Federal Bureau of Inanity: FBI Plans Coloring Event for Agents


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Not satire, not The Bee.

What can anyone say about the state we are in?

Besides stepping us their attacks on Democrats’ political opponents in the last year, the increasingly woke FBI is reportedly descending to the level of the infantile for work events. According to several former FBI agents and whistleblowers, the agency is planning fun events for on-duty employees including office yoga (you don’t have to leave your chair!), painting, and coloring with crayons. Thank goodness adults are in charge of the country, right?

FBI whistleblower Steve Friend went on fellow FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin’s podcast March 31 to discuss the ridiculous FBI events for which he provided a screenshot on Twitter. Seraphin said FBI Human Resources and Security executive Jennifer Moore, who suspended both Seraphin and Friend, is like a crazy kindergarten teacher. She certainly appears to be under the impression that FBI agents are kindergartners.

Planned events for the FBI Security Division for April and May to enhance “health and wellness” reportedly include “National Walking Day,” which involves a “short walk” so you can “get to know your colleagues” and return with “a renewed sense of productivity.” Next is “Office Yoga,” which involves “a series of simple movements to strengthen and stretch the whole body while seated in a chair.” A desk jockey’s dream! Then there’s “Lunch and Coloring,” a “fun series of coloring sessions” to showcase “your colleagues’ artistic sides,” with supplies provided. Finally, there’s “National Creativity Day,” also an opportunity to “unleash your creativity” in a “painting class.” Makes you feel good your taxes pay these people’s salaries, doesn’t it?

What do any of these events have to do with being better FBI agents, you ask? I guess it relaxes agents after chasing down parents who attend school board meetings, pro-life protestors, or Trump allies. It’s so stressful being a political hack.


Different to say the least. I can say it is FAR better to have such health awareness activites than following the Canadian police approach which employs abusive,, dishonest, wannabe Dirty Harry police. Our crime has skyrocketed and in fact, the police themselves are in risk of more harm based on the data. When police don't connect with, can't relate to and are unaccountable/distrusted by citizens, you get what we have in Canada with the TPS et al. You pick which society you would prefer.
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Not satire, not The Bee.

What can anyone say about the state we are in?

Besides stepping us their attacks on Democrats’ political opponents in the last year, the increasingly woke FBI is reportedly descending to the level of the infantile for work events. According to several former FBI agents and whistleblowers, the agency is planning fun events for on-duty employees including office yoga (you don’t have to leave your chair!), painting, and coloring with crayons. Thank goodness adults are in charge of the country, right?
FBI whistleblower Steve Friend went on fellow FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin’s podcast March 31 to discuss the ridiculous FBI events for which he provided a screenshot on Twitter. Seraphin said FBI Human Resources and Security executive Jennifer Moore, who suspended both Seraphin and Friend, is like a crazy kindergarten teacher. She certainly appears to be under the impression that FBI agents are kindergartners.
Planned events for the FBI Security Division for April and May to enhance “health and wellness” reportedly include “National Walking Day,” which involves a “short walk” so you can “get to know your colleagues” and return with “a renewed sense of productivity.” Next is “Office Yoga,” which involves “a series of simple movements to strengthen and stretch the whole body while seated in a chair.” A desk jockey’s dream! Then there’s “Lunch and Coloring,” a “fun series of coloring sessions” to showcase “your colleagues’ artistic sides,” with supplies provided. Finally, there’s “National Creativity Day,” also an opportunity to “unleash your creativity” in a “painting class.” Makes you feel good your taxes pay these people’s salaries, doesn’t it?

What do any of these events have to do with being better FBI agents, you ask? I guess it relaxes agents after chasing down parents who attend school board meetings, pro-life protestors, or Trump allies. It’s so stressful being a political hack.

I saw it on Twitter, it must be true. :)
Do like the other Leftists. Go on the FBI page and "thank them for their service" 🤮🤢🤮
No worse than your constant right wing "thoughts and prayers" after yet another school shooting.

They're doing their job. Too bad the people they are investigating....are your people. :)
We must believe that the fish rots from the head, and our security institutions -- FBI, CIA, the military -- are rotting from the top. I am sure that there are many, probably most, rank and file FBI agents who just want to catch bank robbers and child pornorgraphy merchants. They don't want to lose their jobs, so they're keeping their heads down. If they did quit, or get fired for being whistleblowers, they'd be replaced with unqualified progressives. So we must just wait until we have the government again, and then do a deep purge of the rotten elements.

The same thing is happening in the military, but some good people are fighting back: [ Home | STARRS ]
Different to say the least. I can say it is FAR better to have such health awareness activites than following the Canadian police approach which employs abusive,, dishonest, wannabe Dirty Harry police. Our crime has skyrocketed and in fact, the police themselves are in risk of more harm based on the data. When police don't connect with, can't relate to and are unaccountable/distrusted by citizens, you get what we have in Canada with the TPS et al. You pick which society you would prefer.

Difference is when police officers in America take off their uniform they are average Americans. They don't make a lot of money, go to the same stores as everyone else, live in the same neighborhoods, drive the same cars. The idea American police officers can't relate or disconnected from citizens is ludicrous.

