Fascist Pathological Liar Trump's New Lie Endangers National Security


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.


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Trump is a big gov progressive, but unlike the guy in the WH, he actually cares about America. His solutions and sometimes ridiculous statements do reflect poorly on him, but only to thinking people. Obama's solutions and absurd statements should reflect poorly on him, but they don't.
What he's doing is no different than you liberal turds saying stuff about how "most cops" or all cops are based on a tiny tiny % of bad, but highly puhlicized, ones.

We are using your own tactics against you.
muslims did and do celebrate 9-11. I worked in muslim dense areas ----on 9-11-01 and witnessed the celebratory atmosphere on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn and the aftermath in four out of five of the Boroughs--------Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and
Manhattan. -----I don't think that there are a whole lot of muslims in staten island---anyway. Muslimah sluts are still walking around with signs pinned to their rags threatening another 9-11-01 -------most interesting to me was the fact that by the
second day ------muslim children were already squeaking out the LIBELS------
DA JOOOOOOS DID IT ----the earliest and most creative shit jammed down their
little throats "all da joooos called into the WTC that day and said they were sick"
Trump is not lying-----he was living in New York City------as was I. He also had business in New Jersey--------I did not-------I dealt with lots of muslims in New York---but I have friends in New Jersey-------Long ago I lived in Patterson.
It was a day of great PRIDE for the UMMAH-----a sense of TRIUMPH --------we got a little tiny taste of the same filth when the TALIBAN bombed the Buddhist art in Afghanistan-------INDIGNATION if anyone objected to the NOBLE DEED---------now tell me how muslim leaders "OBJECTED",,,,,,keep up the BS. You are on a roll.

happy divali everyone-------somebody destroyed hindu decorations yesterday in
Queens---------I refuse to conjecture as to the ethnicity of the person at this point
muslims did and do celebrate 9-11. I worked in muslim dense areas ----on 9-11-01 and witnessed the celebratory atmosphere on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn and the aftermath in four out of five of the Boroughs--------Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and
Manhattan. -----I don't think that there are a whole lot of muslims in staten island---anyway. Muslimah sluts are still walking around with signs pinned to their rags threatening another 9-11-01 -------most interesting to me was the fact that by the
second day ------muslim children were already squeaking out the LIBELS------
DA JOOOOOOS DID IT ----the earliest and most creative shit jammed down their
little throats "all da joooos called into the WTC that day and said they were sick"
Trump is not lying-----he was living in New York City------as was I. He also had business in New Jersey--------I did not-------I dealt with lots of muslims in New York---but I have friends in New Jersey-------Long ago I lived in Patterson.
It was a day of great PRIDE for the UMMAH-----a sense of TRIUMPH --------we got a little tiny taste of the same filth when the TALIBAN bombed the Buddhist art in Afghanistan-------INDIGNATION if anyone objected to the NOBLE DEED---------now tell me how muslim leaders "OBJECTED",,,,,,keep up the BS. You are on a roll.

happy divali everyone-------somebody destroyed hindu decorations yesterday in
Queens---------I refuse to conjecture as to the ethnicity of the person at this point
Until you can come up with evidence of the lies you have told for days on this site about this topic it is fair to put you on the liars list. It simply is not believable that during that period of time not a single photo or video of one of these events have come forward. Not a single law enforcement officer has spoken out about having to surveil, provide security or even patrol such an event as the ones you are lying about having occurred. You are shamelessly doing the work of a cultist of little if any integrity and bearing false witness on entire communities of Americans.
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



newspapers fix things up for the cops-------in order to keep the peace-----
nothing new. I never came across the REVENGE idea even AT THAT TIME.
In fact reports of "hate crimes" committed against muslim women ("someone pulled my hijab") were UNTRUE------Also not really reported in the news---but
the fact is that the precincts were BESIEGED by muslim ladies reporting this
utterly unwitnessed "crime" -----CAIR had issued a directive---"complain about anything including a "nasty glance" " For completeness----I will ADMIT---that
some young males overturned the tables in a falafel joint--------but then went back
and apologized and the arab who owned the shop declined to press charges, '
Trump did not LIE (I am not endorsing him----I am a registered democrat)
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



