Federal Election Commissioner Says 2020 Election is Illegitimate


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Here is his biography

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> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

So what. Just a private not public opinion.

Under the statute, the most significant powers of the FEC require the affirmative vote of four commissioners.[8][21] --https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Election_Commission#Current
> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Oh, a Trump appointee. The Banana republic is coming, friendo.
> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Oh, a Trump appointee. The Banana republic is coming, friendo.
He was confirmed by the Senate
He’s the Fauci of elections so whatever he says goes libbies
Probably for our health, safety and well being we need to be locked down until the results are resolved years from now
> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Oh, a Trump appointee. The Banana republic is coming, friendo.
That's a pretty irresponsible statement if he is just shooting from the hip. He may be into political suicide, but I doubt it.
> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Oh, a Trump appointee. The Banana republic is coming, friendo.
He was confirmed by the Senate
It still has some flair of quid pro quo.
> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Here is his biography

Correct, completely illegitimate. When Fox News broadcast a whole list of DEAD PEOPE WHO VOTED in these battle ground states you know it was rigged. Dems breaking election law ONLY in Dem districts which gives Biden an advantage. Dems changing the rules ONLY in Dem districts which give Biden an advantage. RIGGED and ILLEGITIMATE!
The Federal Election Commission's function only has to do with enforcing campaign financing laws.

The Federal Election Commission's function only has to do with enforcing campaign financing laws.

View attachment 415244
Campaign finance funds help to pay for the campaigns of politicians . They got elected with FEC money. Joe Biden's campaign was helped by FEC administered funds and so was Donald Trump's. That's all the jurisdiction they need.
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> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Here is his biography

The Federal Election Commission has been disbanded for lack of a quorum. That's because most of the members resigned over pressure from Donald Trump to find election fraud, where none existed. The very fact that the Chair of the Commission is a Trump appointee means he is not a reliable source, as Trump appointees say whatever Trump tells them to say, or they're fired.

As for your source, "Newsmax.com", if it wasn't for "questionable sources, you fools wouldn't have any sources at all:

  • Overall, we rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks.

> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Here is his biography

The Federal Election Commission has been disbanded for lack of a quorum. That's because most of the members resigned over pressure from Donald Trump to find election fraud, where none existed. The very fact that the Chair of the Commission is a Trump appointee means he is not a reliable source, as Trump appointees say whatever Trump tells them to say, or they're fired.

As for your source, "Newsmax.com", if it wasn't for "questionable sources, you fools wouldn't have any sources at all:

  • Overall, we rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks.


You are lying again

The FEC met on 4/11/2019

MediaBias Factcheck is "amateur" Media Bias/Fact Check - Wikipedia

You get the Booby Prize for the most lies told in a 24 hour period. You are on IGNORE.
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> Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
> In his opinion, the 2020 election is illegitimate

"Chairman Trainor, an old school gunslinger from Texas appointed by Trump, is behind them all the way. What Team Trump is claiming are “very valid allegations,” he agrees, which need to be “fully vetted” by the court system. He predicts that the charges are serious enough to “end up in the Supreme Court.”

Here it is from Newsmax

Here is his biography

Correct, completely illegitimate. When Fox News broadcast a whole list of DEAD PEOPE WHO VOTED in these battle ground states you know it was rigged. Dems breaking election law ONLY in Dem districts which gives Biden an advantage. Dems changing the rules ONLY in Dem districts which give Biden an advantage. RIGGED and ILLEGITIMATE!

Yea, just like the military votes they're trying to throw out. Man once you guys grab on to a fucking lie you just keep going. Like my doctor said last year he could have never believe there were so many damn uneducated people in the U.S. that followed trump like dogs in heat.
By law, no more than three Commissioners can represent the same political party, and at least four votes are required for any official Commission action. This structure was created to encourage nonpartisan decisions.

There are only three now.

Another FEC Commisioner wrote to the GSA, said in part:

Administrator Murphy,

I am deeply disturbed by your delay in issuing President-Elect Biden the ascertainment letter his team needs to begin its transition

I write to you today in my individual capacity as a Commissioner at the Federal Election Commission, one of the federal agencies that participates in the presidential transition process. I am of course concerned that delay on your part will hinder the Commission’s ability to fulfill its responsibilities to the incoming Administration.


The basis of your delay is not clear. It is not the practice of GSA administrators to wait weeks until the states have released official results, nor until the Electoral College has met and voted. GSA administrators’ consistent practice has been to begin working with the apparent successful candidates almost immediately.

There has been no doubt since Saturday that Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Kamala D. Harris are the apparent successful candidates for the office of President and Vice President, respectively. The race was called in their favor on Saturday morning by the Associated Press and every other major news organization after those organizations calculated that it was mathematically impossible for lawsuits or the outstanding ballots to change the outcome.

By law, no more than three Commissioners can represent the same political party, and at least four votes are required for any official Commission action. This structure was created to encourage nonpartisan decisions.

There are only three now.

Another FEC Commisioner wrote to the GSA, said in part:

Administrator Murphy,

I am deeply disturbed by your delay in issuing President-Elect Biden the ascertainment letter his team needs to begin its transition

I write to you today in my individual capacity as a Commissioner at the Federal Election Commission, one of the federal agencies that participates in the presidential transition process. I am of course concerned that delay on your part will hinder the Commission’s ability to fulfill its responsibilities to the incoming Administration.


The basis of your delay is not clear. It is not the practice of GSA administrators to wait weeks until the states have released official results, nor until the Electoral College has met and voted. GSA administrators’ consistent practice has been to begin working with the apparent successful candidates almost immediately.

There has been no doubt since Saturday that Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Kamala D. Harris are the apparent successful candidates for the office of President and Vice President, respectively. The race was called in their favor on Saturday morning by the Associated Press and every other major news organization after those organizations calculated that it was mathematically impossible for lawsuits or the outstanding ballots to change the outcome.

You can’t say that there is “no doubt” that someone is a “apparent winner” . It’s excluding gibberish amounting to “definitely maybe “

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