Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
More of the growing thuggery of Big Government. A judge has now rules that if a senior citizens wish to forgo Medicare, they must also give up their Social Security benefits.

This week marks the first anniversary of ObamaCare, and if you are wondering where that coercive law is headed, we'd point to a case in federal court. That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Americans have a legal obligation to accept subpar government health benefits.

It remains a remarkable fact that America obliges most citizens over the age of 65 to take that rickety government health plan known as Medicare. Judging by today's growing number of health-savings options (HSAs, medical FSAs), some Americans would prefer to maintain private coverage upon retirement, rather than be compelled into second-rate Medicare.


Yet in a stunning reversal, Judge Collyer last week revisited her decision and dismissed the case. In direct contravention to her prior ruling, the judge said the Medicare statute does — with a little creative reading — contain a requirement that Social Security recipients take government health care. The Medicare statute provides that only individuals who are “entitled” to Social Security are “entitled” to Medicare. Therefore, argues the judge, “The only way to avoid entitlement to Medicare Part A at age 65 is to forego the source of that entitlement, i.e., Social Security Retirement benefits.”

theblogprof: Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security

Review & Outlook: Forced Into Medicare - WSJ.com
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YOu pay 15% of your income into that thing over all those years, and if you want to stay healthy, you have to give all that up as a sunk cost.

The government really is not your friend.
More of the growing thuggery of Big Government. A judge has now rules that if a senior citizens wish to forgo Medicare, they must also give up their Social Security benefits.

This week marks the first anniversary of ObamaCare, and if you are wondering where that coercive law is headed, we'd point to a case in federal court. That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Americans have a legal obligation to accept subpar government health benefits.

It remains a remarkable fact that America obliges most citizens over the age of 65 to take that rickety government health plan known as Medicare. Judging by today's growing number of health-savings options (HSAs, medical FSAs), some Americans would prefer to maintain private coverage upon retirement, rather than be compelled into second-rate Medicare.


Yet in a stunning reversal, Judge Collyer last week revisited her decision and dismissed the case. In direct contravention to her prior ruling, the judge said the Medicare statute does — with a little creative reading — contain a requirement that Social Security recipients take government health care. The Medicare statute provides that only individuals who are “entitled” to Social Security are “entitled” to Medicare. Therefore, argues the judge, “The only way to avoid entitlement to Medicare Part A at age 65 is to forego the source of that entitlement, i.e., Social Security Retirement benefits.”

theblogprof: Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security

Review & Outlook: Forced Into Medicare - WSJ.com

This judge must want to destroy Social Security and Medicare.

What would happen if 100 million taxpayers decided to bring a civil suit against the government for their part in a Ponzi scheme.
More of the growing thuggery of Big Government. A judge has now rules that if a senior citizens wish to forgo Medicare, they must also give up their Social Security benefits.

This week marks the first anniversary of ObamaCare, and if you are wondering where that coercive law is headed, we'd point to a case in federal court. That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Americans have a legal obligation to accept subpar government health benefits.

It remains a remarkable fact that America obliges most citizens over the age of 65 to take that rickety government health plan known as Medicare. Judging by today's growing number of health-savings options (HSAs, medical FSAs), some Americans would prefer to maintain private coverage upon retirement, rather than be compelled into second-rate Medicare.


Yet in a stunning reversal, Judge Collyer last week revisited her decision and dismissed the case. In direct contravention to her prior ruling, the judge said the Medicare statute does — with a little creative reading — contain a requirement that Social Security recipients take government health care. The Medicare statute provides that only individuals who are “entitled” to Social Security are “entitled” to Medicare. Therefore, argues the judge, “The only way to avoid entitlement to Medicare Part A at age 65 is to forego the source of that entitlement, i.e., Social Security Retirement benefits.”

theblogprof: Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security

Review & Outlook: Forced Into Medicare - WSJ.com

Jefferson was correct...

"The Constitution . . . meant that its coordinate branches should be checks on each other. But the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch."

—Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 1804. ME 11:51

Is it time for a Constitutional Convention?

Are Amendments needed in order to check the Judiciary?
More of the growing thuggery of Big Government. A judge has now rules that if a senior citizens wish to forgo Medicare, they must also give up their Social Security benefits.

This week marks the first anniversary of ObamaCare, and if you are wondering where that coercive law is headed, we'd point to a case in federal court. That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Americans have a legal obligation to accept subpar government health benefits.

It remains a remarkable fact that America obliges most citizens over the age of 65 to take that rickety government health plan known as Medicare. Judging by today's growing number of health-savings options (HSAs, medical FSAs), some Americans would prefer to maintain private coverage upon retirement, rather than be compelled into second-rate Medicare.


Yet in a stunning reversal, Judge Collyer last week revisited her decision and dismissed the case. In direct contravention to her prior ruling, the judge said the Medicare statute does — with a little creative reading — contain a requirement that Social Security recipients take government health care. The Medicare statute provides that only individuals who are “entitled” to Social Security are “entitled” to Medicare. Therefore, argues the judge, “The only way to avoid entitlement to Medicare Part A at age 65 is to forego the source of that entitlement, i.e., Social Security Retirement benefits.”

theblogprof: Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security

Review & Outlook: Forced Into Medicare - WSJ.com

This judge must want to destroy Social Security and Medicare.

