Federal judges write new law. Transgender illegals cannot be deported.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Like all illegals he's a serial drunk driver with a felony conviction but none of that matters. He must stay.


sep 3 2015 A federal appeals court has ruled that an illegal immigrant and convicted felon can’t be deported back to Mexico because he identifies as a transgender woman, which leaves him vulnerable to torture back in his home country.

Edin Carey Avendano-Hernandez was born male in Mexico, and claims to have been raped by his brothers and suffered other torments. In 2000, he illegally entered the U.S. and took up residence in Fresno, California. Avendano-Hernandez also started taking female hormones and began living openly as a woman in 2005. In 2006, he committed two separate drunk driving offenses, the second of which injured two people and resulted in a felony conviction. After serving a year in jail, he was deported back to Mexico in 2007.
I'm sure soon transgenders will not be allowed to be imprisoned. If I ever commit a crime I would definitely ask for sex change surgery. Those trans-retards get so many privileges that it's getting insane.

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