False-Flag Operation In Idaho......Cops Arrest 31 Suspects....But Keep Their Masks On To Hide Their Identities......WTF?

They stood out like sore thumbs Rogue! Who needs the face, until you are on the Paddy wagon or in the station being locked up and booked....then the booking photos are public!

Please! Ya gotta stop all this conspiracy bull shit for every single thing!!! It's like the Boy who cried wolf, when the actual wolf arrives, no one will believe you!
The wolf has been ravaging the country ever since liberal trash held the House, Senate, and White House. Sadly those same liberals have invented a false threat: white supremacists, and cheesy stories like this keep their panties moist. The whole liberal agenda is in tatters, the most recent mass shooters are all the wrong folks, minorities, queers, everything but the so-called greatest threat. This blatant abuse of power is either a false flag, or a dangerous precedent.
And? You can't afford $200 boots to fit your SA cosplay outfit, Grandma?

Oh, I can buy you a thousand times over, lard butt. I am talking about your white supremacist fellow lard asses. They have no money.

There is no way they could spend 200 bucks on a pair of boots. That's why there is no uniformity in white supremacist groups.

They get what they can, where they can, when they can.

You know, kinda like you raiding trash cans for fodder. You get what you can, when you find it.
The wolf has been ravaging the country ever since liberal trash held the House, Senate, and White House. Sadly those same liberals have invented a false threat: white supremacists, and cheesy stories like this keep their panties moist. The whole liberal agenda is in tatters, the most recent mass shooters are all the wrong folks, minorities, queers, everything but the so-called greatest threat. This blatant abuse of power is either a false flag, or a dangerous precedent.
I noticed the absolute absence of mass-shootings whenever the Dems are pushing some other crisis....be it Ukraine or COVID.
Mass-shootings are just a transition from their last hoax to a new one.
Yes, it must be a "false flag" secret covert operation.

Coming from the same cranks who think the election was stolen.

You people just can't pass up an opportunity to embarrass yourselves. :abgg2q.jpg:
The election was stolen. You helped.
I'm more than familiar with the Whitmer case. If you have evidence that's what is going on here, then by all means, present it. Otherwise, you're just another crank with a tin foil hat because, believe it or not, there are shitty people in the world who do shitty things. It's not all orchestrated by some secret cabal in the shadow government.

Dumb ass.
The men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last September claim they were set up by the FBI because of their conservative political views.

There were at least 12 FBI informants involved in the investigation to thwart the alleged scheme by a militia group known as the “Wolverine Watchmen” — but the agents actually took an active part in it right from its inception, according to court filings, evidence and dozens of interviews reviewed by BuzzFeed News — and now some members of the group are accusing the feds of entrapment.

One informant from Wisconsin allegedly helped organize meetings where the first inklings of the plot surfaced, even paying for hotel rooms and food to entice people to attend, Buzzfeed News reported.

Another undercover agent allegedly advised the group on how to blow up a bridge to aid their getaway — and promised to supply them with explosives.

LOL.....I bet half of them are informants for some .gov alphabet agency. :laughing0301:
Or more than one alphabet agency, each sending informants, not realizing that all the others are informants also.

I saw a parody reality show once that was like Big Brother, except that all but one of the "contestants" were plants working for the production company. The one real guy kept almost getting knocked out but saved by some deus ex machina turn of events.

That's what this so-called White Nationalist group looks like to me.
Oh, I can buy you a thousand times over, lard butt. I am talking about your white supremacist fellow lard asses. They have no money.

There is no way they could spend 200 bucks on a pair of boots. That's why there is no uniformity in white supremacist groups.

They get what they can, where they can, when they can.

You know, kinda like you raiding trash cans for fodder. You get what you can, when you find it.
Why couldn't they spend $200 on boots? Are you saying that your fellow Republican white-wingers are all POOR as well as ugly and over 300 lbs?
Oh? What does Militia or NRA/Gunshow types look like?
Overweight , over 45 , Tattooed , missing teeth , unshaven , balding with Salt & pepper ponytail , looks more like a biker than a veteran , has Wife along at every event, willing to spend money , reading glasses hanging on neck Sunglasses on head ...
Sure....they should do that. :heehee: I'm sure they've got tons of Republican white-wingers to support them in that.
Why are you against the constitution? They have a right to assemble. They have no history of rioting, unlike the leftists and Antifa. There is no evidence they were conspiring to "riot", damage, burn down buildings etc. The cops didn't want them triggering the gays, trannies and their homo fest.
I never believed in Russian Collusion, tard. I relentlessly ridiculed the Collusion Delusion cabal because they are simply your paranoid counterparts on the other side. You're both different sides of one coin.

Attempt a better Straw Man next time.
And people like you are just what Pelosi and the new tyrannical left has ordered....
Why are you against the constitution? They have a right to assemble. They have no history of rioting, unlike the leftists and Antifa. There is no evidence they were conspiring to "riot", damage, burn down buildings etc. The cops didn't want them triggering the gays, trannies and their homo fest.
They have a right to assemble....NOT a right to cause trouble.....you must have had that red state education we all have heard about.

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