FBI investigating Christine O'Donnell


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Feds probe Christine O’Donnell campaign spending
By Associated Press
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - Updated 41 minutes ago

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BALTIMORE — Federal authorities have opened a criminal investigation of Delaware Republican Christine O’Donnell to determine if the former Senate candidate broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.

The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned as part of the probe. The case, which has been assigned to two federal prosecutors and two FBI agents in Delaware, has not been brought before a grand jury.

Matt Moran, O’Donnell’s former campaign manager, did not immediately respond Wednesday to questions from The AP. He said earlier this month that the campaign had not been contacted about any investigation and criticized what he called "lies and false-attack rumors."

The U.S. Attorney’s office has confirmed that it is reviewing a complaint about O’Donnell’s campaign spending filed by a watchdog group, but officials in the office and the FBI declined to say whether a criminal investigation was underway.

O’Donnell, who set a state record by raising more than $7.3 million in a tea party-fueled campaign this year, has long been dogged by questions about her finances.

At least two former campaign workers have alleged that she routinely used political contributions to pay her personal expenses in recent years as she ran for the Senate three consecutive times, starting in 2006. The Washington-based watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission making similar allegations and asked Delaware’s federal prosecutor to investigate.


I hope the bitch ends up in jail.
Feds probe Christine O’Donnell campaign spending
By Associated Press
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - Updated 41 minutes ago

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BALTIMORE — Federal authorities have opened a criminal investigation of Delaware Republican Christine O’Donnell to determine if the former Senate candidate broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.

The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned as part of the probe. The case, which has been assigned to two federal prosecutors and two FBI agents in Delaware, has not been brought before a grand jury.

Matt Moran, O’Donnell’s former campaign manager, did not immediately respond Wednesday to questions from The AP. He said earlier this month that the campaign had not been contacted about any investigation and criticized what he called "lies and false-attack rumors."

The U.S. Attorney’s office has confirmed that it is reviewing a complaint about O’Donnell’s campaign spending filed by a watchdog group, but officials in the office and the FBI declined to say whether a criminal investigation was underway.

O’Donnell, who set a state record by raising more than $7.3 million in a tea party-fueled campaign this year, has long been dogged by questions about her finances.

At least two former campaign workers have alleged that she routinely used political contributions to pay her personal expenses in recent years as she ran for the Senate three consecutive times, starting in 2006. The Washington-based watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission making similar allegations and asked Delaware’s federal prosecutor to investigate.

Feds probe Christine O’Donnell campaign spending - BostonHerald.com

I hope the bitch ends up in jail.

Maybe they'll burn her at the stake.
You'd have to burn Sister Sarah as well. Covens don't die out unless you eliminate the head witch.

Might wanna get a bead on Doper Windbag as well.
Left wing fuckwads are threatened by her because they know that she is much more intelligent than they are.
Left wing fuckwads are threatened by her because they know that she is much more intelligent than they are.

At least we understand that "refudiate" and "redudiate" aren't words. O'Donnell probably thinks they are because she's a Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil clone.

Face it.........O'Donnell is dumber than Palin.
Feds probe Christine O’Donnell campaign spending
By Associated Press
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - Updated 41 minutes ago

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BALTIMORE — Federal authorities have opened a criminal investigation of Delaware Republican Christine O’Donnell to determine if the former Senate candidate broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.

The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned as part of the probe. The case, which has been assigned to two federal prosecutors and two FBI agents in Delaware, has not been brought before a grand jury.

Matt Moran, O’Donnell’s former campaign manager, did not immediately respond Wednesday to questions from The AP. He said earlier this month that the campaign had not been contacted about any investigation and criticized what he called "lies and false-attack rumors."

The U.S. Attorney’s office has confirmed that it is reviewing a complaint about O’Donnell’s campaign spending filed by a watchdog group, but officials in the office and the FBI declined to say whether a criminal investigation was underway.

O’Donnell, who set a state record by raising more than $7.3 million in a tea party-fueled campaign this year, has long been dogged by questions about her finances.

At least two former campaign workers have alleged that she routinely used political contributions to pay her personal expenses in recent years as she ran for the Senate three consecutive times, starting in 2006. The Washington-based watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission making similar allegations and asked Delaware’s federal prosecutor to investigate.

Feds probe Christine O’Donnell campaign spending - BostonHerald.com

I hope the bitch ends up in jail.

Now, now. I don't wish that anyone who might be innocent, and in the 2nd world you are still innocent until proven guilty. (That doesn't refer to the common 1st worlders)

If she is guilty, so is every member of congress.
Feds probe Christine O’Donnell campaign spending
By Associated Press
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - Updated 41 minutes ago

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BALTIMORE — Federal authorities have opened a criminal investigation of Delaware Republican Christine O’Donnell to determine if the former Senate candidate broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.

