he was Catholic.

You are correct that Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago. He lost that position to Anton Czernak after running his own ethnic slur campaign. That, and his cozying up to Capone, left him a loser.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson! Calvin Coolidge was NEVER endorsed by the KKK. And, the KKK dominated the 1924 DEMOCRAT national convention, even staging a march in full Klan regalia in support of Democrats. Democrats FORMED the KKK and POPULATED it throughout its history.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson!
go away hater ...

Mr. Wilson was one of the most devout of our Presidents. His religion was marked by constant and regular prayer, not a formality but a sincere outpouring of his spirit and supplication for divine guidance. He read his Bible consistently every day, meditated on what he read, and sought to put into action the teachings of the Scripture.
you can lie about politics all you want - the kkk is the bible belt. period. christians. they are crucifiers.
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

That's a Klan rally in Chicago on August 16, 1921. And if you're interested in this sort of trivia, the Mayor of Chicago at the time was Big Bill Thompson, a best buddy of Al Capone, and a Republican. Oh and a bigot too.
I know who Big Bill was the last republican [sic] mayor of chicago [sic] and so it was a Democrat rally

Ummmm nnnnnno. It was a Klan rally. About the same time the Klan was working to oust the Democratic governor of Oklahoma for trying to drive them out after Tulsa. Three years before they endorsed Calvin Coolidge because he was the only major POTUS candidate who refused to denounce them. Three years before they got Republicans elected all over the country from literally Maine to California. Seven years before they ran a national smear campaign against Al Smith in the next POTUS election because he was Catholic.

You are correct that Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago. He lost that position to Anton Czernak after running his own ethnic slur campaign. That, and his cozying up to Capone, left him a loser.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson! Calvin Coolidge was NEVER endorsed by the KKK. And, the KKK dominated the 1924 DEMOCRAT national convention, even staging a march in full Klan regalia in support of Democrats. Democrats FORMED the KKK and POPULATED it throughout its history.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson!
go away hater ...

Mr. Wilson was one of the most devout of our Presidents. His religion was marked by constant and regular prayer, not a formality but a sincere outpouring of his spirit and supplication for divine guidance. He read his Bible consistently every day, meditated on what he read, and sought to put into action the teachings of the Scripture.
you can lie about politics all you want - the kkk is the bible belt. period. christians. they are crucifiers.
LOL. Are you REALLY this stupid, or is it an act of some sort? Christians didn't "crucify" anyone. They WERE the crucified, you boob. There have been many who PROFESS to be Christians but who are in fact anything but. The KKK and their supporters are good examples of this. Go watch the movie "The Cardinal" sometime, starring Tom Tryon.
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

That's a Klan rally in Chicago on August 16, 1921. And if you're interested in this sort of trivia, the Mayor of Chicago at the time was Big Bill Thompson, a best buddy of Al Capone, and a Republican. Oh and a bigot too.
I know who Big Bill was the last republican [sic] mayor of chicago [sic] and so it was a Democrat rally

Ummmm nnnnnno. It was a Klan rally. About the same time the Klan was working to oust the Democratic governor of Oklahoma for trying to drive them out after Tulsa. Three years before they endorsed Calvin Coolidge because he was the only major POTUS candidate who refused to denounce them. Three years before they got Republicans elected all over the country from literally Maine to California. Seven years before they ran a national smear campaign against Al Smith in the next POTUS election because he was Catholic.

You are correct that Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago. He lost that position to Anton Czernak after running his own ethnic slur campaign. That, and his cozying up to Capone, left him a loser.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson! Calvin Coolidge was NEVER endorsed by the KKK. And, the KKK dominated the 1924 DEMOCRAT national convention, even staging a march in full Klan regalia in support of Democrats. Democrats FORMED the KKK and POPULATED it throughout its history.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson!
go away hater ...

