Trump FBI says NO! on Hillary e-mails


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
This ought to lite up Trump. The FBI has said no to requests to release Hillary e-mails saying that there is a "lack of public interest," which isn't entirely true, since Trump and his deplorables would love to see them. Thankfully, they are in the minority.

It'll be interesting to see if Trump fires the FBI director because of this. Stay tuned.
White House Petition: Public Must Demand Release of Hillary’s Records

The FBI is guarding records on Hillary Clinton, rejecting a Freedom of Information Act request by attorney Ty Clevenger, citing a “lack of public interest” as basis for denial, which has prompted the initiation of a White House petition to prove otherwise.

The petition can be found HERE and reads as follows:


Well what can one day about one of the most crooked pos losers on the planet.
She a professional liar and had a lot of fools sucked into voting for her during that run she would say anything to gain the population. Suckers fell for it .
White House Petition: Public Must Demand Release of Hillary’s Records

The FBI is guarding records on Hillary Clinton, rejecting a Freedom of Information Act request by attorney Ty Clevenger, citing a “lack of public interest” as basis for denial, which has prompted the initiation of a White House petition to prove otherwise.

The petition can be found HERE and reads as follows:


Well what can one day about one of the most crooked pos losers on the planet.
She a professional liar and had a lot of fools sucked into voting for her during that run she would say anything to gain the population. Suckers fell for it .
Do they have as many votes as there was for the government to build a Death Star?

Multiple thread on this subject.

Find one, and continue your posts there

REMINDER: Look for previous threads before you open a new one
FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

"Each email transmission of a government document that was not preserved or turned over to the State Department from Mrs. Clinton's tenure could theoretically be considered a violation of the Federal Records Act, the main law governing preservation of government records and data.

Other federal laws make it a felony to intentionally conceal, remove or destroy federal records as defined under the act, punishable with a fine and imprisonment of up to three years.

A single conviction also carries a devastating impact for anyone looking to work again in government because the law declares that any violator "shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

The FBI "indirectly documented hundreds, and likely thousands, of violations of the Records Act," one source with direct knowledge of the FBI's investigation told Circa.

Using forensics, the FBI recovered from computer drives and other witnesses about 17,500 emails from Mrs. Clinton's private account that dealt with government business, most that had not been turned over by her or her aides, the sources said.

Some of the emails recovered by agents were germane to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from the public and congressional investigations and had not yet been produced, the sources said."

FBI Director Comey acted to protect Hillary Clinton from Prosecution by declaring HE thought there was no evidence of criminal intent, that she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

1. Ignorance of the Law is NOT an acceptable defense for breaking laws. Also, the government has numerous documents signed by Hillary Clinton, after having received training, declaring she was FULLY aware of all laws, rules, and regulations regarding the handling of classified information, destroying Comey's claim that she did not know the laws / had no idea she was breaking the law.

2. Comey's claim that there was no evidence to support 'Intent'. This was quickly discredited by numerous legal experts across the country:

"There are a lot of intentional acts, including the setting up of the private email server, that probably could go to a question of was this intentional and was this violation of both the records act and the handling of classified material."
-- Matt Whitaker, who served as U.S. Attorney for Iowa under President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama

"Whitaker said he believes a special prosecutor should be appointed to review the Records Act questions because "in this political silly season it appears that the FBI and especially the Department of Justice doesn't have the stomach to pursue the potential charges that emanate from this behavior."

"After her private email system was discovered, Mrs. Clinton eventually turned over 55,000 pages from about 30,000 emails involving State Department work.

But FBI officials recovered about 15,000 additional emails on her private account that involved government business by sweeping her old devices and servers or scouring the government emails of other people she corresponded with.

It was not until AFTER she was caught violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act and the documents found that Hillary handed them over.

The evidence supporting the FACT that Hillary Clinton violated NUMEROUS laws, to include Obstruction of Justice (like Lynch), is UN-DENIABLE.

The evidence that the US Govt (Obama administration and current Justice Department) is deliberately continuing to cover this historic criminal scandal - the government declaring to the American people that the crime committed by a potential (could have been) President of the United States was none of their business / nothing for them to be concerned about - should extremely concern the American people.

