Ferguson V. New York


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
First, yesterday I posted "No Indictment in N.Y. Case" as an original post and got scolded by the Authorities for putting it under the "Politics" section instead of "Current Events".

Now, its a day old, but it still interests me in ways that have not been fully discussed, so I am trying again on this board. But, perhaps a day old event is still a current event? I don't know. I don't think I deserve another scolding, if I have erred again, we are in an ambiguous area, and, also, my comments have a strong political nexus.

The District Attorney in Ferguson, just re-elected for the 3rd time, was immediately declared biased and unfit, and later declared to have put in the fix by presenting ALL of the evidence, instead of advocating for an indictment and only presenting such evidence as pursuaded for an indictment. Every Pinhead in the Northeast who wishes he could have gotten a lawyer licence has advised us that a District Attorney can get a Ham Sandwich indicted.

(Just as a personal preference, I they ought to shoot the next Pinhead that uses that shopworn old lawyer saw. And they could throw in some "...at the end of the day" Pinheads and it would suit me.)

But, though the D. A. in Missouri was unfit for not getting a ham sandwich indicted, that has not been so rigorously applied to the D.A. in New York.

Talking heads on T. V. last night indicated that the D. A. in New York was justified in not trying to get an indictment on a case he couldn't win, but the D.A. in Ferguson never got that consideration---I am talking here about all talking heads on T. V---who are mostly Pinheads.

And, it was even made an excuse for the D. A. in New York that he had such a close working relationship with the Police that he had to push against an indictment. No bigots here, just down south.

I am just a Scots-Irish boy from the South, but I think the White Cop in Ferguson came within an inch of getting railroaded by the three headed Sharpton/Obama/Holder Medsussa....when he was completely innocent. And, I think the White Cops in New York.....well....eleven "I can't breathe's"....is way too many, and I would have had to vote for an indictment on Negligent Homocide...and if they plea bargained it down to a fairly short stint in jail, I would have been o.k. with that, too.

Are Grand Jurors in the South presumed to be bigots, but not Grand Jurors in New York?

Which D. A. behaved better? The one who showed the representatives of the community all the evidence and let them decide....or the one who took the side of the White Cop.

Is it ever O.K. for a white cop to be scared shitless by a massive black man, and if so it is only in New York that they can be afraid, and in the South they are just secret Klansmen?

Why was it such an issue that there was a majority of White people on the Ferguson Jury.....and hardly a thing said about the same situation on the New York Jury?

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