FBI Covering Up Islamic State Ties to Mandalay Bay Killing


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
All sorts of hinting has been going on in the local Vegas media about there being far more to the shooting than has been released to the public.If this piece is correct, it not only shows corruption by the authorities but collusion to keep the public from the truth.

The major, shocking revelations include:

When FBI brass was provided with forensic evidence of multiple gunmen, they told agents to stand down and focus on Paddock only. Even a key internal audio captured by a hotel guest of multiple rifles firing from Mandalay Bay went ignored, covered up.

When FBI brass was provided the names of persons of interest who likely assisted Paddock, agents were instructed not to interview the individuals. One would-be target was never pursued despite pleadings from intelligence officials and agents that he was possibly the second shooter.

The FBI uncovered specific evidence showing that Paddock was anti-Trump and had an affiliation with ANTIFA, though it never was divulged to the public and agents did not follow such leads, per orders of their superiors.

When FBI brass was given evidence that the shooting was possibly linked to ANTIFA radicals working with an ISIS-linked terror faction — including the full identities of some of the suspects with ties to both radical groups and at or near Mandalay Bay the night of the deadly shooting — agents were never instructed to follow up on the investigation and pursue the suspects.

When intelligence officials approached the FBI and LVMPD with external evidence that Paddock was only one member of an organized terror cell — which included as many as five gunman who planned to fire from the Mandalay Bay suite — the compelling evidence was covered up. Never pursued.

When FBI brass was provided with forensic evidence that Paddock’s death was not a suicide, the intelligence was never pursued by the FBI and LVMPD. FBI sources said Paddock suffered two gunshots. His autopsy report only details a single bullet to the head. FBI sources maintain Paddock’s autopsy was doctored and is a fraud.

When an ISIS-linked “businessman” from Turkey was pinpointed in the investigation — and found to be residing near Las Vegas at the time of the shooting — FBI agents were not instructed to follow up and pursue intelligence leads showing possible links to the massacre.

FBI and intelligence officials believe Paddock and associates chose to strike the Las Vegas country music concert with over 22,000 people because they likely supported President Trump. FBI agents said they were instructed to keep that key motive quiet too.

When MGM refused to share cctv footage from Mandalay Bay, FBI agents were threatened by superiors that any whistle blowers divulging such revelations to the media would lose their jobs. The FBI still has never been provided all the camera footage from the Mandalay Bay, FBI agents said.

When FBI agents and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives informed FBI bosses that Paddock didn’t start buying dozens of guns until after Trump’s election, they were told to keep that fact quiet and shrouded.

When FBI agents followed up on an ABC News report that Paddock wired $100,000 to the Philippines shortly before the rampage they confirmed the report was untrue. Instead of disputing it, FBI bosses embraced the false story, saying it helped build the narrative the Bureau was constructing about Paddock. FBI agents believe the story was planted with ABC by their superiors.

And there is much much more that is not detailed here today. This is only a summary of True Pundit’s investigation.

This should frighten every one of us. How can the people we trust to protect us keep such things secret from us?

Much more of this @ FBI Insiders Blow Whistle on Massive Las Vegas Cover Up; Agents Told Not to Investigate Key Evidence Including ISIS Terror Link - Geller Report
hmmm...well if there is meat to this, more will come to light. I know that ISIS was calling his name for days after that. Interesting.
my clue and then assumption that it had to do with muslims were because of this girlfriend from the 'phillippines' .
Mebbe Paddock was an American jihadi?
----------------------------------------- i'm thinking that the woman had influence on him plus he may have become 'muslim' and i then ASSUME that he became muslim due to her . And , i've been thinking this way since the shooting Walt .
Explains why they erased cell phone video and pics ......FBI is compromised...they need to start weeding them out.
Vegas Shooting Coverup

It just keeps unraveling.

Stephen Paddoc, aka Samir al-Hajib, became enmeshed with Islam. Let’s not waste time denying it. But what remains open to further investigation is the “chicken and egg debate”; that which law enforcement leaders and intelligence circles are well acquainted.

MOST significantly, a two-prong question must be answered:

Regardless of any promises re an impending drain of the FBI’s (and DOJ’s) swamp, how many Jihadi attacks will the nation suffer before said sweep?

Concomitantly, will there be “adequate” punishment for all those who are found to be complicit in said enabling and cover-ups, irrespective of their “top-dog” status in the aforementioned agencies – as well as who is sleeping with whom?

More of the conspiracy theory @ MASSIVE FBI Cover Up Exposed: Las Vegas Massacre Linked To ISIS/Antifa & More! Will Heads Roll?
Vegas Shooting Coverup

It just keeps unraveling.

Stephen Paddoc, aka Samir al-Hajib, became enmeshed with Islam. Let’s not waste time denying it. But what remains open to further investigation is the “chicken and egg debate”; that which law enforcement leaders and intelligence circles are well acquainted.

MOST significantly, a two-prong question must be answered:

Regardless of any promises re an impending drain of the FBI’s (and DOJ’s) swamp, how many Jihadi attacks will the nation suffer before said sweep?

Concomitantly, will there be “adequate” punishment for all those who are found to be complicit in said enabling and cover-ups, irrespective of their “top-dog” status in the aforementioned agencies – as well as who is sleeping with whom?

More of the conspiracy theory @ MASSIVE FBI Cover Up Exposed: Las Vegas Massacre Linked To ISIS/Antifa & More! Will Heads Roll?
Paddoc was actually a crisis actor, who reportedly died aboard Flight 175 on 9/11
Vegas Shooting Coverup

It just keeps unraveling.

