Federal judge halts Michigan's new gay adoption rules

The Dems must fight for pedos and other sycophants. Many of their top donors fall into this category.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.

Being that Epstein (and many other) men like to get their hands on young girls, that means you should be kept away from young girls.

Wrong. Gays are at least ten times more likely to be child molesters. We have enough problems with hetero ones like Epstein, we don’t need to expose kids to greater chances of being molested by these sick fucks.

Registered Conservatives are 25 times more likely to be child molesters.

So all you got are personal attacks. Thanks for playing.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.

Being that Epstein (and many other) men like to get their hands on young girls, that means you should be kept away from young girls.

Wrong. Gays are at least ten times more likely to be child molesters. We have enough problems with hetero ones like Epstein, we don’t need to expose kids to greater chances of being molested by these sick fucks.

Registered Conservatives are 25 times more likely to be child molesters.

So all you got are personal attacks. Thanks for playing.

That's what this entire thread is.
Do all gay men have AIDS?

Who do I look like, Carnac?
I just assume all of them (teh gheys) do, and press on with my day.

Press on with your bigotry and willful ignorance

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh...I am the bigot but you would be totally fine with homosexuals rearing children...
I wish someone would wake me from this alterverse.
Sodomites raising children...and other people promoting it.
You're god damned right slick

It happens all the time Deal with it. There are hundreds of thousands of kids with same sex parents and they do quite well. You need to be educated .
The Dems must fight for pedos and other sycophants. Many of their top donors fall into this category.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.

Being that Epstein (and many other) men like to get their hands on young girls, that means you should be kept away from young girls.

Wrong. Gays are at least ten times more likely to be child molesters. We have enough problems with hetero ones like Epstein, we don’t need to expose kids to greater chances of being molested by these sick fucks.
Those stats only hold up if you count every male on male sexual encounter as having been committed by a homosexual. They are mostly not homosexuals. They are pedophiles who are unable to have an age appropriate relationship. The gay couples who seek to adopt children are entirely different.
The Dems must fight for pedos and other sycophants. Many of their top donors fall into this category.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.


Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women. ]

In recent years, antigay activists have routinely asserted that gay people are child molesters. This argument was often made in debates about the Boy Scouts of America's policy to exclude gay scouts and scoutmasters. More recently, in the wake of Rep. Mark Foley's resignation from the US House of Representatives in 2006, antigay activists and their supporters seized on the scandal to revive this canard. http://psc.dss.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html

Selected Excerpts:

The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1

By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters.

Apparently you're a part of the moronic minority( Yes a play on words lifted from the moral majority)

One problem is that none of the studies in this area have obtained data from a probability sample, that is, a sample that can be assumed to be representative of the population of all child molesters. Rather, most research has been conducted only with convicted perpetrators or with pedophiles who sought professional help. Consequently, they may not accurately describe child molesters who have never been caught or have not sought treatment.

A second problem is that the terminology used in this area is often confusing and can even be misleading. We can begin to address that problem by defining some basic terms.

Pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.

Child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to actions, and don't imply a particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator. Not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles or hebephiles; in some cases, the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.

Thus, not all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by pedophiles (or hebephiles) and not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually commit abuse. Consequently, it is important to use terminology carefully.

Hopefully, you are beginning to see that the issue is a bit more complicated than your small mind is able or willing to contemplate

Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Now we are getting to the cruxt of the issue. Still with me, or are you watching porn and jerking off, rather than trying to learn something?

As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted).

To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Typologies of
The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.
The Dems must fight for pedos and other sycophants. Many of their top donors fall into this category.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.


Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women. ]

In recent years, antigay activists have routinely asserted that gay people are child molesters. This argument was often made in debates about the Boy Scouts of America's policy to exclude gay scouts and scoutmasters. More recently, in the wake of Rep. Mark Foley's resignation from the US House of Representatives in 2006, antigay activists and their supporters seized on the scandal to revive this canard. http://psc.dss.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html

Selected Excerpts:

The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1

By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters.

Apparently you're a part of the moronic minority( Yes a play on words lifted from the moral majority)

One problem is that none of the studies in this area have obtained data from a probability sample, that is, a sample that can be assumed to be representative of the population of all child molesters. Rather, most research has been conducted only with convicted perpetrators or with pedophiles who sought professional help. Consequently, they may not accurately describe child molesters who have never been caught or have not sought treatment.