Mr. Wilson was one of the most devout of our Presidents. His religion was marked by constant and regular prayer, not a formality but a sincere outpouring of his spirit and supplication for divine guidance. He read his Bible consistently every day, meditated on what he read, and sought to put into action the teachings of the Scripture.
you can lie about politics all you want - the kkk is the bible belt. period. christians. they are crucifiers.
LOL. Are you REALLY this stupid, or is it an act of some sort? Christians didn't "crucify" anyone. They WERE the crucified, you boob. There have been many who PROFESS to be Christians but who are in fact anything but. The KKK and their supporters are good examples of this. Go watch the movie "The Cardinal" sometime, starring Tom Tryon.
There have been many who PROFESS to be Christians but who are in fact anything but.
- you ignore the response to your post only to give the standard christian reply when found guilty of dishonesty.

the kkk is a christian organization - another of your escape routs > god 1st country 2nd. and on and on ...

the christian bible is a 4th century political document disguised as a religion, ergo there is no such thing as a christian religion. boob.

written by the crucifiers 300 years past the event when no one from that period was still living.
" Stick It Up Your Sanctimonious Pompous Religious Behind "

* Does Not Like Your Dumb Face Or Stupid Attitude *

yes, it is - your mindset counts no less than the perpetrators.
another off the deep edge, into the abyss ...
brown vs board of education without violance for you was a horrible injustice - do you pray to jesus for its repeal.
As a left wing political hack , you do not know a damn thing about me .

There is one standard of violence and for whichever reason one chooses to engage in it is irrelevant and a non issue .

We are all citizens before the government and that includes public domain such as municipalities and schools and so free roam and free association are not restricted there as that is violence ; however , that has nothing to do with liberty of individuals as they practice self ownership and self determination over their persons and property to choose with who they wish to associate , collaborate , or dissociate .

The religion of secular humanism of the left demands that private individuals surrender their persons and private property to others , under a delusional ideology of egalitarian selflessness that is more sanctimonious than any religion since the beginning of time - all while condemning religion for its pompous arrogance .

It is especially true that with the arrogance of a self ordained sainthood , the anti-racist racist left fabricates and vilifies an all are evil whitey scapegoat even for whites who have done nothing other than exercised self interest without violence and ignore the bleeding heart delusions and shadow puppets from the religion of secular humanism .

There is not a difference between religion and creed and a creed that includes edicts and tenets as part of its creed is not entitled to exception according to us first amendment , simply because it claims to be a religion , that includes the dumb fuck ideas of the left - Where Were Non Violence Principles Applied ? .

* Retarded Anti-Racist Racist Attempt At Guilt By Association *
The dashcam video captured a horrific scene: a Kansas sheriff's deputy in a patrol truck mowing down a Black man who was running, shirtless, across a field in the summer darkness ...
made monkeye's day for justice rendered. oh, just because there was violance does not mean they were a racist ... and on and on they go ...
Obviously you do not understand the meaning of violence , but few left wing imbeciles do .

To the left , if violence is involved and there is a racial difference between the victim and perpetrator , in particular always when the perpetrator is white but not ever if the victim is white , then racism is regarded as an incontrovertible fact .

Two individuals could get into an altercation simply because the conditions for an altercation occurred and the left would call the white racist no matter what the conditions as long as the other individual was non white .

For example , I was stopped for a red light on street that passes a shopping center and i had already done my good deed by allowing another one person into traffic before me , but another vehicle approached and tried to force their way in but I stopped them ; it did not make any difference to me that the people were black and i did not even look at them to verify one way or the other .

They got pissed and kept nudging their vehicle towards mine getting as close as they felt they could to harass me and then proceeded to ride on my rear and pulled up beside me taunting , to which i responded in kind letting them know i was recording ; it is not in my interest to entertain the left wing bull shit of calling me a racist for not cowering with self guilt before some black who is acting niggardly .

I have been in more than a few road rage incidents and race had nothing to do with it but basic principles that apply to every anal retentive , constipated , shit for brains on the road - Lead , Follow But Preferably Get Out Of The Way ! .

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someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

That's a Klan rally in Chicago on August 16, 1921. And if you're interested in this sort of trivia, the Mayor of Chicago at the time was Big Bill Thompson, a best buddy of Al Capone, and a Republican. Oh and a bigot too.
I know who Big Bill was the last republican [sic] mayor of chicago [sic] and so it was a Democrat rally

Ummmm nnnnnno. It was a Klan rally. About the same time the Klan was working to oust the Democratic governor of Oklahoma for trying to drive them out after Tulsa. Three years before they endorsed Calvin Coolidge because he was the only major POTUS candidate who refused to denounce them. Three years before they got Republicans elected all over the country from literally Maine to California. Seven years before they ran a national smear campaign against Al Smith in the next POTUS election because he was Catholic.

