"Fed Official Who Helped Orchestrate QE: 'I'm Sorry, America,' QE Really Was A Huge W

Cue GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, a prominent member of Obama's council of economic advisors, rolling on the floor convulsed by gales of laughter immediately after hearing Obama state that the "Stimulus wasn't quite as shovel ready as we exected"
But the folks shoulda kindee expected that what with little tidbits leaking out about things like the roughly $250,000 being spent for pamphets for the tykes in the Omaha City School system stating that "White culture is evil and reprehensible and if you knew someone that still abided by the rules of white culture, you should report them"

This recent revelation below by New York Dem Sentor Kirsten Gillibrand is probably a truism for everything in the Obama Administration, past, present, and future, rather than an isolated incident. The truth is obviously a foreign concept for Obama, whatever lie satisfies his need at the moment, rather the norm.

NY Dem Senator Admits: ?We All Knew? Obama Was Lying | Weasel Zippers

"The IRS's targeting of Tea Party Groups was the work of four rogue agents in the Cincinatti office"

"We are not listening to your phone calls or reading your e-mails."

"The deaths of the American Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans was the result of a spontaneous demonstration over some hideous anti Muslim internet video."

"Fast and Furious was the work of some rogue ATF agents"

"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it! Period!"
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