newspapers fix things up for the cops-------in order to keep the peace-----
nothing new. I never came across the REVENGE idea even AT THAT TIME.
In fact reports of "hate crimes" committed against muslim women ("someone pulled my hijab") were UNTRUE------Also not really reported in the news---but
the fact is that the precincts were BESIEGED by muslim ladies reporting this
utterly unwitnessed "crime" -----CAIR had issued a directive---"complain about anything including a "nasty glance" " For completeness----I will ADMIT---that
some young males overturned the tables in a falafel joint--------but then went back
and apologized and the arab who owned the shop declined to press charges, '
Trump did not LIE (I am not endorsing him----I am a registered democrat)
What you are saying is that you have absolutely no evidence of the lies your have told. They are just common malicious lies being promoted by people like you in an effort to support your cult leader. You are knowingly bearing malicious false witness, thus, selling you soul to the devil. Of course, if you are not a believer in the commandments and the religions it represents, you are not selling your soul. You would then be a common hateful malicious liar of a generic variety.
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



newspapers fix things up for the cops-------in order to keep the peace-----
nothing new. I never came across the REVENGE idea even AT THAT TIME.
In fact reports of "hate crimes" committed against muslim women ("someone pulled my hijab") were UNTRUE------Also not really reported in the news---but
the fact is that the precincts were BESIEGED by muslim ladies reporting this
utterly unwitnessed "crime" -----CAIR had issued a directive---"complain about anything including a "nasty glance" " For completeness----I will ADMIT---that
some young males overturned the tables in a falafel joint--------but then went back
and apologized and the arab who owned the shop declined to press charges, '
Trump did not LIE (I am not endorsing him----I am a registered democrat)
What you are saying is that you have absolutely no evidence of the lies your have told. They are just common malicious lies being promoted by people like you in an effort to support your cult leader. You are knowingly bearing malicious false witness, thus, selling you soul to the devil. Of course, if you are not a believer in the commandments and the religions it represents, you are not selling your soul. You would then be a common hateful malicious liar of a generic variety.
Painful to see meltdowns like this, even when it is an overbearingly self-righteous ditz.
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



newspapers fix things up for the cops-------in order to keep the peace-----
nothing new. I never came across the REVENGE idea even AT THAT TIME.
In fact reports of "hate crimes" committed against muslim women ("someone pulled my hijab") were UNTRUE------Also not really reported in the news---but
the fact is that the precincts were BESIEGED by muslim ladies reporting this
utterly unwitnessed "crime" -----CAIR had issued a directive---"complain about anything including a "nasty glance" " For completeness----I will ADMIT---that
some young males overturned the tables in a falafel joint--------but then went back
and apologized and the arab who owned the shop declined to press charges, '
Trump did not LIE (I am not endorsing him----I am a registered democrat)
What you are saying is that you have absolutely no evidence of the lies your have told. They are just common malicious lies being promoted by people like you in an effort to support your cult leader. You are knowingly bearing malicious false witness, thus, selling you soul to the devil. Of course, if you are not a believer in the commandments and the religions it represents, you are not selling your soul. You would then be a common hateful malicious liar of a generic variety.[

wrong again------I witnessed it. I was living in New York then and working with DA PUBLIC---------in four of the five boroughs of New York City-------my work in Brooklyn and Queens brought me into close contact with the MUSLIM communities
there and------interestingly with the COPS-------so I kinda got to know what was
going on and how people responded In fact one of the best ways to know at
that time was-------COMMUTE ON THE SUBWAY SYSTEM------My hearing is excellent----------I hear what anybody in a subway car says
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



newspapers fix things up for the cops-------in order to keep the peace-----
nothing new. I never came across the REVENGE idea even AT THAT TIME.
In fact reports of "hate crimes" committed against muslim women ("someone pulled my hijab") were UNTRUE------Also not really reported in the news---but
the fact is that the precincts were BESIEGED by muslim ladies reporting this
utterly unwitnessed "crime" -----CAIR had issued a directive---"complain about anything including a "nasty glance" " For completeness----I will ADMIT---that
some young males overturned the tables in a falafel joint--------but then went back
and apologized and the arab who owned the shop declined to press charges, '
Trump did not LIE (I am not endorsing him----I am a registered democrat)
What you are saying is that you have absolutely no evidence of the lies your have told. They are just common malicious lies being promoted by people like you in an effort to support your cult leader. You are knowingly bearing malicious false witness, thus, selling you soul to the devil. Of course, if you are not a believer in the commandments and the religions it represents, you are not selling your soul. You would then be a common hateful malicious liar of a generic variety.
Painful to see meltdowns like this, even when it is an overbearingly self-righteous ditz.
Meltdown? Neither Rosie nor I appear to be having anything remotely close to a meltdown. You, however, appear to be stuck in your fantasy world.
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.
Most of the crap in your rant is crap. Just talking point lies you have been whining about and are mostly being ignored. You have been dishing out that garbage non-stop to the point it has become meaningless drivel.
Your guy catches heat for saying dumb shit on video and double downing on the lies he tells and you are freaking out whining about fairness and being picked on.
I gave an analysis and review of two news articles I read this morning. I gave links to the articles. If you were able to dispute them in some kind of academic of rational way, you would. You can't, so you are doing the only thing you are able to do, repeating generic old talking points, most of which have been debunked and some of which are just outright lies.
By the way fascist, only a fascist would insist an opposing critic must shut up. That is a fascist trait. You prove one of my points.
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