Here’s why the FBI refused to release Hillary Clinton files to the public

This type of secrecy, selective judicial action, and protecting of high-ranking political party leaders, placing them above the Rule of law, should NOT be tolerated.

Multiple thread on this subject.

Find one, and continue your posts there

REMINDER: Look for previous threads before you open a new one
It's obvious that the Clintons have given an offer that can't be refused to every single person inside the Beltway. The Clinton-Obama Crime Cartels are still running the Government. There will never be any justice.
Unless there is evidence of a criminal act in the e-mails, and even then, the FBI has no reason nor any authority to post private e-mails for the public consumption.

Consider the precedent if the government decided to promulgate e-mails of private citizens for salacious or incendiary comments. One more example that easyt65, et al above, are dumb as a box of rusted hammers.
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FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

"Each email transmission of a government document that was not preserved or turned over to the State Department from Mrs. Clinton's tenure could theoretically be considered a violation of the Federal Records Act, the main law governing preservation of government records and data.

Other federal laws make it a felony to intentionally conceal, remove or destroy federal records as defined under the act, punishable with a fine and imprisonment of up to three years.

A single conviction also carries a devastating impact for anyone looking to work again in government because the law declares that any violator "shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

The FBI "indirectly documented hundreds, and likely thousands, of violations of the Records Act," one source with direct knowledge of the FBI's investigation told Circa.

Using forensics, the FBI recovered from computer drives and other witnesses about 17,500 emails from Mrs. Clinton's private account that dealt with government business, most that had not been turned over by her or her aides, the sources said.

Some of the emails recovered by agents were germane to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from the public and congressional investigations and had not yet been produced, the sources said."

FBI Director Comey acted to protect Hillary Clinton from Prosecution by declaring HE thought there was no evidence of criminal intent, that she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

1. Ignorance of the Law is NOT an acceptable defense for breaking laws. Also, the government has numerous documents signed by Hillary Clinton, after having received training, declaring she was FULLY aware of all laws, rules, and regulations regarding the handling of classified information, destroying Comey's claim that she did not know the laws / had no idea she was breaking the law.

2. Comey's claim that there was no evidence to support 'Intent'. This was quickly discredited by numerous legal experts across the country:

"There are a lot of intentional acts, including the setting up of the private email server, that probably could go to a question of was this intentional and was this violation of both the records act and the handling of classified material."
-- Matt Whitaker, who served as U.S. Attorney for Iowa under President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama

"Whitaker said he believes a special prosecutor should be appointed to review the Records Act questions because "in this political silly season it appears that the FBI and especially the Department of Justice doesn't have the stomach to pursue the potential charges that emanate from this behavior."

"After her private email system was discovered, Mrs. Clinton eventually turned over 55,000 pages from about 30,000 emails involving State Department work.

But FBI officials recovered about 15,000 additional emails on her private account that involved government business by sweeping her old devices and servers or scouring the government emails of other people she corresponded with.

It was not until AFTER she was caught violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act and the documents found that Hillary handed them over.

The evidence supporting the FACT that Hillary Clinton violated NUMEROUS laws, to include Obstruction of Justice (like Lynch), is UN-DENIABLE.

The evidence that the US Govt (Obama administration and current Justice Department) is deliberately continuing to cover this historic criminal scandal - the government declaring to the American people that the crime committed by a potential (could have been) President of the United States was none of their business / nothing for them to be concerned about - should extremely concern the American people.

Here’s why the FBI refused to release Hillary Clinton files to the public

This type of secrecy, selective judicial action, and protecting of high-ranking political party leaders, placing them above the Rule of law, should NOT be tolerated.

Poor pino trump won't know what hit him.



White House Petition: Public Must Demand Release of Hillary’s Records

The FBI is guarding records on Hillary Clinton, rejecting a Freedom of Information Act request by attorney Ty Clevenger, citing a “lack of public interest” as basis for denial, which has prompted the initiation of a White House petition to prove otherwise.

