FDA censorship of nutritional science threatens health of all Americans


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Concerned about breast cancer? There are three nutrients that virtually eliminate your risk of the disease, even if you carry “breast cancer genes.” Wondering how to cure arthritis? A combination of four different nutrients virtually eliminates arthritis symptoms. Afraid of diabetes? Five different nutrients, all available right now, can help prevent diabetes for mere pennies a day.
And that’s just the beginning…
Nutritional cures exist for nearly every major disease, but the FDA doesn’t want you to know about them. So it has censored truthful, scientifically-proven information about these substances in order to keep you ignorant about nutritional cures.
Watch my short public service announcement to see more (38 seconds): http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=544BD…
When one U.S. company offering cherry concentrates began linking to government-funded studies that concluded cherries reduce the symptoms of arthritis, they received a threatening letter from the FDA, demanding they remove the links from their website or face “criminal prosecution.” (FDA tyranny and the censorship of cherry health facts (opinion))


At the same time the FDA is attacking health foods, it openly allows ridiculous health claims on processed dead junk foods. Frito-Lay potato chips, for example, are allowed to carry claims that they are “heart healthy.”
So while genuinely health foods like walnuts and pomegranates cannot make health claims, processed dead foods like potato chips may openly carry FDA-approved health claims!
Are you following this yet? Real food is bad for you. But junk food is good for you. That’s what the FDA wants you to believe.
FDA censorship of nutritional science threatens health of all Americans | The Vigilant Citizen
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You have a problem with the FDA policy now? Did you have the same problem when Congress started mandating that the FDA censor free speech in the first place?
i have a problem with the fda..anyone paying attention should...they are trying to control the food industry...not market but industry....and are geared to large farms...mega farms not helping the local farmer

and as a woman these people said hrt was safe...until a trial study had women dropping dead....ever wonder about the chemical induced abortion...herbs have been used for centuries but you cant profit on herbs
i have a problem with the fda..anyone paying attention should...they are trying to control the food industry...not market but industry....and are geared to large farms...mega farms not helping the local farmer

and as a woman these people said hrt was safe...until a trial study had women dropping dead....ever wonder about the chemical induced abortion...herbs have been used for centuries but you cant profit on herbs

I have a problem with them also. I can see a purpose for them, but they are power hungry, corrupt, and more responsive to politics than health.

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