newspapers fix things up for the cops-------in order to keep the peace-----
nothing new. I never came across the REVENGE idea even AT THAT TIME.
In fact reports of "hate crimes" committed against muslim women ("someone pulled my hijab") were UNTRUE------Also not really reported in the news---but
the fact is that the precincts were BESIEGED by muslim ladies reporting this
utterly unwitnessed "crime" -----CAIR had issued a directive---"complain about anything including a "nasty glance" " For completeness----I will ADMIT---that
some young males overturned the tables in a falafel joint--------but then went back
and apologized and the arab who owned the shop declined to press charges, '
Trump did not LIE (I am not endorsing him----I am a registered democrat)
What you are saying is that you have absolutely no evidence of the lies your have told. They are just common malicious lies being promoted by people like you in an effort to support your cult leader. You are knowingly bearing malicious false witness, thus, selling you soul to the devil. Of course, if you are not a believer in the commandments and the religions it represents, you are not selling your soul. You would then be a common hateful malicious liar of a generic variety.
Painful to see meltdowns like this, even when it is an overbearingly self-righteous ditz.
Meltdown? Neither Rosie nor I appear to be having anything remotely close to a meltdown. You, however, appear to be stuck in your fantasy world.
You often spew silly things, but quotes like this are definitely the stuff of meltdowns, and bad ones:

"They are just common malicious lies being promoted by people like you in an effort to support your cult leader. You are knowingly bearing malicious false witness, thus, selling you soul to the devil. Of course, if you are not a believer in the commandments and the religions it represents, you are not selling your soul."

That's called pathological
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.
Most of the crap in your rant is crap. Just talking point lies you have been whining about, and mostly being ignored. You have been dishing out that garbage non-stop to the point it has become meaningless drivel.
Your guy catches heat for saying dumb shit on video and double downing on the lies he tells and you are freaking out whining about fairness and being picked on.
I gave an analysis and review of two news articles I read this morning. I gave links to the articles. If you were able to dispute them in some kind of academic of rational way, you would. You can't, so you are doing the only thing you are able to do, repeating generic old talking points, most of which have been debunked and some of which are just outright lies.
By the way fascist, only a fascist would insist an opposing critic must shut up. That is a fascist trait. You prove one of my points.
Obama has been the worst thing to happen to the united states since 9/11/01. Go pound sand.
The fascist pathological liar keeps putting lies out daily, but this latest one is actually posing a threat to national security. He is accusing the Muslim world of having celebrated not only in New Jersey but worldwide. He has taken a few celebrations in some specific places such as Palestine and turned it into an enormous misinformation, and at the same time, terrorist recruiting talking point for his campaign to become a President of the USA.

Thousands of cult followers flock to the fascist liars rallies and misled radical elements in the Republican party have kept his poll numbers high, giving him the support of one-fourth to one-third of Republicans planning to vote in the primary elections to choose a nominee for their party.

Muslims all over the world know that Trump is telling a big lie to bring fear and hatred of all Muslims. The only people who believe his malicious lies are the cult followers that blindly follow his misinformation. The fear and hatred the fascist is spreading among his cultist followers also brings fear from worldwide Muslims that an American President will be out to get them and seek revenge for a fifteen-year-old event that never happened.



Uh ya, ISIS wasn't gonna mess with us until they heard from Trump.
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great
Little ole Obama goes around the world apologizing for america being great. Hasn't told the truth since he has been in office. Draws imaginary red lines and backs down from them. Makes a one way deal with Iran giving them billions and a nuclear bomb. We get nothing. America has never been more divided. Obama wants to let thousands of unvetted Muslims in the country. He has imploded our healthcare system. Camp until you deal with the disaster you helped put and still support in office. Shut the fuck up about our candidate. You are nothing but an ignorant hypocrite.

Obama apologized for Bush being an asshole, not for America being great

yeah, but they're too stupid to get that.

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