You are correct that Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago. He lost that position to Anton Czernak after running his own ethnic slur campaign. That, and his cozying up to Capone, left him a loser.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson! Calvin Coolidge was NEVER endorsed by the KKK. And, the KKK dominated the 1924 DEMOCRAT national convention, even staging a march in full Klan regalia in support of Democrats. Democrats FORMED the KKK and POPULATED it throughout its history.

There is no evidence Wilson ever made the comment attributed to him two decades after the event. The last living witness who was there said he simply got up and left the room without saying a word. PLUS you even got the mis-quote wrong. The quote was taken from a movie poster, not from Wilson.

Secondly, as long as we're giggling at your reading comprehension, nobody said Coolidge "endorsed the KKK". I said he was the only major POTUS candidate who would not denounce them. Which he was.

Thirdly, your astounding level of ignorance about the 1924 conventions (note the plural) is rare even for this site. Right up down there with Fingerboy's "newly discovered photo" trainwreck thread of back in the year 20 ought 17.

No Chuckles, the Klan didn't "dominate" either party's convention, although they had agents in both, mainly to push back against calls for each party to specifically condemn the KKK in their platforms. Neither party would do it. It was easy with the Republican "Kovocation in Kleveland" but drawn out in the Democratic convention in NYC, where strident vocal opponents of the KKK including Gov. Al Smith and Sen. Oscar Underwood (D-AL) were candidates in a bitter contest against the Klan-backed William Gibbs McAdoo of California. Finally after over a hundred ballots in the longest political convention in history, the party chose Ambassador and former Congressman John W. Davis of West Virginia ---- who promptly condemned the Klan anyway.

But Coolidge couldn't do it. That's why the Klan gave Coolidge its endorsement.

And no Dumbass, the Klan was not there. They happened to be holding a "picnic" in Long Branch New Jersey, which is quite a hike from New York City, and wrapped up and left there long before the convention was done.

Meanwhile the KKK got Governors, Senators, Congressmen and local officials elected -- as Republicans -- in Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana (especially Indiana), Ohio, New Jersey, Kansas and Maine, that same year.

Four years later Al Smith was the Democratic candidate and the Klan not only endorsed Herbert Hoover; it ran a national smear campaign against Al Smith, because he was Catholic.

And no Chucklehead, no "Democrats" formed the KKK at all. The Klan was (first) founded at Christmas of 1865 in a law office building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, by six ex-soldiers in their mid-twenties, specifically, in alpha order, (Maj) James Crowe, Calvin Jones (whose father's law office it was), (Capt) John Booker Kennedy, (Capt) John Lester, (Maj) Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed. None of them were "Democrats' -- in fact in that time and place "Democrats" didn't even exist. Moreover they founded it as a joke with no particular political (or racial) purpose at all, modeled after a college fraternity of the time called Kuklos Adelphon, from which they derived the name.

You don't fuck with me on history Hunior, especially this, because I WILL mop the floor with your ignorant ass, laughing all the way.
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" Sanctimonious Clown "

* Left Wing Double Think Religion Of Secular Humanism Preachers Promoting Sectarianism *

- you ignore the response to your post only to give the standard christian reply when found guilty of dishonesty.
the kkk is a christian organization - another of your escape routs > god 1st country 2nd. and on and on ...
the christian bible is a 4th century political document disguised as a religion, ergo there is no such thing as a christian religion. boob.
written by the crucifiers 300 years past the event when no one from that period was still living.
The religion of secular humanism and its emphatic sanctimonious emphasis on selfless egalitarianism is no less depraved for its authoritarian expectations to restrict individual liberty as any theocracy .

If killing off a race is racism , then miscegenation is at the top of the list .
" Sanctimonious Clown "

* Left Wing Double Think Religion Of Secular Humanism Preachers Promoting Sectarianism *

- you ignore the response to your post only to give the standard christian reply when found guilty of dishonesty.
the kkk is a christian organization - another of your escape routs > god 1st country 2nd. and on and on ...
the christian bible is a 4th century political document disguised as a religion, ergo there is no such thing as a christian religion. boob.
written by the crucifiers 300 years past the event when no one from that period was still living.
The religion of secular humanism and its emphatic sanctimonious emphasis on selfless egalitarianism is no less depraved for its authoritarian expectations to restrict individual liberty as any theocracy .

