FBI Warns Congress: Antifa Is Not A Myth - Take The Threat Seriously

I will have to amend what I said about Wray. The opening post didn't tell the whole truth. He contradicted Trump 3 times.

Wray said that antifa was a idea not a organization.

He stated that most of the domestic violence comes from white supremacist groups.

He stated that Russia was using social media, proxies, state media, online journals and other methods to hurt Trump politically.

It's a real group of semi-related philosophies, or perhaps a movement. There is not a particular organization that is "The Antifa" though.

Much like there is not an organization that is "The Boogaloo"
Interesting what Fox LEFT OUT of Wray's testimony...

FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers Thursday that racially motivated violent extremism cases account for the bulk of the bureau's work on domestic terrorist threats.

Testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee, Wray also said most of the racially motivated cases deal with white supremacists.

"Within the domestic terrorism bucket, the category as a whole, racially motivated violent extremism is, I think, the biggest bucket within that larger group. And within the racially motivated violent extremist bucket, people subscribing to some kind of white supremacist-type ideology is certainly the biggest chunk of that," he said.
Yet which group do we see out causing problems lately?

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