FBI Official: The Clintons are a crime family.

Coulter is correct: "Screw you." Teen-age alt-right is hormone-, youth-, and information-compromised White Tiger morphing.
16 Nov 2016 Yahoo Celebrity News: Kaite Holmes, links Toledo, Ohio and Scientology of Tom Cruise to Ron L. Hubbard. The Teachouot-Rector link to Toledo has already been mentioned. Clinton mafia link to Bedford Township, Michigan is precisely the link to Clearwater, Florida for the purchase of the Ft. Harrison Hotel by Hubbard to use as a base.

Carlos Marcello was imprisoned in Feliciana Parish, and that is also the link to Dr. Mary Sherman's report on polio in that Parish. Marcello suffered from Alzheimer's so "old white people" link medicine to Playboy Magazine, Oct 1967 for "Mary, Ferrie, and the Monkey Virus: The Story of an Undergrouond Medical Laboratory: A Non-Fiction Work (Albuqueruqe: Wordsworth, 1995)

The Feliciana Marcello-polio-Sherman link will go into the Brittanee Drexel PHPV file for Oct 2016 Beirut.

Aviasales and the Ulyukaev bribe we compare with Deepwater:

'At one point Deepwater remarked, "I know a lot about Travel gate, but let's save that." Tripp had claimed extensive knowledge of the Travel Office case since her national debut, both publicly and privately. She has gone so far as to sday on national television that she witnessed "potentially criminal activity on a daily basis" in the White House. (In an FBI interview in January 1998, she complained that OIC prosecutors presenting information about the Travel Office to a Washington grand jury in 19956 had failed to ask her "the proper questions about relevant documents in the counsels office).'
(West, op cit)

'Mertz often traveled to U.S. via Brussels, and even received a U.S. visa in Belgium on 7 Oct 1964.'
(Waldron-Hartmann, Ultimate Sacrifice)

7 Oct is an Anna Politkovskaya date, though we also note a close link to Shannon McConaughey, as the report came out just one day before McConaughey disappeared. Travelgate is mentioned on p. 283 as are these links:

' Notes:

p. 283 " But her conservative fans...." Washington Weekly, 28 Jan 1998

p. 285: " took great care to conceal...." Washington Post, 28 Jan 1998.'
(West, op cit)
Loudoun County, Virginia

1.) John Fitzgerald Kennedy

2.) Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

3.) Linda Tripp

Fauquier County, Virginia is the Rectortown link to Boteler-Rector-Amery at both Oliver Springs, Tennessee and Temperance, Michigan for the two Jane Rectors, one of which was a synthetic morphine addict, and who represents the precise link to Clinton mafia employee Joshua Reynolds DNA. See www. Harriman: The Town That Temperance Built.
We add another railroad link.

Stephen Benton Elkins
Stephen Benton Elkins - Wikipedia
'.'....taught in Cass County....pupil was Cole Younger....'

Elkins links to Isaac McCoy, which is the Indian removal and Salem, Massachusetts link we will compare to Awendaw, South Carolina for Shannon McConaughey.
Elizabeth (Withers) Field b. 23 Dec 1701 Stafford County, Virginia d. 26 Jul 1798 Culpepper County, Virginia, was wife of

Abraham Field b. 5 Jul 1699 Culpepper Co., Va. d. 1 Aug 1774 St. Marks Parish, Culpepper Co., Va., was son of

Daniel Field b. Jan 1663 Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Va. d. 17 Ap 1720 Westmoreland Co., Va., was son of

Abraham Field and Mary (Ironmonger) Field
Stephen Benton Elkins's father was Philip Duncan Elkins and his mother was Sarah Pickett (Withers) Elkins
7 Oct links:

1.) Vladimir Putin

2.) Anna Politkovskaya

3.) Brittanee Drexel
D. Craig Livingstone. We will question the spelling in a forthcoming Thomas Hardy excerpt.

Current Stats for Youtube:

Brittanee Drexel's Mom: 17 Nov 2016, 93,091 (14 Nov, 92,004)

Suspect: 17 Nov 2016, 40,682 (14 Nov, 39,993)

Kayla Berg's Mom: 17 Nov 2016, 36,196 (14 Nov, 36,196)
Hi, Walter: 270,271 (14 Nov, 269,642)

We add another link to the 25 Ap 2009 Hillary Clinton/Brittanee Drexel assemblage:

Islamic Terror on Christians
'....25 Ap 2009, Tal Keef, Iraq: A christian woman is abducted and beheaded by Islamic radicals.'

Canada: Bridging Visa
* Federal Skilled Workers Program

* Canadian Experience Class

* Federal Skilled Trades Program

* Provincial Nominee Program

* Caring for Children Class

* Caring for People with High Medical Needs Class....'

People Smuggling
People smuggling and boat turnbacks
'....Ali Al Jenabi....now on a bridging (removal pending) visa, and returned to Iraq once deemed safe by the UN is announced.'
Clinton mafia employee DNA links to Swiss DNA at Bedford Township, Michigan.The Swiss link to Clinton Foundation is now on the news, so we will begin the D. Craig Livingstone trajectory from that end, rather than the Thomas Hardy excerpt:

'Noor knew more about the work ahead than Jepson could possibly guess. She had first met Bill Stephenson during one of her family journeys back to India. She was nineteen years old then, stunningly pretty, gifted with an innocence which he judged could never be corrupted. He was leading a mission of technical experts that in 1934 studied India's resources and potential for self-development.He met her on a tiger shoot arranged by her father's fellow Muslim Air Vice Marshal Nawab Haji Khan, chief of the Chamber of Princes and Nawab of Bhopal. The Nawab was a close friend of Stephenson's and later, on active service with the RAF, he learned that the Canadian kept a fatherly eye on the girl. It was in this way that Noor entered the world of Baker Street armed with credentials. She could not remain in the RAF, however. The regular services had a regulation against women taking part in military operations.