If killing off a race is racism , then miscegenation is at the top of the list .
The left wants everyone to believe that because people are concerned with their own and not concerned with others , that such indifference or disdain , though legitimate aggression and not violence , is racist , which it is not .
If killing off a race is racism , then miscegenation is at the top of the list .
because people are concerned with their own and not concerned with others ,

with your train of thought, surly racism is only a sideshow for the big event - armageddon.

so marriage is not just between a man and a woman ... christianity forever changing.

* did you learn your punctuation from the school of morse code . . .
I've seen black thugs terrorizing a Pearl Harbor survivor and he told me so. He told me so! They beat his cute little dog to death, those black kids...this is what diversity brings.

Pogo thinks that's funny; all of their fans do. He love hearing those stories of feral black violence against elderly white people; it's almost as good as tranny porn to his ilk, excites them no end.
" To Those Who Have Lost Touch With Reality "

* Cracked Pots *

because people are concerned with their own and not concerned with others ,
.with your train of thought, surly racism is only a sideshow for the big event - armageddon.
Waaa , go blow it out your ass , goofball .

* Apophony *
so marriage is not just between a man and a woman ... christianity forever changing.
A social civil contract between a man and a man is either a merriage , mirriage , morriage , murriage or myrriage , but it does in no way involves a " ma " or " mother " of a child from a male spouse and definitely does not fit the category of a marriage .
It's a waste of time to keep fighting a battle already lost. Same sex marriage is the law of the land and generally accepted. Social mores change over time, and one need not change one's personal views to recognize that.

A little over 50 years ago marriage between a man and a woman of different 'races' was illegal in much of the country, but now that notion is widely held to be idiotic and absurd. In fact, interracial marriages are increasing every year, and people who identify as more than one race represent one of the fastest growing demographics in the nation. The Republic is in no way threatened by any of this. Quite the contrary.
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" Left Wing Double Think Egalitarian Goal Of Sameness Is Diversity "

* In Need Of A Punnet Square *

There he goes again. It is not 1967, clown.
Informed consent apparently bothers some .

For there to be diversity , distinctions must exist between individuals ; however , as is typical of the left wing orwellian double think that pushes the sameness of egalitarianism under the yoke of an authoritarian hierarcy , while calling it individualism and freedom , the left pushes for sameness and destruction of distinct clads of peoples and calls it diversity .
I've seen black thugs terrorizing a Pearl Harbor survivor and he told me so. He told me so! They beat his cute little dog to death, those black kids...this is what diversity brings.
They need to be shot on sight. Then their genitals cut off and stuffed in their mouths.

Attorneys Plan Insanity Defense for Woman Who Allegedly Hanged Her 2 Children (


Connecticut 'great mom' accused of killing daughter, wounding son: reports | Fox News


Michigan woman arrested in 2003 murder of newborn twins - New York Daily News (


Dad accused of killing family denies he was home during attack - New York Daily News (


Man who had sex with dog won't be charged because of unusual reason (

Pasadena mom accused of having sex with son's then 12-year-old friend | ABC13 Houston | - ABC13 Houston

Now exactly what was Mary trying to say?
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Nothing could be more disingenuous and transparent than trying to justify the patently obvious racism of anti-miscegenation by a duplicitous invocation of "diversity." Talk about trying too hard.
" Omnivorous Apes "

* Street Cred *

I've seen black thugs terrorizing a Pearl Harbor survivor and he told me so. He told me so! They beat his cute little dog to death, those black kids...this is what diversity brings.
Barkley fired back:
"We as black people are never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you are black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people," Barkley said.
Barkley, a native of Leeds, said African Americans are too concerned with street cred than true success and that's holding the community back.
"For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you're not a thug or an idiot, you're not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don't break the law, you're not a good black person. It's a dirty, dark secret in the black community.

"There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don't have success. It's best to knock a successful black person down because they're intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they're successful. It's just typical BS that goes on when you're black, man."
Why are you repeating the opinion of a man handed a free education and did not graduate? Is it because his ignorant comments validate your racism.

Here is what another Hall of Fame black athlete had to say about people like Barkley:

“And to my black brothers, if you do not have anything positive to say about our social challenges, please keep your mouth shut.”

Champ Bailey, 2019 NFL Hall of Fame Induction

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