A second problem is that the terminology used in this area is often confusing and can even be misleading. We can begin to address that problem by defining some basic terms.

Pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.

Child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to actions, and don't imply a particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator. Not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles or hebephiles; in some cases, the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.

Thus, not all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by pedophiles (or hebephiles) and not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually commit abuse. Consequently, it is important to use terminology carefully.

Hopefully, you are beginning to see that the issue is a bit more complicated than your small mind is able or willing to contemplate

Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Now we are getting to the cruxt of the issue. Still with me, or are you watching porn and jerking off, rather than trying to learn something?

As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted).

To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Typologies of
The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.
What the fuck is so funny Hawk. Is that you best response? Can't you come up with some sort of rebuttal. Didn't think so. Your intellectual deficits don't allow it.
The Dems must fight for pedos and other sycophants. Many of their top donors fall into this category.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.

Being that Epstein (and many other) men like to get their hands on young girls, that means you should be kept away from young girls.

Wrong. Gays are at least ten times more likely to be child molesters. We have enough problems with hetero ones like Epstein, we don’t need to expose kids to greater chances of being molested by these sick fucks.
Those stats only hold up if you count every male on male sexual encounter as having been committed by a homosexual. They are mostly not homosexuals. They are pedophiles who are unable to have an age appropriate relationship. The gay couples who seek to adopt children are entirely different.

LOL. “Only if male on male sexual encounter is counted as homosexual.”
Yes dumbass, that is the definition of homosexual. Gawd how can you be this stupid?
The Dems must fight for pedos and other sycophants. Many of their top donors fall into this category.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.


Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women. ]

In recent years, antigay activists have routinely asserted that gay people are child molesters. This argument was often made in debates about the Boy Scouts of America's policy to exclude gay scouts and scoutmasters. More recently, in the wake of Rep. Mark Foley's resignation from the US House of Representatives in 2006, antigay activists and their supporters seized on the scandal to revive this canard. http://psc.dss.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html

Selected Excerpts:

The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1

By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters.

Apparently you're a part of the moronic minority( Yes a play on words lifted from the moral majority)

One problem is that none of the studies in this area have obtained data from a probability sample, that is, a sample that can be assumed to be representative of the population of all child molesters. Rather, most research has been conducted only with convicted perpetrators or with pedophiles who sought professional help. Consequently, they may not accurately describe child molesters who have never been caught or have not sought treatment.

A second problem is that the terminology used in this area is often confusing and can even be misleading. We can begin to address that problem by defining some basic terms.

Pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.

Child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to actions, and don't imply a particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator. Not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles or hebephiles; in some cases, the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.

Thus, not all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by pedophiles (or hebephiles) and not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually commit abuse. Consequently, it is important to use terminology carefully.

Hopefully, you are beginning to see that the issue is a bit more complicated than your small mind is able or willing to contemplate

Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Now we are getting to the cruxt of the issue. Still with me, or are you watching porn and jerking off, rather than trying to learn something?

As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted).

To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Typologies of
The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.

Oh gawd, here it is. Comparing yourself to Jews and blacks being lynched. No dumbass, the difference between homos is they choose to be. Actions are what define people, and allow us to judge them.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.

Being that Epstein (and many other) men like to get their hands on young girls, that means you should be kept away from young girls.

Wrong. Gays are at least ten times more likely to be child molesters. We have enough problems with hetero ones like Epstein, we don’t need to expose kids to greater chances of being molested by these sick fucks.
Those stats only hold up if you count every male on male sexual encounter as having been committed by a homosexual. They are mostly not homosexuals. They are pedophiles who are unable to have an age appropriate relationship. The gay couples who seek to adopt children are entirely different.

LOL. “Only if male on male sexual encounter is counted as homosexual.”
Yes dumbass, that is the definition of homosexual. Gawd how can you be this stupid?
You didn't even bother to read post 25 did you? And if you did, it means that you are too dim whited to have understood it. Which is it, Bubba?
it is not natural for a gay couple to raise a child
....and they brainwash the kids about how they are VICTIMS, the christians are EVIL/whites are EVIL/Republicans are EVIL/ etc

Fact: Trump supporters are evil.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Dems must fight for pedos and other sycophants. Many of their top donors fall into this category.
You sure have pedophilia on your mind a lot. No matter what the subject is, it becomes about pedophilia with you. Maybe you should talk to someone about your pedophilia obsession. Meanwhile, the topic is about adoption by gay people.