American media is the reason people don't trust cops because they only focus on police when something goes sideways involving the cops then they are hyper focused on cops. Everytime a white cop shoots a black criminal the media never cares about the fact they were a criminal doing criminal shit. They focus on a white cop shooting a black person.

In America at any given time there are 10s of thousands of police interacting with hundreds of thousands of people day and night. Obviously they aren't a problem because it's only occasionally a real issue solely at the hands of the officer comes up.

Health awareness is fine at work. But coloring? Being creative with co-workers? Office yoga? Painting at work? Give me a break. That's a joke at any job, but the fbi? That's just shameful.

Don't know about Canada but in America crime started to skyrocket at the same time we started to get rid of police and stopped treating criminals like criminals. When feelings became more important than morals, values and standards. I want hard nosed cops out there, I have nothing to fear from them because I obey the law. The only times I'd ever had to deal with cops is in my younger days when I was doing shit that caused them to show up. Soon as I stopped doing shit I wasn't supposed to be doing I never ran into the police again. In the past 20 years I had a cop stop me for having a headlight out, and because I turned left where I didn't see the sign that said don't turn left. That's it. They told me what I did wrong and we parted ways.
Difference is when police officers in America take off their uniform they are average Americans. They don't make a lot of money, go to the same stores as everyone else, live in the same neighborhoods, drive the same cars. The idea American police officers can't relate or disconnected from citizens is ludicrous.

American media is the reason people don't trust cops because they only focus on police when something goes sideways involving the cops then they are hyper focused on cops. Everytime a white cop shoots a black criminal the media never cares about the fact they were a criminal doing criminal shit. They focus on a white cop shooting a black person.

In America at any given time there are 10s of thousands of police interacting with hundreds of thousands of people day and night. Obviously they aren't a problem because it's only occasionally a real issue solely at the hands of the officer comes up.

Health awareness is fine at work. But coloring? Being creative with co-workers? Office yoga? Painting at work? Give me a break. That's a joke at any job, but the fbi? That's just shameful.

Don't know about Canada but in America crime started to skyrocket at the same time we started to get rid of police and stopped treating criminals like criminals. When feelings became more important than morals, values and standards. I want hard nosed cops out there, I have nothing to fear from them because I obey the law. The only times I'd ever had to deal with cops is in my younger days when I was doing shit that caused them to show up. Soon as I stopped doing shit I wasn't supposed to be doing I never ran into the police again. In the past 20 years I had a cop stop me for having a headlight out, and because I turned left where I didn't see the sign that said don't turn left. That's it. They told me what I did wrong and we parted ways.

Right. Your last paragraph is the difference. In Canada, there is no rehabilitation or freedom If you were in a fight with a kid as an eight year old, that will stay in your dossier for life. It's how the police keep the peons in check in a caste system.

If you aren't causing trouble, the police plain clothed or even prospective, teen cop will and try and rope you in, with or without your permission. Or, outright lie! An allegation alone, proven or not, is enough for the unaccountable agencies.

They are in fact, judge, jury and executioner and worse than Chinas social credit system. You are ruined for life as a kid, even if you go 50 years volunteering at a church, the Security Industrial Complex will profit off of you being a permanent "undesirable". They will always protect their own also. It's why their budgets sky rocket while crime soars, people have little social funding as it is in the police coffers and they actually ignore requests for budget breakdowns by mayors. Imagine that!

Americans haven't believed me on here, or are in disbelief. Americans have no clue. Europeans are better informed about out police state and do not trust us, I've spoken to police in Asia who referred to "grooming" allegations against Canadian police. Asia! Police in Ontario may have the worst reputation of any police district in N America.

Your interactions with Canada should be with great caution and suspicion until our nations cleans up the Police State.
Further to this, when i say it is far worse than you think, I mean it.

How about this? I know a of a cop today who I watched with my own two eyes smack a guy in the back of the head repeatedly while he was trying to walk away all the while he is calling him a w*p. A derogatory term for an Italian person. I felt bad for this guy as he was simply walking away, trying to avoid problems (although the guy had initially started trouble no doubt).

My wrestling coach for years was Italian and he was like a second father to me. Old school, kickboxer from the homeland. No nonsense, but a softie inside. He gave me some of the best advice in my life that stuck with me to this day after I cried when losing a wrestling match. I had Italian friends on my soccer team, guys I would hang out at their house to practice etc.

So seeing the attack from a guy who wanted no part was bad enough. As a hockey fan my whole life this violated "the code". The additional attack on his Nationality bothered me just as much. I can still see the incident in my head. Remember, this violent, name caller is a cop today! So one has to wonder, "was he causing all this trouble in the area for his own future? Was he attributing it to others"?

Now, I think back to how much trouble this cop caused in the area, he was definitely a Grade A trouble maker. Even if we were all playing baseball or hockey, he would just start trouble out of nowhere. My grade eight teacher who was protective of me and others hated him with a passion. I know she knew he was the fire starter among all the students. I was an Honours student, he was an idiot and Ahole.

Guess who is making 6 figures today and who is struggling with life? One of MANY who in the area who were the trouble makers, social engineers and now cops.


This is just one of MANY incident I am aware of. Many of which I shared along with names. You se, the difference between me and others is I am committed to truth and transparency. Those who have destroyed this province and city are NOT.

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