Fearandloathing is in the building

As a dual US/Canada citizen living in Vancouver, I am considered conservative and voted that way in the last election here. I am neither conservative nor liberal, though. I am fiscally conservative, tend to favor the right, am Christian but I support gay marriage and a woman's right to chose as ultimately it is the individual who will have to face God on our choices. I believe in universal medical care; we have had state run education for 200 years, why not health care?

I declare myself to be a libertarian and after reporting on governments for 25 years am absolutely convinced that no government can ever be too small.

I am intolerant of ignorance, incompetence and pettiness which probably should make you wonder how and why I am on internet forums.

I am a recovered alcoholic; I got clean and sober a little more than 20 years ago. I finally managed to quit smoking 20 months ago and am now dealing with the weight issue. It seems my youth was all about accumulating and in my older years it is all about losing.

There are few thing in this world I detest, however the top of that list is any form of extremism within which I include racism , religious bigotry, and any form of generalization of human beings. We should re-institute capital punishment for serial killers, terrorists and child molesters.

I figure anyone who thinks they are right all the time is usually wrong and anyone who still votes for the same party they supported 20 years ago isn't worth talking to, at least about politics.

I support Stephen Harper's government but have threatened not to vote for him over his party's plans for revisions in copyright legislation. I would not vote for Obama for less than $2 million; you may recall I mentioned I am intolerant of incompetence and extreemism.

and yes, my vote can be bought, I just like to think my price tag is higher than most people's.

Who gives a fuck?

Well parsed and even properly punctuated. Well done.

Please let us know when your IQ gets into the double digits.

Looks like you'll do well here.

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