Fascist Trump Can't Stop Pathological Lying

when a conservative post you can be sure some mind numbing stupidity will be presented as though it was some kind of pearl of wisdom instead of the turds of the clown mentality white breasted loon..........
Would you like to SHOW what mind numbing stupidity I presented? Then I will smack you down intellectually as I always do with PROOF. I would say you are a moron, but I wont insult the intelligence of a moron by comparing their intelligence to yours. So I will say you are DUMBER THAN A BOX OF ROCKS.
andaronjim, the South is dead and will not rise again.

The Old Men cultural norms from sixty years ago are dead and will not rise again.
Then why is grandma hillary and great grandpa bernie running?
We are talking about the South, and Hillary and Bernie in no way represent the hillbilly male South from sixty years ago. Cruz may, though.
You do realize that 60 years ago, the White Male and Female Southern Democrats were the ones who burned crosses in blacks yards, or kept them from going to school? That William Jefferson Clinton, was from Arkansas and his family was a Democrat? Robert Byrd Democrat from West Virginia was a Kleagal who recruited other clansmen? I love it when you libtards start bringing up the liberals racist past, for then I can slap you down by it. Dumbasses vote dumbocrat.
The southern wing resisted as the northern and western Democrats guided the minority northern and western Republicans through the civil rights crises. The southern Republicans resisted civil rights even more strenuously than the southern Democrats.

As you read and study, andaronjim, your superstitions about our fellow Americans will be released.

Your deflection is noted and destroyed. Trot along.
Now put up your information that shows what you have said tard. PROVE IT.
I notice that you still haven't put up any FACTS to make your point. Just be a typical liberal buffoon(redundant statement) who has insult, but I know Rules for Radicals and will play the liberal game and insult back.

What is the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead liberal in the road?
Skid marks in front of the skunk.:321:
Every time andaronjim mindlessly posts nonsense, I agree with

Lying for the fascist Presidential candidate Donald Trump appears to be a pathological condition. According to Trump himself, pathological conditions are incurable.


Can you produce any lie of his?

He said he was making fun of the reporter because he thought he was flustered, not because he knew he was handicapped.

Can you prove Trump knew he was handicapped beforehand? If not then you leftists are the liars.
David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Duke first ran for the Louisiana Senate as a Democrat from a Baton Rouge district in 1975. During his campaign, he was allowed to speak on the college campuses of Vanderbilt University, Indiana University, the University of Southern California, Stanford University, and Tulane University.[31] He received 11,079 votes, one-third of those cast.[32] In October 1979, he ran as a Democrat for the 10th District Senate seat and finished second in a three-candidate race with 9,897 votes (26 percent.
In 1988, Duke ran initially in the Democratic presidential primaries. His campaign failed to make much of an impact, with the one notable exception of winning the little-known New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary.[35] Duke, having failed to gain much traction as a Democrat, then successfully sought the Presidential nomination of the Populist Party.
In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.
John Treen's candidacy was endorsed by U.S. President George H. W. Bush, former President Ronald Reagan, and other notable Republicans,[39] as well as Democrats Victor Bussie (president of the Louisiana AFL-CIO) and Edward J. Steimel (president of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry and former director of the "good government" think tank, the Public Affairs Research Council). Duke, however, hammered Treen on a statement the latter had made indicating a willingness to entertain higher property taxes, anathema in that suburban district.[40] Duke, with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[41] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.
What a poor example of a point, Duke a KKK member , just like Robert Byrd, Democrat West Virginia, but 60 years ago, as you made the point, Duke was DEMOCRAT. So 20 years after that, you finally find a wishy washy political hack(like John F Kerry, who won 3 purple hearts) that was Democrat, then changed to a RINO. You are still dumber than a box of rocks.

What do you have when you put 1000 liberals at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean?
A good start. :eusa_sick:
Duke was DEMOCRAT. :eusa_sick:

1975 was 40 years ago but David Duke currently is another story one you want to avoid...:321:
It's David Duke's Party Now: How the Former Klan Leader Reshaped the Republican Grassroots

  1. As you might have heard, Scalise has now admitted to giving a speech earlier in his political career to a white supremacist group founded by formerKu Klux KlanGrand Wizard David Duke.Jan 8, 2015
    Scalise, David Duke and the stain on the Republican Party ...
    The Hil
Duke is living now, and andaronjim is living in the past.

andaronjim fail.
So, you have proved that Republicans can be Republicans In Name Only. But also, when a Democrat who stayed a KKK Kleagal , you have no issue with that, but if a Democrat jumps ship and Runs as RINO, then you hate his ass. Double standards? Without those , liberals would have no standards at all. I do not like RINO's they have ruined America as much as any Liberal Democrat has.

What do you call a Republican In Name Only(John McCain)? A Maverick, a liberal media darling.
What do you call a Conservative Democrat (Joseph Liberman, Al Gores running mate)? An independent. :slap:
Let's get real, after Obungles and now the Hildabeast the left screaming about anyone lying is just downright comical

It is interesting how the Trumpeteers are complaining about his lies not by denying them, but rather by claiming others lie also. And equally interesting is the lack of a defense for him being called a fascist. So even his most stalwart supporters are admitting Trump is a fascist liar.
Yup....sort of like the rationalization that because Bush supposedly lied about WMDs, that excuses all of Obama's lies and Hillary's lies.
Lets see how this will work.
1. If you don't have health insurance, and have to go to the hospital, then you must be here illegally.
2. Marriage has always been between a man and a woman, why should 5 people in black robes change history?
3. If you are a Muslim, why haven't you spoken out to the liberal murdering radicals and stop them?
4. Why has Obama paid his female workers 82%. Obama pays women 18% less than males in White House | femisex.com
5. Anchor babies were never given constitutional rights, but liberals have abused the law, love it because they are future dumbocrat voters.
6. With hope and change, there are more murders under liberalism than even the roaring 20s. Yes, more guns in law abiding hands, less crime will happen.
7. Why is it after 7 1/2 years of the first 1/2 white president and his roaring economic recovery, more people are on food stamps ever?
8. If you like hot weather, but check now, for another Polar Vortex is coming out of the MELTING ARCTIC OCEAN(SARCASM).
9. If you black, your vote has been the only thing that matters to the liberals, otherwise, they don't give a shit when blacks are murdered by blacks in the inner city.
10. The crusades have already been started by the vagina candidate who was secretary of state, San Bernardino was just another example of failed liberal policies.
11. Please, with Cuba open, why don't all you libtards go vacation there, and not come back? Stop trying to ruin this country.
12. Brownsville, New York: Five Men Rape 18-Year-Old In Osborn Playground At Gunpoint [Updated] Why with Hope and Change there is rape today? Because this was a gun free zone, except for the criminal.
13. If you bring an attitude towards me where you are going to harm my family or me, then you will be shot on sight. I wont miss, and wont wound, I shoot to kill.
14. Psychiatrist Famous for Declassifying Homosexuality as Mental Illness Under Heavy Pressure from Activists, Dies at 83 Nice to know, mentally challenged people can have access to fully automatic weapons and weapons of mass destruction.
15. If you have a car that has been damaged because you didn't have auto insurance, then go to Geico and get insurance, should they pay for your damaged car because you just started paying for it?

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Once you understand liberalism, then you understand why they act like they do. :eusa_wall:

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