Federal judge tosses lawsuit claiming Trump can't run for office under 14th Amendment.

Legally the police can't shoot you based on what you might do, vermin.

Sure they can.

You should look up laws on use of deadly force. As a matter of fact here is the link for D.C.

"(1) The law enforcement officer actually and reasonably believes that deadly force is immediately necessary to protect the law enforcement officer or another person, other than the subject of the use of deadly force, from the threat of serious bodily injury or death;

(2) The law enforcement officer's actions are reasonable, given the totality of the circumstances; and"

That is why the law enforcement officer was cleared of any wrong doing. His actions were clearly to prevent imminent danger of death or bodily injury facing the mob and given the totality of the circumstances facing a riotous mob his actions were justified.


Sure they can.

You should look up laws on use of deadly force. As a matter of fact here is the link for D.C.

"(1) The law enforcement officer actually and reasonably believes that deadly force is immediately necessary to protect the law enforcement officer or another person, other than the subject of the use of deadly force, from the threat of serious bodily injury or death;

(2) The law enforcement officer's actions are reasonable, given the totality of the circumstances; and"

That is why the law enforcement officer was cleared of any wrong doing. His actions were clearly to prevent imminent danger of death or bodily injury facing the mob and given the totality of the circumstances facing a riotous mob his actions were justified.

His love for America the stuff of Legend.
I will remember him as a guy without a dick who shot an unarmefd woman probably cause he couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

Amazing how Americans can and disagree huh Mr. Fascist?
You'll have plenty of opportunity....when we put his face on a c note.

Sure they can.

You should look up laws on use of deadly force. As a matter of fact here is the link for D.C.

"(1) The law enforcement officer actually and reasonably believes that deadly force is immediately necessary to protect the law enforcement officer or another person, other than the subject of the use of deadly force, from the threat of serious bodily injury or death;

(2) The law enforcement officer's actions are reasonable, given the totality of the circumstances; and"

That is why the law enforcement officer was cleared of any wrong doing. His actions were clearly to prevent imminent danger of death or bodily injury facing the mob and given the totality of the circumstances facing a riotous mob his actions were justified.

Lol, so you cowards would shoot someone for breaking a window in a public place. What scum.
So he didn't have standing...

Says nothing about the merit of his argument.
What it means, is that the only way Trump can be barred is if he's convicted, i.e. due process of the law.

His "rights and liberties" can't be deprived because an individual doesn't want him to run for office.

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