Women agents had to wear some kind of uniform during training. Plain clothes would excite curiosity....therefore, the tiresome ban was circumvented by that antiquated organization, which oddly enouogh was not stuffy about these things, the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, FANY. They continued as FANYs after going into action with the secret armies, plus holding commission granted to women agents by the RAF. This was supposed to make Germans think twice about executing a captured agent.

The two girls who went into final training with her were also doomed to die. One was Yolande Beekman. The last time they met before leaving for France was at a mock Gestapo interrogation. The next time they met was as real Gestapo prisoners on the dark journey to Dachau.'
(Stevenson W, A Man Called Intrepid)

Noor is Noor Inayat Kahn, born in the Kremlin. Yolande Beekman is the Swiss link, and Jaap Beekman is the Dutch link.
We wish to track Livingstone DNA to-and-fro across the Canadian border as we make the connections.

Wikitree Livingstone Genealogy shows....

Betty S. Livingstone (Kennedy)

Rebecca (Livingstone) Billings b. 1838 Ontario, Canada; f. was Robert Livingstone, b. 1808 U.S. m. was Maria Livingstone formerly [surname unknown], b. 1812 U.S. Rebecca's g.father and g.mother were also unknown

Agnes (Livingstone) Hamilton'

It is with the Livingstone-Hamilton link that one begins to see massive deletions of information.
Yolande Beekman's husband was Jaap Beekman.

Jaap Beekman

The Jersey Giant link may be the Tyson chicken link to Mena, Arkansas, and why they were weaseling around in the Pillsbury Report. Note that readers cannot click on Jaap Beekman's name at this website:

Jersey Giant
Jersey Giant - Wikipedia
We have already mentioned Rebecca (Livingstone) Billings.

Wikitree Pickering

' Esther Billings (formerly Pickering) b. 29 Ap 1772, Bellingham, Massachusetts; dau. of Samuel Pickering (b. before 1740, Bellingham, Ma.) and Sarah (Ballou) Pickering (b. 1733). Sarah was dau. of Nathaniel Ballou and Mary (Lovett) Ballou. Nathaniel Ballou's father was James Ballou (b. 1652, Providence, Rhode Island, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, British America. James Ballou's mother was Susanna (Whitman) Ballou (b. 1658). James Ballou was father of Bathsheba (Ballou) Arnold.'

We are now in a position to post the Thomas Hardy excerpts.
D. Craig Livingstone, we question the "e" as symbolic for corssings, of borders or oceans:

'One means of forgetting, for a short time at least,insecurity of tenure and meagre wages was drink. So arose what Hardy called 'that love of fuddling to which the village at one time was prone.' The scene no doubt of much fuddling, Warrens Malthouse, has gone, but some of the paths Hardy's characters trod to it, by the mill and along the streamside, remain the same today.

Puddletown's glory is its beautiful church. From The Square, go in through the north porch. In the novel, Troy, the dashing 'sergeant of cavalry' spends a m iserable night here after planting flowers on the grave of Fanny Robin, a village girl he has seduced. Inside, the church is a magnificent oak gallery dated 1635. In the summer of 1927, the year before he died, Hardy brought his friend Gustav Holst here. You can imagine them sitting in the gallery beneath the finely timbered roof as Hardy recalls for his friend tales of his father and grandfather walking over from Stinsford, violins under their arms, to help the Puddletown musicians.

In Far from the Madding Crowd the singers include the shepherd, Gabriel Oak, whose sterling qualities are not appreciated by his employer, a woman-farmer Bathsheba Everdene, until he tells her he intends to emigrate. Another of Bathsheba's workfolk, Henery Fray, a character with a permanent chip on his shoulder, is recalled inside one of the box pews under the gallery. 'Henery', with its extra 'e' is carved clearly into the wood. There is much else to see in this marvellous church,but I have room to tell only a little of its story.

Photo. Interior view of St. Mary's church, Puddletown showing part of the beautiful seventeenth century musician's gallery. The Hardy family often walked over the heath and there are dramatic scenes within and around the church in Far from the Madding Crowd. Look inside the box pew on the left at the foot of the steps to see 'Henery' carved with its extra 'e', a detail which prompted Hardy to christen one of the workfolk in the novel 'Henery' Fray.
Photo: The Cerne Abbas giant, straddling the hillside and brandishing his hundred and twenty foot club as vigorusly today as when the people of the Iron Age carved his outline out of the turf.'
(Edwards AM, In the Steps of Thomas Hardy: Walking Tours of Hardy's England)
We are now in a position to further investigate Mary (Ironmonger) Field, in post #177.
For Trump's statements about Erdogan, Turkey, and current secular travel restrictions, the Katie Holmes-Tom Cruise link on this was already reported from Turkey. For those studying this politics, the location is Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania for Gulen, whom the U.S refuses to extradite due to lack of evidence:

RT.com 1 Sept 2016 'Gulen Movement "founded by CIA, like Mormons and Scientology" said the Turkish prosecutor." '
The reader can track Ironmonger at Wikitree for Gloucester County, Virginia. There is also a Crockett connection though it leads to no known mother or father. The interesting connection to Thomas Hardy in 1927 is the Crockett line whereby the man changes his name legally from that of the father:

David Nichols (formerly Crockett), Cassville, Barry County, Arkansas. This is not too far from Cole Younger being taught in school (already mentioned in this thread) as well as one of the James Gang's rest and vacation spots at Eureka Springs.

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