What would happen if 100 million taxpayers decided to bring a civil suit against the government for their part in a Ponzi scheme.

The People of the United States v. The United States Government...

Interesting premise...
More of the growing thuggery of Big Government. A judge has now rules that if a senior citizens wish to forgo Medicare, they must also give up their Social Security benefits.

This week marks the first anniversary of ObamaCare, and if you are wondering where that coercive law is headed, we'd point to a case in federal court. That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Americans have a legal obligation to accept subpar government health benefits.

It remains a remarkable fact that America obliges most citizens over the age of 65 to take that rickety government health plan known as Medicare. Judging by today's growing number of health-savings options (HSAs, medical FSAs), some Americans would prefer to maintain private coverage upon retirement, rather than be compelled into second-rate Medicare.


Yet in a stunning reversal, Judge Collyer last week revisited her decision and dismissed the case. In direct contravention to her prior ruling, the judge said the Medicare statute does — with a little creative reading — contain a requirement that Social Security recipients take government health care. The Medicare statute provides that only individuals who are “entitled” to Social Security are “entitled” to Medicare. Therefore, argues the judge, “The only way to avoid entitlement to Medicare Part A at age 65 is to forego the source of that entitlement, i.e., Social Security Retirement benefits.”

theblogprof: Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security

Review & Outlook: Forced Into Medicare - WSJ.com

This judge must want to destroy Social Security and Medicare.

What would happen if 100 million taxpayers decided to bring a civil suit against the government for their part in a Ponzi scheme.

The government has rigged the game. There is no guarantee that one will receive Social Security. Congress has the power to change the program at any time.
More of the growing thuggery of Big Government. A judge has now rules that if a senior citizens wish to forgo Medicare, they must also give up their Social Security benefits.

This week marks the first anniversary of ObamaCare, and if you are wondering where that coercive law is headed, we'd point to a case in federal court. That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Americans have a legal obligation to accept subpar government health benefits.

It remains a remarkable fact that America obliges most citizens over the age of 65 to take that rickety government health plan known as Medicare. Judging by today's growing number of health-savings options (HSAs, medical FSAs), some Americans would prefer to maintain private coverage upon retirement, rather than be compelled into second-rate Medicare.


Yet in a stunning reversal, Judge Collyer last week revisited her decision and dismissed the case. In direct contravention to her prior ruling, the judge said the Medicare statute does — with a little creative reading — contain a requirement that Social Security recipients take government health care. The Medicare statute provides that only individuals who are “entitled” to Social Security are “entitled” to Medicare. Therefore, argues the judge, “The only way to avoid entitlement to Medicare Part A at age 65 is to forego the source of that entitlement, i.e., Social Security Retirement benefits.”

theblogprof: Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security

Review & Outlook: Forced Into Medicare - WSJ.com

This judge must want to destroy Social Security and Medicare.

What would happen if 100 million taxpayers decided to bring a civil suit against the government for their part in a Ponzi scheme.

The government has rigged the game. There is no guarantee that one will receive Social Security. Congress has the power to change the program at any time.

Of course it's rigged. What they take outta your paycheck is at the point of a gun...and it's been insovent for quite some time. Congress has used it for their own little personal piggybank.

Social Security IOUs stashed away

Social Security, Medicare Face Insolvency Sooner
And anyone paying attention should know this. Back in 1937, the Supreme Court declared that SS is a tax, not a contributory insurance program.

Helvering v. Davis

Which puts further light on the Sham of the Trust Fund.
More of the growing thuggery of Big Government. A judge has now rules that if a senior citizens wish to forgo Medicare, they must also give up their Social Security benefits.

This week marks the first anniversary of ObamaCare, and if you are wondering where that coercive law is headed, we'd point to a case in federal court. That's where Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Americans have a legal obligation to accept subpar government health benefits.

It remains a remarkable fact that America obliges most citizens over the age of 65 to take that rickety government health plan known as Medicare. Judging by today's growing number of health-savings options (HSAs, medical FSAs), some Americans would prefer to maintain private coverage upon retirement, rather than be compelled into second-rate Medicare.


Yet in a stunning reversal, Judge Collyer last week revisited her decision and dismissed the case. In direct contravention to her prior ruling, the judge said the Medicare statute does — with a little creative reading — contain a requirement that Social Security recipients take government health care. The Medicare statute provides that only individuals who are “entitled” to Social Security are “entitled” to Medicare. Therefore, argues the judge, “The only way to avoid entitlement to Medicare Part A at age 65 is to forego the source of that entitlement, i.e., Social Security Retirement benefits.”

theblogprof: Federal judge to seniors: take Medicare or lose Social Security

Review & Outlook: Forced Into Medicare - WSJ.com

yes, I saw this and asked GreenBeard what he thought about this, but he hasn't answered....:lol:
He's busy coming up with a response that ObamaCare won't be anything like this.

But for those of use with a clue, if they can tie SS to using Medicare, watch how ObamaCare will be tied to other benefits and rights.

No ObamaCare, no Voting For You!
If your government is powerful enough to give something to you, then they are also powerful enough to take it away.

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