FBI stats show violent crime on steady decline...without giving up our guns.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is from Extranosalley....they mention that crime stats from the FBI show another decline in crime from 2012-2013 and that is from a steadily falling crime rate since 1994......hmmmmm....that sort of coincides with the movement to allow more and more people to carry guns for self defense....

I know what you anti gunners are going to say...crime is dropping all over the world....

Maybe....except for Britain where they are hiding their crime stats...makes you wonder about the other European countries....

But.....our crime rate is going down....and we are buying more and more guns...and carrying them...so that anti gun lie...that more guns leads to more gun violence....sell it somewhere else because it isn't true....

Violent Crime 1960 Through 2013 Extrano s Alley a gun blog

While a decline of only 4.1 percent per year is not as impressive as the declines before 1998; we must keep in mind the desperate efforts of the “progressive left” to reinstate the restrictive laws that sent violent crime rates sky high in the first place.

Those efforts have drastically slowed our efforts to get the violent crime rates down to where we were before gun controls sent those rates sky high.

We are already at 1906 homicide levels, and we are less than fifteen years from getting our violent crime rates down to 1960’s levels.

and the FBI stats...you have to actually go to the FBI site...it isn't pasting properly...

FBI mdash Table 1


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