FBI says our homicide rate is at a 51 year low, while more americans carry guns for self defense


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
in the 1990s....2 million people carried guns for self defense.

in 2007, 4.7 milion people carried guns for self defense.

in 2013, 13 million people now carry guns for self defense.

And during that period of time....gun murder rates went down, not up.

During that period of time, violent crime rates went down, not up.

Now, the FBI says we are experiencing a 51 year low homicide rate....

FBI: US Homicide Rate at 51-Year Low

The US homicide rate in 2014, the most recent year available, was 4.5 per 100,000. The 2014 total follows a long downward trend and is the lowest homicide rate recorded since 1963 when the rate was 4.6 per 100,000. To find a lower homicide rate, we must travel back to 1957 when the total homicide rate hit 4.0 per 100,000.

Homicide rates were considerably higher in the United States during the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, but over the past 25 years, have fallen nearly continuously:

Over a recent 20 year period, the number of new guns in the US that were either manufactured in the US or imported into the US increased 141 percent from 6.6 million new guns in 1994 to 16 million in 2013. That means a gross total of 132 million new guns were added into the US population over that time period.


So, do more guns equal more crime? The data would seem to indicate the answer is "obviously not." (For more on this, see here.)

Naturally, these facts are steadfastly ignored by people who can't do basic arithmetic, like the constitutional law Professor David S. Cohen who wrote Monday at Rolling Stone that the second Amendment must be repealed because it is "a threat to liberty" and a "suicide pact."
More guns less crime... Fact

Yup. Just like what happened in Texas when that State decided anyone could carry a gun.

All the talking heads predicted mass deaths due to accidental discharge of weapons.

All that happened was the crime rate went down because everyone was armed.

Common sense 101
If just a couple queers were armed with more than KY and mazzolla, our rights would not be under attack today

in the 1990s....2 million people carried guns for self defense.

in 2007, 4.7 milion people carried guns for self defense.

in 2013, 13 million people now carry guns for self defense.

Ah well, there goes another of your lies. Disproved by you.

You claim that your gun are being taken away. Then show where millions of new concealed permits have been issued.

So who had their guns taken away? Or are you just making shit up? Again.
Once the guns are gone everything is gone. Liberals know it and that's what they want. They are fascists that want a govt (composed of people like themselves) controlling everything. Liberals hate freedom.

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