FBI Anti-Trump Spy STEFAN HALPER Was Feeding Smears To Teammates in FAKE NEWS Liberal Media


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Obama hired Stefan Halper to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign in order to assure the election of Hillary Clint his successor in order to try to preserve his presidential legacy. He knew that Trump intended to undo Obama’s devastating policies and to make America great again.

Halper continued to work against Trump even after the election and even tried to worm his way into the Trump administration in order to continue his spying. He was rejected by Trump. We now learn that Halper was feeding information to Washington Post reporter David Ignatius. He may soon find himself under indictment in the attempted coup against Trump.

The Federalist has learned that the now-outed CIA and FBI informant Stefan Halper served as a source for Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, providing more evidence that the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories. In addition, an email recently obtained by The Federalist from the MI5-connected Christopher Andrew bragging that his long-time friend Ignatius has the “‘inside track’ on Flynn” adds further confirmation of this conclusion.

Revealed: FBI Anti-Trump Spy Stefan Halper Was Feeding Smears to Teammates in Fake News Liberal Media
The IG report is due out between now and Thanksgiving.

It is going to be devastating to the FBI and document the FISA Abuse committed by the Obama Admin.
It will document a culture of corruption and abuse of power.

The IG report is due out between now and Thanksgiving.

It is going to be devastating to the FBI and document the FISA Abuse committed by the Obama Admin.
It will document a culture of corruption and abuse of power.

So next week can we expect you to be posting stories about how the Inspector General is a Deep State plant ?
The IG report is due out between now and Thanksgiving.

It is going to be devastating to the FBI and document the FISA Abuse committed by the Obama Admin.
It will document a culture of corruption and abuse of power.

So next week can we expect you to be posting stories about how the Inspector General is a Deep State plant ?

You expect whatever your feeble mind will allow you to.

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