Fetterman Might Have Permanent Brain Damage, Chief of Staff Admits

Fetterman releases statement after being released from hospital:




I told everyone of you he would not be in office six months after assuming it, and he will not be, his wife wants that seat, and that has always been the bitches plan. Its gotten to the point, and this is irrefutably true, that fascism can simply run the party moniker for any such office anywhere in the nation where fascists hold the majority, places such as California, Oregon, Minnesota and of course Pennsylvania, and not even campaign, merely inform the mob they will appoint the psychopath of their choice, following faux election to the seat, and they would, just as they did in Pennsylvania, win every time!

This is the absolute consequence of allowing fascist democrats to twist and warp the United States into a democracy, which the United States was never intended to be, this is democracy, rule of the mob over all law and reason. These are no longer elections, they are nowhere near fair, its literally the mob doing exactly what the television and radio tell them to do on command, they no longer even vote for any virtues or principles, fascist democracy has twisted our constitutional republic and its democratic caucus into a ludicrous parody of the elective process, it no longer concerns the fascist mob who is run, only that the one party always wins it, no matter fucking what! :wink:
I told everyone of you he would not be in office six months after assuming it, and he will not be, his wife wants that seat, and that has always been the bitches plan. Its gotten to the point, and this is irrefutably true, that fascism can simply run the party moniker for any such office anywhere in the nation where fascists hold the majority, places such as California, Oregon, Minnesota and of course Pennsylvania, and not even campaign, merely inform the mob they will appoint the psychopath of their choice, following faux election to the seat, and they would, just as they did in Pennsylvania, win every time!

This is the absolute consequence of allowing fascist democrats to twist and warp the United States into a democracy, which the United States was never intended to be, this is democracy, rule of the mob over all law and reason. These are no longer elections, they are nowhere near fair, its literally the mob doing exactly what the television and radio tell them to do on command, they no longer even vote for any virtues or principles, fascist democracy has twisted our constitutional republic and its democratic caucus into a ludicrous parody of the elective process, it no longer concerns the fascist mob who is run, only that the one party always wins it, no matter fucking what! :wink:
the election of Santos proves that.
I told everyone of you he would not be in office six months after assuming it, and he will not be, his wife wants that seat, and that has always been the bitches plan. Its gotten to the point, and this is irrefutably true, that fascism can simply run the party moniker for any such office anywhere in the nation where fascists hold the majority, places such as California, Oregon, Minnesota and of course Pennsylvania, and not even campaign, merely inform the mob they will appoint the psychopath of their choice, following faux election to the seat, and they would, just as they did in Pennsylvania, win every time!

This is the absolute consequence of allowing fascist democrats to twist and warp the United States into a democracy, which the United States was never intended to be, this is democracy, rule of the mob over all law and reason. These are no longer elections, they are nowhere near fair, its literally the mob doing exactly what the television and radio tell them to do on command, they no longer even vote for any virtues or principles, fascist democracy has twisted our constitutional republic and its democratic caucus into a ludicrous parody of the elective process, it no longer concerns the fascist mob who is run, only that the one party always wins it, no matter fucking what! :wink:
Isn’t his wife an illegal alien from Brazil?
the election of Santos proves that.
:omg: You cannot be that stupid, not even you, Santos simply lied his way into office, there is no equivalency in his election to the total annihilation of character, and principle within the fascist base, Santo's lied his way in, just as Richard Bloomenthal did in CT, when he utterly fabricated his military service in Vietnam, a nation he had never been to, let alone served in war within. Do you know what the difference is between Santos and Blumenthal dumb ass, do you???

The fascist cretins of CT KNEW Blumenthal lied about his service in Vietnam and elected him anyway, the folks in NY had no idea Santos was lying, the people of CT are fascists who possess no more character than Blumenthal, the people in NY were simply mislead, and you fucking dare offer that as equivalency, you fucking cretin, you make point for me, demonstrating your total lack of character, or principle, you just want to win, no matter fucking what! :puke3:
:omg: You cannot be that stupid, not even you, Santos simply lied his way into office, there is no equivalency in his election to the total annihilation of character, and principle within the fascist base, Santo's lied his way in, just as Richard Bloomenthal did in CT, when he utterly fabricated his military service in Vietnam, a nation he had never been to, let alone served in war within. Do you know what the difference is between Santos and Blumenthal dumb ass, do you???

The fascist cretins of CT KNEW Blumenthal lied about his service in Vietnam and elected him anyway, the folks in NY had no idea Santos was lying, the people of CT are fascists who possess no more character than Blumenthal, the people in NY were simply mislead, and you fucking dare offer that as equivalency, you fucking cretin, you make point for me, demonstrating your total lack of character, or principle, you just want to win, no matter fucking what! :puke3:

Fuckin' a.
He hears people’s voices like the adults in Peanuts.

This is Biden’s America now, where sheer incompetence is rewarded with more power.

As long as there is a 'D' after a name it's all good.

Patty Murray spent 30 years nearly brain dead* in the Senate and Washington State voters voted for six more years in 2022.

*Figuratively speaking.
Is he going out with Rihanna?

P.S. Fun fact: This message board spell checks "Rihanna".

Sigh......E's passed on! This Senator is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-Senator.

Clear enough? ;)
Sigh......E's passed on! This Senator is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-Senator.

Clear enough? ;)

I have to agree with some that making fun of a mentally damaged person isn't appreciated by many. I wish Christians/Patriots would not do that, but this is a mostly free speech forum so oh well. It's pretty unlikely Fetterman or anybody who loves him will see any of this.

I do question the motives and intelligence of people who would knowingly elect a mentally damaged person to high office and/or would condone that election.

And when it is obvious to EVERYBODY that Fetterman just isn't up the the job, he should be gently encouraged to resign and step down. Tom Wolf will no doubt appoint a radical Democrat to replace him until 2024 and that person will probably be re-elected, but that should not stop the Senate from doing what is right.
I have to agree with some that making fun of a mentally damaged person isn't appreciated by many.

I'm fairly confident most of us are not doing that.

We're laughing at the blind partisan leftists who are cerebrally degraded enough to buy this entire dynamic as an argument.

It's all about the voters who willfully put "Can't Find A Fetterman" in office.

Now, they are truly mentally damaged.

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