Feel Good Cop Story

Feel-good stories make me sick.

Pablum for those that can't take reality, IMNSHO.

Reality is not the rare kitty rescue, reality is the millions of kitties that die when dumped by irresponsible cat owners.

Reality is not the kind cop, reality is the cop that stops a guy for speeding, and gets shot between the eyes for doing his job.

Wow. Read the comments under the article.

They're as screwy and nasty as some of the RWs here.
Feel-good stories make me sick.

Pablum for those that can't take reality, IMNSHO.

Reality is not the rare kitty rescue, reality is the millions of kitties that die when dumped by irresponsible cat owners.

Reality is not the kind cop, reality is the cop that stops a guy for speeding, and gets shot between the eyes for doing his job.

That is just batshit crazy. But once again proof-positive that many Righties lack a heart and a soul.
Feel-good stories make me sick.

Pablum for those that can't take reality, IMNSHO.

Reality is not the rare kitty rescue, reality is the millions of kitties that die when dumped by irresponsible cat owners.

Reality is not the kind cop, reality is the cop that stops a guy for speeding, and gets shot between the eyes for doing his job.

That is just batshit crazy. But once again proof-positive that many Righties lack a heart and a soul.
I just live in the real world.
Reality is not the rare kitty rescue, reality is the millions of kitties that die when dumped by irresponsible cat owners.

Reality is not the kind cop, reality is the cop that stops a guy for speeding, and gets shot between the eyes for doing his job.
To me, reality is good trying to exist as much as bad does if taking the lead is not a move that good has the ability to make.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I guess that what makes that such a challenging task to accomplish is the sad fact that people have different opinions on what they think is good and bad.
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