The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned as part of the probe. The case, which has been assigned to two federal prosecutors and two FBI agents in Delaware, has not been brought before a grand jury.

Matt Moran, O’Donnell’s former campaign manager, did not immediately respond Wednesday to questions from The AP. He said earlier this month that the campaign had not been contacted about any investigation and criticized what he called "lies and false-attack rumors."

The U.S. Attorney’s office has confirmed that it is reviewing a complaint about O’Donnell’s campaign spending filed by a watchdog group, but officials in the office and the FBI declined to say whether a criminal investigation was underway.

O’Donnell, who set a state record by raising more than $7.3 million in a tea party-fueled campaign this year, has long been dogged by questions about her finances.

At least two former campaign workers have alleged that she routinely used political contributions to pay her personal expenses in recent years as she ran for the Senate three consecutive times, starting in 2006. The Washington-based watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission making similar allegations and asked Delaware’s federal prosecutor to investigate.

Feds probe Christine O’Donnell campaign spending - BostonHerald.com

I hope the bitch ends up in jail.

Now, now. I don't wish that anyone who might be innocent, and in the 2nd world you are still innocent until proven guilty. (That doesn't refer to the common 1st worlders)

If she is guilty, so is every member of congress.

um. far be it for me to defend the ethics of members of congress, but do they all use contributions to pay their rent?
Left wing fuckwads are threatened by her because they know that she is much more intelligent than they are.

At least we understand that "refudiate" and "redudiate" aren't words. O'Donnell probably thinks they are because she's a Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil clone.

Face it.........O'Donnell is dumber than Palin.

Call me when she starts speaking of corpsemen and 57 states and Michianers.. Then we'll talk dumb.

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Now, now. I don't wish that anyone who might be innocent, and in the 2nd world you are still innocent until proven guilty. (That doesn't refer to the common 1st worlders)

If she is guilty, so is every member of congress.

um. far be it for me to defend the ethics of members of congress, but do they all use contributions to pay their rent?

Correction: Perpetual-campaign$!!!!!

You'd think.....with all her "education", she'd manage to find a real-job, instead.

Left wing fuckwads are threatened by her because they know that she is much more intelligent than they are.

At least we understand that "refudiate" and "redudiate" aren't words. O'Donnell probably thinks they are because she's a Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil clone.

Face it.........O'Donnell is dumber than Palin.

Know how many states there are in the Union? Just wondering because it seems that misspeaks are fine for some people but not for others. On the plus side, O'Donnell and Palin do seem to have the ability to piss off the rabid lefties. That's funny.
Yeah......there's 50 states in the Union.

Doesn't change the fact that the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil doesn't have a decent vocabulary.

Also doesn't change the fact that O'Donnell is also a free loading bitch who hasn't had a job in a long time, nor has she got the fancy "college" that she bragged about.
Left wing fuckwads are threatened by her because they know that she is much more intelligent than they are.

At least we understand that "refudiate" and "redudiate" aren't words. O'Donnell probably thinks they are because she's a Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil clone.

Face it.........O'Donnell is dumber than Palin.

Know how many states there are in the Union? Just wondering because it seems that misspeaks are fine for some people but not for others. On the plus side, O'Donnell and Palin do seem to have the ability to piss off the rabid lefties. That's funny.
"O'Donnell set a state record by raising more than $7.3 million for her campaign but has faced questions about her campaign finances. TPM reported that her last minute campaign hires included an anti-gay crusader and that she spent $200,000 on her "I'm Not A Witch" and Yale ads.

When CREW made the complaint back in September, O'Donnell's lawyer attacked the organization by arguing that the group lacked credibility because of donations from George Soros.

But O'Donnell basically admitted that CREW's main charge were true back in October, conceding she used campaign cash to pay rent on her Delaware town house because it doubled as campaign headquarters, which CREW charged amounted to using her primary campaign "as her personal ATM." Commission rules "say candidates can't use campaign money for their mortgage or rent 'even if part of the residence is being used by the campaign'."

Late Update: The AP reports that the complaint is based largely on a sworn statement by David Keegan, who was a campaign finance consultant for O'Donnell.

Also, CREW Executive Melanie Sloan told the AP in September that O'Donnell thought that no one "would look at her campaign finances very closely because she was not considered a serious candidate."
That's pretty-fuckin'-STUPID!!!!!!!!


Yeah......there's 50 states in the Union.

Doesn't change the fact that the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil doesn't have a decent vocabulary.

Also doesn't change the fact that O'Donnell is also a free loading bitch who hasn't had a job in a long time, nor has she got the fancy "college" that she bragged about.

you beat yourself often...don't you

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