The petition can be found HERE and reads as follows:


Well what can one day about one of the most crooked pos losers on the planet.
She a professional liar and had a lot of fools sucked into voting for her during that run she would say anything to gain the population. Suckers fell for it .
Almost accurate. Try substituting Trump for she and you've got it.
This ought to lite up Trump. The FBI has said no to requests to release Hillary e-mails saying that there is a "lack of public interest," which isn't entirely true, since Trump and his deplorables would love to see them. Thankfully, they are in the minority.

It'll be interesting to see if Trump fires the FBI director because of this. Stay tuned.

Why wouldn't you want them to be released?

It's like a damn ONION

  • Clinton perjures herself about Benghazi, Benghazi Emails, Her Secret Server.
  • Clinton DESTROYS 17 Devices, Iphones, Blackberrys, Laptops, and Tablets and stated that she only ever possessed one electronic device. Of the remaining devices she was using, her and her staff stripped the SIM cards out of them, so that THE FBI could not work the phones.
  • Then she violates TWO FEDERAL COURT ORDERS to PRESERVE ALL DATA ON HER ILLEGAL AND SECRET SERVER and Bleach Bits her server with COMEY being Completely aware of this, and PERMITTING IT, destroying 30,000 pieces of evidence.
  • Comey giving Immunity to the Entire Clinton staff, and then sealing their testimony so no one can know what was said.
  • Comey giving Immunity to Clinton's Private IT tech-hacker and he pleads the 5th 256 times.
  • Comey admitting Clinton committed felonies but was too stupid to prosecute.
  • Schultz and her Criminal Pakistani Hackers stealing data from THE DNC SERVER, From Congressional Records, and sharing it with The Clinton Campaign and the Pakistani Hacker sharing it with Seth Rich and Wikileaks because all he cared about was making a quick buck. Schultz still takes him with her to The Clinton Campaign. The Pakistani Hacker apparently sells information to Russia as well.
  • Obama tripping himself up saying he was completely unaware of Clinton's Secret and Illegal Server, yet later we found out he lied and was using an Alias to email her, just like other members of his administration were.
  • Lynch burying The Clinton Foundation Criminal Investigation after meeting Illegally with Bill Clinton on a Tarmac. Records Sealed.
  • FOIA REQUESTS for Records associated with Obama's Unmasking and Illegal Espionage Scheme to help Clinton.....and then he suddenly claims them by executive privilege for his Presidential Library, sealing them? Unseal them, then. We have the power.
  • Lynch Ordering Comey to sweep Clinton's Other Criminal Investigation under the rug, and Comey not reporting Obstruction of Justice.
  • McCabe an Obama Appointee actually running THE FBI because they were able to hamstring The Trump Admin with a never ending "Russian Investigation that has found NOTHING for the past two years, and 5 different investigations. They have control of the DOJ, IRS, and have 800 Obama Holdovers running the Federal Government and the Senate Locking Out The Trump Administration from replacing them.
  • Anthony Weiner's Laptop shown to have MULTIPLE EMAILS Clinton DID NOT TURN OVER to the FBI, classified most of them, again showing she PERJURED HERSELF....then making some kind of exchange for his silence......and those emails were sealed now too.
  • THE FBI under McCABE declaring that No One in the Entire USA is interested in Hillary Clinton's Emails, so They are going to DENY FOIA requests for them
  • A Bought and Paid for Judge who declares that The DNC DID INDEED RIG THE DNC PRIMARIES, but that he couldn't do anything about it because it isn't his jurisdiction and dismisses the case.
  • Lynch, Powers, Rice, Farkas, Comey mysteriously Never called or Subpoened to testify about Unmasking, Wiretapping, and Leaking of Classified Information that we KNOW DID INDEED OCCUR, and was Committed by the aforementioned people.
  • The Clinton Campaign, The DNC and Comey meeting with British, Ukrainian and Russian Spies, in conjunction with Fusion GPS to plot strategies on how to smear President Trump with a FAKE DOSSIER.
Yet all Congress is interested in doing is marching out members of The Trump Administration to ask them questions they already know the answers too, and had been asked in 5 other Investigations.
This ought to lite up Trump. The FBI has said no to requests to release Hillary e-mails saying that there is a "lack of public interest," which isn't entirely true, since Trump and his deplorables would love to see them. Thankfully, they are in the minority.

It'll be interesting to see if Trump fires the FBI director because of this. Stay tuned.