It’s about gay men getting their hands on young boys. That’s how they recruit.


Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women. ]

In recent years, antigay activists have routinely asserted that gay people are child molesters. This argument was often made in debates about the Boy Scouts of America's policy to exclude gay scouts and scoutmasters. More recently, in the wake of Rep. Mark Foley's resignation from the US House of Representatives in 2006, antigay activists and their supporters seized on the scandal to revive this canard. http://psc.dss.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html

Selected Excerpts:

The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1

By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters.

Apparently you're a part of the moronic minority( Yes a play on words lifted from the moral majority)

One problem is that none of the studies in this area have obtained data from a probability sample, that is, a sample that can be assumed to be representative of the population of all child molesters. Rather, most research has been conducted only with convicted perpetrators or with pedophiles who sought professional help. Consequently, they may not accurately describe child molesters who have never been caught or have not sought treatment.

A second problem is that the terminology used in this area is often confusing and can even be misleading. We can begin to address that problem by defining some basic terms.

Pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.

Child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to actions, and don't imply a particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator. Not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles or hebephiles; in some cases, the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.

Thus, not all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by pedophiles (or hebephiles) and not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually commit abuse. Consequently, it is important to use terminology carefully.

Hopefully, you are beginning to see that the issue is a bit more complicated than your small mind is able or willing to contemplate

Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Now we are getting to the cruxt of the issue. Still with me, or are you watching porn and jerking off, rather than trying to learn something?

As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted).

To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Typologies of
The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.

Oh gawd, here it is. Comparing yourself to Jews and blacks being lynched. No dumbass, the difference between homos is they choose to be. Actions are what define people, and allow us to judge them.
You don't have to keep trying to convince us of what a dumb ass you are. We get it.
Do all gay men have AIDS?

Who do I look like, Carnac?
I just assume all of them (teh gheys) do, and press on with my day.

Press on with your bigotry and willful ignorance

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh...I am the bigot but you would be totally fine with homosexuals rearing children...
I wish someone would wake me from this alterverse.
Sodomites raising children...and other people promoting it.
You're god damned right slick

It happens all the time Deal with it. There are hundreds of thousands of kids with same sex parents and they do quite well. You need to be educated .
All Sodomites will burn in the eternal fires of Hell. Enjoy your sin.
Do all gay men have AIDS?

Who do I look like, Carnac?
I just assume all of them (teh gheys) do, and press on with my day.

Press on with your bigotry and willful ignorance

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh...I am the bigot but you would be totally fine with homosexuals rearing children...
I wish someone would wake me from this alterverse.
Sodomites raising children...and other people promoting it.
You're god damned right slick

It happens all the time Deal with it. There are hundreds of thousands of kids with same sex parents and they do quite well. You need to be educated .
All Sodomites will burn in the eternal fires of Hell. Enjoy your sin.

Get the fuck over it !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who do I look like, Carnac?
I just assume all of them (teh gheys) do, and press on with my day.

Press on with your bigotry and willful ignorance

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh...I am the bigot but you would be totally fine with homosexuals rearing children...
I wish someone would wake me from this alterverse.
Sodomites raising children...and other people promoting it.
You're god damned right slick

It happens all the time Deal with it. There are hundreds of thousands of kids with same sex parents and they do quite well. You need to be educated .
All Sodomites will burn in the eternal fires of Hell. Enjoy your sin.

Get the fuck over it !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh trust me I am over it.

You...on the other hand are going to have Beelzebub and his devils on you like a cheap suit. Good luck boiling in semen for eternity sodomite.
It’s perfectly appropriate to withhold public funds from private religious entities that discriminate based on sexual orientation.

No religious liberty is ‘violated’ when the state takes this appropriate action.

There is no objective, documented evidence indicating that gay couples should be prohibited form adopting children; indeed, doing so serves only to deny children loving, caring homes.

Private religious entities are at liberty to not seek public funds if they can’t refrain from engaging in bigotry and hate as agents of the state.

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