Stephen Paddoc, aka Samir al-Hajib, became enmeshed with Islam. Let’s not waste time denying it. But what remains open to further investigation is the “chicken and egg debate”; that which law enforcement leaders and intelligence circles are well acquainted.

MOST significantly, a two-prong question must be answered:

Regardless of any promises re an impending drain of the FBI’s (and DOJ’s) swamp, how many Jihadi attacks will the nation suffer before said sweep?

Concomitantly, will there be “adequate” punishment for all those who are found to be complicit in said enabling and cover-ups, irrespective of their “top-dog” status in the aforementioned agencies – as well as who is sleeping with whom?

More of the conspiracy theory @ MASSIVE FBI Cover Up Exposed: Las Vegas Massacre Linked To ISIS/Antifa & More! Will Heads Roll?
Paddoc was actually a crisis actor, who reportedly died aboard Flight 175 on 9/11
Vegas Shooting Coverup

It just keeps unraveling.

Stephen Paddoc, aka Samir al-Hajib, became enmeshed with Islam. Let’s not waste time denying it. But what remains open to further investigation is the “chicken and egg debate”; that which law enforcement leaders and intelligence circles are well acquainted.

MOST significantly, a two-prong question must be answered:

Regardless of any promises re an impending drain of the FBI’s (and DOJ’s) swamp, how many Jihadi attacks will the nation suffer before said sweep?

Concomitantly, will there be “adequate” punishment for all those who are found to be complicit in said enabling and cover-ups, irrespective of their “top-dog” status in the aforementioned agencies – as well as who is sleeping with whom?

More of the conspiracy theory @ MASSIVE FBI Cover Up Exposed: Las Vegas Massacre Linked To ISIS/Antifa & More! Will Heads Roll?
Paddoc was actually a crisis actor, who reportedly died aboard Flight 175 on 9/11

Some times it is not a cover up, but just new evidence comes to light. We will see in the days to come if ISIS was envolved. Why would the FBI want to cover such a thing up? Semms they would get more funding by being able to call it terror ism!
Explains why they erased cell phone video and pics ......FBI is compromised...they need to start weeding them out.
------------------------------------- maybe that 'fbl' is doing Goverment policy of not offending or telling the truth for the sake of on muslim population already in the USA 'Manon Street' .
Vegas Shooting Coverup

It just keeps unraveling.

Stephen Paddoc, aka Samir al-Hajib, became enmeshed with Islam. Let’s not waste time denying it. But what remains open to further investigation is the “chicken and egg debate”; that which law enforcement leaders and intelligence circles are well acquainted.

MOST significantly, a two-prong question must be answered:

Regardless of any promises re an impending drain of the FBI’s (and DOJ’s) swamp, how many Jihadi attacks will the nation suffer before said sweep?

Concomitantly, will there be “adequate” punishment for all those who are found to be complicit in said enabling and cover-ups, irrespective of their “top-dog” status in the aforementioned agencies – as well as who is sleeping with whom?

More of the conspiracy theory @ MASSIVE FBI Cover Up Exposed: Las Vegas Massacre Linked To ISIS/Antifa & More! Will Heads Roll?
Paddoc was actually a crisis actor, who reportedly died aboard Flight 175 on 9/11

Some times it is not a cover up, but just new evidence comes to light. We will see in the days to come if ISIS was envolved. Why would the FBI want to cover such a thing up? Semms they would get more funding by being able to call it terror ism!

----------------------------------- and that would offend 'muslims' EFlow .
Explains why they erased cell phone video and pics ......FBI is compromised...they need to start weeding them out.
------------------------------------- maybe that 'fbl' is doing Goverment policy of not offending or telling the truth for the sake of on muslim population already in the USA 'Manon Street' .
We ain't brits. The FBI is not afraid of offending, have you ever dealt with those fucks?
Explains why they erased cell phone video and pics ......FBI is compromised...they need to start weeding them out.
------------------------------------- maybe that 'fbl' is doing Goverment policy of not offending or telling the truth for the sake of on muslim population already in the USA 'Manon Street' .
We ain't brits. The FBI is not afraid of offending, have you ever dealt with those fucks?
------------------------------ no , haven't dealt with them but USA Government MAY have been compromised along with law enforcement . Heck i hear that we had an 'iranian' in the mrobama government plus 'john brennan' [head of CiA' I think] who voted for a communist at one time . 'brennan' was also said to have converted to 'islam' . ---------------------------- not 'brits' eh but certainly moving that way EFlow .
Explains why they erased cell phone video and pics ......FBI is compromised...they need to start weeding them out.
------------------------------------- maybe that 'fbl' is doing Goverment policy of not offending or telling the truth for the sake of on muslim population already in the USA 'Manon Street' .
We ain't brits. The FBI is not afraid of offending, have you ever dealt with those fucks?
------------------------------ no , haven't dealt with them but USA Government MAY have been compromised along with law enforcement . Heck i hear that we had an 'iranian' in the mrobama government plus 'john brennan' [head of CiA' I think] who voted for a communist at one time . 'brennan' was also said to have converted to 'islam' . ---------------------------- not 'brits' eh but certainly moving that way EFlow .
The fucking brits. When the muslims were forcing thier kids into sex slavery. The cops said they were worried about offending the muslims. I think I would be offended by them having my kids turn tricks. The muslims would be introduced to the nearest abandoned lime stone quarry if they had done it to my kids. Some of the cops that did nothing may have been holding hands with them at he bottom.
i know all about the 'brit' wankers but brit style is coming to the USA in much of the USA Government . Appeasement of 'muslims' and general 'third worlders' is coming into style in the USA . All that needs to be done is to look around in the USA and see what is happening Evenflow .

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