FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Finally, the lid will come off this criminal. Government employees worldwide are waiting for justice to served with her pending arrest


n a letter disclosed Monday in a federal court filing, the FBI confirms one of the world’s worst-kept secrets: It is looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Why say this at all, since it was widely known to be true? Because in August in response to a judge’s direction, the State Department asked the FBI for information about what it was up to. Sorry, the FBI said at the time, we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation.

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server

They have still stonewalled on any indication as to weather or not they are looking into this as a criminal matter for Clinton - most likely because they are not:

You stopped right before the pertinent part on your quote:
"Now, in a letter dated February 2 and filed in court Monday, the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, notes that in public statements and congressional testimony, the FBI “has acknowledged generally that it is working on matters related to former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server.”

Baker says the FBI has not, however, “publicly acknowledged the specific focus, scope or potential targets of any such proceedings.” "
Been waiting on these Hillary investigations for 25 years
Finally, the lid will come off this criminal. Government employees worldwide are waiting for justice to served with her pending arrest


n a letter disclosed Monday in a federal court filing, the FBI confirms one of the world’s worst-kept secrets: It is looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Why say this at all, since it was widely known to be true? Because in August in response to a judge’s direction, the State Department asked the FBI for information about what it was up to. Sorry, the FBI said at the time, we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation.

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server

Just a thought-----------> Didn't a huge report come out the day before Iowa too? Seems that the Feds (aka, Obama and friends) want to derail the Clinton campaign.

Should we be surprised? Gee, wonder who is next up at bat? Hmmmmmm, could his name be Joe Biden-)
Finally, the lid will come off this criminal. Government employees worldwide are waiting for justice to served with her pending arrest


n a letter disclosed Monday in a federal court filing, the FBI confirms one of the world’s worst-kept secrets: It is looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Why say this at all, since it was widely known to be true? Because in August in response to a judge’s direction, the State Department asked the FBI for information about what it was up to. Sorry, the FBI said at the time, we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation.

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server

Always remember one simple truth of our Federal Government---------> if it wants to let something out to have as little coverage of it as possible, they do it on what is called "dump days" which is Friday or Saturday. (usually late Friday)

Conversely, if they want as much coverage as possible on a story, they do it on Monday!
Indictments coming down any day now, any day.


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