Farenheit 9/11

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
when ann coulter can start making editorials the same way that drudge reports news, then I'll consider the possibility that one side wants anything decent for the other. until then its all spin and political hyperbole designed to put one on a morally higher ground when they have none to stand on anyway.

Well I think you're making a mistake by not seeing Moore's movie and then making a judgement on it yourself based on first-hand experience.

Moore is not a nice guy; if he doen't like you he goes after you.

And when he does, heads roll, mainly at the expense of large corporations such as insurance companies, automobile manufacturers, retail chains, etc. He also saves lives.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Of course there's spin. But there are also still underlying truths. And there are degrees. And then there's good natured joking, which is what ann does.

ann does NOT make good natured jokes, although her jokes can be good from time to time. ann is a vicious brutal political pundit who will take any tidbit of truth and turn it into the coming of the antichrist for her parties personal gain.

Do you honestly believe bush is as big a liar as michael moore? OR is that just what's fashionable to say?

having never read or seen any of michael moores material, I can't say.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Well I think you're making a mistake by not seeing Moore's movie and then making a judgement on it yourself based on first-hand experience.

I made my decision based on the news and investigations afterwards before there was any talk at all about bowling being made
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
ann does NOT make good natured jokes, although her jokes can be good from time to time. ann is a vicious brutal political pundit who will take any tidbit of truth and turn it into the coming of the antichrist for her parties personal gain.

having never read or seen any of michael moores material, I can't say.

She doesn't lie like libs do. She brings up what libs don't want to hear, like mcarthy was right. So they villify her. Simple. She kicks ass.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
It was a 'gunsploitation' film.

Okay, guns don't kill people, people kill people. :rolleyes:

And nowhere at a higher rate do guns kill people in schools than right here in our schools in the US. Way to go, guys.

10,000 gun-related deaths in the US every year.

That's more than ten times the amount of casualties we've seen in Iraq and Afghan--two of the most unstable countries in the world-- combined since 9-11.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Okay, guns don't kill people, people kill people. :rolleyes:

And nowhere at a higher rate do guns kill people in schools than right here in our schools in the US. Way to go, guys.

10,000 gun-related deaths in the US every year.

That's more than ten times the amount of casualties we've seen in Iraq and Afghan--two of the most unstable countries in the world-- combined since 9-11.

And if there were no guns, they'd be knife related deaths. Guns also deter and prevent crime but those stats aren't recorded. Guns are also an important part of our civil rights, we have the right to bear arms, for whatever reasons. Keep your smelly, lying lib hands off 'em.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I made my decision based on the news and investigations afterwards before there was any talk at all about bowling being made

It's not neccesary to see Moore's film to understand or study the Columbine shootings.

But I think if the topic interests you that you would get something out of Moore's film... not the headache that some seem to have gotten.
Originally posted by nycflasher
It's not neccesary to see Moore's film to understand or study the Columbine shootings.

But I think if the topic interests you that you would get something out of Moore's film... not the headache that some seem to have gotten.

Yeah. if you like films designed to misrepresent truth. Good for you for worshipping lies flasher.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yeah. if you like films designed to misrepresent truth. Good for you for worshipping lies flasher.

I don't worship anyone, RWA.
And I don't believe everything I hear-- I am critical of all of it, ESPECIALLY during a campaign year.

But this film is good stuff. Good news travels fast, which is probably why this DOCUMENTARY did $74 million in the theaters. Maybe that number includes VHS/DVD I dunno. But anyway.

Go back to trying to blow yourself, RWA, maybe you need to remove yet another vertebra you spineless bastard.:D
Originally posted by nycflasher
I don't worship anyone, RWA.
And I don't believe everything I hear-- I am critical of all of it, ESPECIALLY during a campaign year.

But this film is good stuff. Good news travels fast, which is probably why this DOCUMENTARY did $74 million in the theaters. Maybe that number includes VHS/DVD I dunno. But anyway.

Go back to trying to blow yourself, RWA, maybe you need to remove yet another vertebra you spineless bastard.:D

You think lies are cool. That's sad. It's popular because hating number one is a common preoccupation of the weak, and most people, especially you, are quite weak and deficient in many areas.
Wow, I leave to go to lunch and look what happens! 34 posts already! I'm semi-impressed ;)

The set date is June 25th for the film to be released. Just go to www.michaelmoore.com to find out any info. you would like about the movie and stuff.

On a side note, I liked Michael Moore's movie Bowling for Columbine, but I do believe people have the right to bear arms, but there should be stricter laws and smarter guns out there than what there currently is. I don't think anyone needs to own a AK-47 for hunting, give me a break. I've gone hunting and if you use an AK-47 to bring down a 3 point or higher, you ain't gonna have nothing left. :rolleyes:

I'll more and likely see this movie because it interests me. I heard rumor that the right was going to come out with a movie to contest Moore's film, but that's all I've heard. Just a rumor.
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
I heard rumor that the right was going to come out with a movie to contest Moore's film, but that's all I've heard. Just a rumor. [/B]

The right's too busy solving the world's problems and then being blamed for them. They haven't the time.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Just tired of liberals spreading lies is all.

Oh c'mon, was I spreading lies? I clearly stated that it was a rumor I heard. And I actually heard the rumor from one of my conservative friends. I think he said he heard it on one of the talk radio stations he listens to, that I try to avoid often. ;)

Or were you referring to Michael Moore as the liberal spreading lies?

I don't want to get defensive if it wasn't aimed at me! :D

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