Why wouldn't you want them to be released?

Private. No business of the public. Kind of like Trump's tax returns, eh?
This ought to lite up Trump. The FBI has said no to requests to release Hillary e-mails saying that there is a "lack of public interest," which isn't entirely true, since Trump and his deplorables would love to see them. Thankfully, they are in the minority.

It'll be interesting to see if Trump fires the FBI director because of this. Stay tuned.

Why wouldn't you want them to be released?

Private. No business of the public. Kind of like Trump's tax returns, eh?

How are they private when most have been released?
This ought to lite up Trump. The FBI has said no to requests to release Hillary e-mails saying that there is a "lack of public interest," which isn't entirely true, since Trump and his deplorables would love to see them. Thankfully, they are in the minority.

It'll be interesting to see if Trump fires the FBI director because of this. Stay tuned.

Why wouldn't you want them to be released?

Private. No business of the public. Kind of like Trump's tax returns, eh?

How are they private when most have been released?
They shouldn't have been. Anyhoo, when are Republicans gonna get over the ghost of Hilary? She seems to dominate Trump & Co. even today. But, of course, it's just an effort to shift focus from Trump & Co's numerous, and probably criminal, Russian transgressions. And, Trump knows very well, as do his minions with a brain, that Russia and Comey assisted mightily with his electoral college victory. He did not win this election on his own, which drives him crazy. Look at the massive, record setting, popular vote loss that he sustained. And again, if you are obsessed with Hillary's e-mails, what about Trump's tax returns? After all, he is the President, and subject to intense scrutiny, as was President Obama. Remember Trump's birther fiasco? What's good for President Obama is certainly good for Trump.
This ought to lite up Trump. The FBI has said no to requests to release Hillary e-mails saying that there is a "lack of public interest," which isn't entirely true, since Trump and his deplorables would love to see them. Thankfully, they are in the minority.

It'll be interesting to see if Trump fires the FBI director because of this. Stay tuned.

Why wouldn't you want them to be released?

Private. No business of the public. Kind of like Trump's tax returns, eh?

How are they private when most have been released?
They shouldn't have been. Anyhoo, when are Republicans gonna get over the ghost of Hilary? She seems to dominate Trump & Co. even today. But, of course, it's just an effort to shift focus from Trump & Co's numerous, and probably criminal, Russian transgressions. And, Trump knows very well, as do his minions with a brain, that Russia and Comey assisted mightily with his electoral college victory. He did not win this election on his own, which drives him crazy. Look at the massive, record setting, popular vote loss that he sustained. And again, if you are obsessed with Hillary's e-mails, what about Trump's tax returns? After all, he is the President, and subject to intense scrutiny, as was President Obama. Remember Trump's birther fiasco? What's good for President Obama is certainly good for Trump.

This ought to lite up Trump. The FBI has said no to requests to release Hillary e-mails saying that there is a "lack of public interest," which isn't entirely true, since Trump and his deplorables would love to see them. Thankfully, they are in the minority.

It'll be interesting to see if Trump fires the FBI director because of this. Stay tuned.

Why wouldn't you want them to be released?

Private. No business of the public. Kind of like Trump's tax returns, eh?

How are they private when most have been released?
They shouldn't have been. Anyhoo, when are Republicans gonna get over the ghost of Hilary? She seems to dominate Trump & Co. even today. But, of course, it's just an effort to shift focus from Trump & Co's numerous, and probably criminal, Russian transgressions. And, Trump knows very well, as do his minions with a brain, that Russia and Comey assisted mightily with his electoral college victory. He did not win this election on his own, which drives him crazy. Look at the massive, record setting, popular vote loss that he sustained. And again, if you are obsessed with Hillary's e-mails, what about Trump's tax returns? After all, he is the President, and subject to intense scrutiny, as was President Obama. Remember Trump's birther fiasco? What's good for President Obama is certainly good for Trump.

What ghost of Hillary what are you trying to play dumb and her new resistance doesn't exist ? And what about Trump's taxes , what now you have dementia and forgot Madow released them and said Trump paid 40 million in taxes in just one year?

And what's this birthers nonsense, oh you mean the rumors that Hillary supporters started in 2008 about Obama not being born in America?



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