Fed Censorship is Coming


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.

For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.


And that has what to do with censorship?
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

This has been happening for decades for all other types of communication - print, radio, tv. Can you point to where the government has stepped in the throttle political speech?
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

As someone who was online when they turned the lights on, I can attest to censorship being a thing. Internet wasn't censored at all in the beginning, it being the domain of the nerdy types most policy makers wouldn't understand if their lives depended on it. But now that it's fairly ubiquitous and easy to use, everyone's online including government censors.

Some of the censorship was good and sensible, but once the necessary criminal stuff is removed those censors still need something to do to justify their employment so I think they start looking around for other things.

I can't imagine press being censored, but then the US is like 48th in the wolr dofr press freedom so ya maybe. As Maher would say. :)
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

This has been happening for decades for all other types of communication - print, radio, tv. Can you point to where the government has stepped in the throttle political speech?

Dems have mentioned trying to shut down talk radio by forcing them to give equal time to liberal view points.
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.


And that has what to do with censorship?

I would say it has to do with letting the government control something. Once you say the government can control your personal life decisions, where does it stop?
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.


And that has what to do with censorship?

I would say it has to do with letting the government control something. Once you say the government can control your personal life decisions, where does it stop?

I wouldnt call murder a personal life decision.
I dont have a problem with abortion as long as it's done early preferably with the morning after pill.
When you start pulling kids out in pieces you've crossed the line.
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge
FYI -- It's NOT just "lefties", "liberals", or other loosely defined concepts of political labels, it's "VOTERS", period. We, voters, allow whatever takes place within government to happen. Politicians do NOT just waltz into Washington and take a seat, we put them there. It takes a lot of votes on the floors of Congress to pass and enact legislation and policy. A single vote can not speak for everyone in Congress. Besides, Congress is nothing more than a puppet show, controlled by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. So, try to understand the process, the manipulation that takes place in government, and the intent of professional politicians. Saying that what happens is the fault of Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Left Wings, Right Wings, Republicans, or Democrats is pure blindness to what is actually taking place within government.

If you want to change the process, then STOP electing and re-electing professional politicians to serve in government. What happens in Washington is no one's fault except the voters that created "The Washington Brotherhood".
They will get away with it by selling the same stupid false notion that they are on the side of minorities. Thatbis how they do it. Their dumb voting base will fall right in line and believe in their robin hood fairy tale.

Obamacare has proven conclusively what the democrats think of their dumb base. THEY WERE CAUGHT OPENLY DECLARING THAT THEIR VOTING BASE IS TOO STUPID TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH.

The morons are useless tools. It is comical watching them carry on thinking they are so smart.
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.


And that has what to do with censorship?

I would say it has to do with letting the government control something. Once you say the government can control your personal life decisions, where does it stop?

The government has been "controlling" the broadcast dial since 1926. And in all that time, answering my own rhetorical question above, it has never restricted content, ever.

And it took on that role -- under Republicans FWIW -- because the open unregulated radio dial, new technology at the time, was chaos -- if you put a station on the air at 690 Kc with a hundred watts, I could put one on at a thousand watts. Then you could up to ten thousand. Et cetera, Chaos. The public interest was not being served. Enter the Federal Radio Commission which later changed its name to the FCC, to regulate the dial "in the public interest, convenience and necessity".

This idea that the evil FCC is going to suddenly do a 180 on 89 years of history and start tinkering with content where it never has before is akin to theories that Martians are spiking our water system to make us intergalactic slaves --- it could happen, but.... :rolleyes:
this is a nice theory about what 'could' or 'might' happen.

let me know when it's attempted.
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.


And that has what to do with censorship?

I would say it has to do with letting the government control something. Once you say the government can control your personal life decisions, where does it stop?

The government has been "controlling" the broadcast dial since 1926. And in all that time, answering my own rhetorical question above, it has never restricted content, ever.

And it took on that role -- under Republicans FWIW -- because the open unregulated radio dial, new technology at the time, was chaos -- if you put a station on the air at 690 Kc with a hundred watts, I could put one on at a thousand watts. Then you could up to ten thousand. Et cetera, Chaos. The public interest was not being served. Enter the Federal Radio Commission which later changed its name to the FCC, to regulate the dial "in the public interest, convenience and necessity".

