Fence-sitters could have voted against thousands of more illegals & $5 fuel, against tax hikes & sky-rocketing inflation & authoritarian vax mandates?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
But they didn't...they thought it would be best to do nothing and wait for that third-party that will never have a chance at winning a national election.
My bet is; fence-sitters are kicking themselves in the ass right now....I'll bet they swarm the polls in droves in 2022 and 2024.
There are no such thing as fence sitters. Just look at supposed fence-sitters like mac1958, dblack and golfing gator. They are gleeful about what's happening right now. So-called Libertarians who defend federal government imposed vaccine mandates
Fence sitters, I don't know, agree many "fence sitters" are Demonicrats in disguise because they're cowards & reject responsibility.

End of the day the election was fully corrupted. A lot of these "fence sitters" are dependent types, all Democrats had to do is knock on their doors, attract them with ice cream and check right here next to Xiden.
Fence sitters, I don't know, agree many "fence sitters" are Demonicrats in disguise because they're cowards & reject responsibility.

End of the day the election was fully corrupted. A lot of these "fence sitters" are dependent types, all Democrats had to do is knock on their doors, attract them with ice cream and check right here next to Xiden.
Most fence sitters masquerade as "Libertarians"....What I find is almost all Libertarians are really just embarrassed, shameful progressives whom can't bring themselves to embrace their mind virus. Remember, "progress" is anything different than what was.
There are no such thing as fence sitters. Just look at supposed fence-sitters like mac1958, dblack and golfing gator. They are gleeful about what's happening right now. So-called Libertarians who defend federal government imposed vaccine mandates

I have said 100 times I am against the government imposed vaccine mandates...why is it you all spend so much time to lie about people just because they do not worship your god?
But they didn't...they thought it would be best to do nothing and wait for that third-party that will never have a chance at winning a national election.
My bet is; fence-sitters are kicking themselves in the ass right now....I'll bet they swarm the polls in droves in 2022 and 2024.

Not being a slave to one of the two parties does not make one a fence-sitters. Are you this dumb in real life or is it just an act for the web?

I am not more or less happy/sad than I was 4 years ago. I choose long ago to not let the resident of the White House impact my life.
Not being a slave to one of the two parties does not make one a fence-sitters. Are you this dumb in real life or is it just an act for the web?

I am not more or less happy/sad than I was 4 years ago. I choose long ago to not let the resident of the White House impact my life.

Are you leftist due peer pressure, your parents are leftist and/or you want to be part of the dependency in-crowd?

They teach that shit in college too, by chance do you have degree in liberal arts of some sort?
I have said 100 times I am against the government imposed vaccine mandates...why is it you all spend so much time to lie about people just because they do not worship your god?

So what!
Mac1958 has said a thousand times that he's a hardcore defender of the First Amendment, firmly against vax mandates and totalitarian rule yet he voted for the almost dead dude that's fucking your asses right now. What's your point?
Are you leftist due peer pressure, your parents are leftist and/or you want to be part of the dependency in-crowd?

They teach that shit in college too, by chance do you have degree in liberal arts of some sort?

I am not a leftist and I do not give into peer pressure to join one of the two parties. My parents are die hard core Repubs, my mom even thought (and maybe still does) that Obama was the actual Anti-Christ from the bible.

I would put my views on the major issues up against anyone on this forum and bet I come out right of all of you.

I have a MS in Applied Analytics, which is the opposite of a degree in liberal arts.

My only crime is not worshiping Trump, for that I will forever be branded a leftist on this forum...but I really just do not give a fuck what you mindless sheep think of me.
They just make this shit up as they go. Hell, look at the guy who leads them.

Not being a slave to one of the two parties does not make one a fence-sitters. Are you this dumb in real life or is it just an act for the web?

I am not more or less happy/sad than I was 4 years ago. I choose long ago to not let the resident of the White House impact my life.
hahaha...Look at you hardcore TDS'ers....he owns you. Trump isn't the topic of this thread...voting the nation on the right trajectory is....hahahaha try harder fellas.
hahaha...Look at you hardcore TDS'ers....he owns you. Trump isn't the topic of this thread...voting the nation on the right trajectory is....hahahaha try harder fellas.

and then you prove my point.

Thanks, you are too damn easy
I am not a leftist and I do not give into peer pressure to join one of the two parties. My parents are die hard core Repubs, my mom even thought (and maybe still does) that Obama was the actual Anti-Christ from the bible.

I would put my views on the major issues up against anyone on this forum and bet I come out right of all of you.

I have a MS in Applied Analytics, which is the opposite of a degree in liberal arts.

My only crime is not worshiping Trump, for that I will forever be branded a leftist on this forum...but I really just do not give a fuck what you mindless sheep think of me.
You have left a shit-ton of historical data behind here.....51,314 posts.....how many of those posts would read like something posted by a Conservative?
You have left a shit-ton of historical data behind here.....51,314 posts.....how many of those posts would read like something posted by a Conservative?

that many post and yet not a single one of you can find a post from me supporting the left or taking a "leftist" position...how odd.

But hey, lets have some fun...you define what you think a Conservative is, and I will give you some post...sound like a deal?
The center, slightly right, is the place to be. If one doesn't like either candidate one has the right to vote how they wish. Don't want to vote then by all means do not.

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