This idea that the evil FCC is going to suddenly do a 180 on 89 years of history and start tinkering with content where it never has before is akin to theories that Martians are spiking our water system to make us intergalactic slaves --- it could happen, but.... :rolleyes:

The same can be said of the fact that racist cops pull over blacks more than any other group. We all the know the law applies the same to everyone but that doesn't mean the person applying those rules will do that. What if the person in charge of the FCC doesn't like particular websites that criticize the government in the same way a racist cop doesn't like certain people? Perhaps he finds some obscure rule that he only decides to apply to that website. Pretty soon the web starts getting shaped by how often that rule is applied to whoever it is applied to.
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.


And that has what to do with censorship?

I would say it has to do with letting the government control something. Once you say the government can control your personal life decisions, where does it stop?

The government has been "controlling" the broadcast dial since 1926. And in all that time, answering my own rhetorical question above, it has never restricted content, ever.

And it took on that role -- under Republicans FWIW -- because the open unregulated radio dial, new technology at the time, was chaos -- if you put a station on the air at 690 Kc with a hundred watts, I could put one on at a thousand watts. Then you could up to ten thousand. Et cetera, Chaos. The public interest was not being served. Enter the Federal Radio Commission which later changed its name to the FCC, to regulate the dial "in the public interest, convenience and necessity".

This idea that the evil FCC is going to suddenly do a 180 on 89 years of history and start tinkering with content where it never has before is akin to theories that Martians are spiking our water system to make us intergalactic slaves --- it could happen, but.... :rolleyes:

The same can be said of the fact that racist cops pull over blacks more than any other group. We all the know the law applies the same to everyone but that doesn't mean the person applying those rules will do that. What if the person in charge of the FCC doesn't like particular websites that criticize the government in the same way a racist cop doesn't like certain people? Perhaps he finds some obscure rule that he only decides to apply to that website. Pretty soon the web starts getting shaped by how often that rule is applied to whoever it is applied to.

Again, the original rhetorical question stands -- when has that ever happened? Cite me something.

The FCC is deliberately set up in a balanced way. Its commissioners serve terms that stagger Presidential Administrations (so that no POTUS can stack it) and no more than three can be affiliated with the same political party.

I mean conspiracy theories are a fun parlor game but it just doesn't apply here, sorry.
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.


And that has what to do with censorship?

I would say it has to do with letting the government control something. Once you say the government can control your personal life decisions, where does it stop?

I wouldnt call murder a personal life decision.
I dont have a problem with abortion as long as it's done early preferably with the morning after pill.
When you start pulling kids out in pieces you've crossed the line.

So much for opposing big government controlling our lives.
For all you supporters of “New Neutrality” - I toldya so!

FCC Commissioner: Feds May Come for Drudge

However, Pai (a Republican FCC Commissioner) said it was only the beginning. In the future, he said, “I could easily see this migrating over to the direction of content… What you’re seeing now is an impulse not just to regulate the roads over which traffic goes, but the traffic itself.

When will you leftists learn that allow government to open the door just a little bit is an invitation for them to slam it open wide? I don't care what your excuses are, just because they claim it's to treat internet providers like public utilities doesn't mean it won't spread further.

Read the article @ Prison Planet.com FCC Commissioner Feds May Come for Drudge

Anytime you let the government control something you can expect this kind of shit.
That liberals dont understand this is the real shocker.
Or maybe they do.....

I really agree with you both that Big Government has no place in controlling who you choose to marry or on your reproductive decisions.


And that has what to do with censorship?

I would say it has to do with letting the government control something. Once you say the government can control your personal life decisions, where does it stop?

I wouldnt call murder a personal life decision.
I dont have a problem with abortion as long as it's done early preferably with the morning after pill.
When you start pulling kids out in pieces you've crossed the line.

So much for opposing big government controlling our lives.

Sorry,murder isnt a right as much as you want it to be.

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